Результаты (
английский) 3:
complaints with the words the patient in pain in the area of the eyes to the right of периорбиталбной and temporal areas with слезотечением (eye red and slightly rose) and ринореей he of tbi has bouts of painabout 10 to 12 years.have the seasonality (spring and autumn). seizures usually begin with sudden changes in weather conditions and violations of the regime (hunger in stress) in a certain time (usually 10 - 11 a.m.).after the attack, the pain condition of sleepiness and that. the general condition of relatively satisfactory. consciousness is clear. ad 110 / 70.
transhipped diseases neurological status.
percussion skull painless.occipital and паравертебральные point painless. the symptom of danzig - кунакова is negative. the valle painless
чмн without abnormalities.
muscle tone and not deformed. фибриллярных and фасцикулярных подёргиваний no.the amount of active and passive movements of the hands and feet in its entirety
tendon reflexes caused by br - d = s, tr - d = s, pr d = s, r - d = s
парезов and параличей in limbs no
grid violations. in the position ромберга stable.
sensitive violations.
pathological reflexes pyramid and псевдобульбарных signs.
of the pelvic organs. менингальных characters
the diagnosis: a cluster цефалгия right
treatment.try to get a дифметре 1 pill 1 glass of water кипячённой охлаждённой 80 mg verapamil.
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радофен one tablet twice a day is the food 10 days.феварин 50 mg to 1 2 pills 1 times in 21 hours at a 2x months
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