В настоящее время в Университете ИТМО создан МНИИ

В настоящее время в Университете ИТ

В настоящее время в Университете ИТМО создан МНИИ "Биоинженерия", в котором проводятся исследования по разработке новых методов и материалов для биохимической и медицинской науки. Одним из развивающихся направлений развития является моделирование полимеров и биополимеров, начиная от структуры веществ и физико-химических процессов, протекающих в живых организмах до физико-механических и эксплуатационных характеристик материалов и биосистем. В работах участвуют высоквалифицированные сотрудники - профессор, д.ф.-м.н. И.М. Неелов, д. ф.-м.н. А.А. Даринский, профессор, д.ф.-м.н. О.В. Борисов, профессор, д.ф.-м.н. Е.Б. Жулина. Базовое приборное оснащение: пептидный синтезатор FOCUS-XC, анализатор жидкости "Флюорат-02-03М", ротационный испаритель RV 10 control V-C, леофильная сушка FreeZone Triad.
Выделение этого направления в "Мультидисциплинарную лабораторию сложных полиэлектролитных систем " и соответствующее дооснащение оборудованием (системой полупрепаративной высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии и специализированными рабочими станциями на базе мощных ПК с графическими ускорителями Quantum TXR434-0064R, сертифицированными для расчетов методом молекулярной динамики (Amber sertified MD system) для расчета каждой изучаемой системы каждым из четырех методов моделирования на своей рабочей станции параллельно) позволит проводить комплексные исследования синтетических полимеров, макромолекул сложной архитектуры, создавать новые полиэлектролитные системы и комплексы на их основе, получая данные мирового уровня об их структуре и молекулярном механизме функционирования, создавая научно-практического задел по приоритетным направлениям развития "Индустрия наносистем и материалов" и "Живые системы".
В случае поддержки предлагаемого проекта под руководством приглашенного ведущего ученого Ф.А.М. Лирмейкерса, одного из разработчиков пакета программ SFBOX для мезоскопических расчетов методом самосогласованном поля (ССП) - базового инструмента для расчетов методом ССП, будут проведены работы по созданию новых биосовместимых поверхностей, средств доставки противораковых препаратов, лечения различных нейродегенеративных заболеваний, включая болезнь Альцгеймера, диабет и другие опасные социально значимые заболевания (критические технология "Снижение потерь от социально-значимых заболеваний").
Получаемые результаты будут внедрены в образовательную деятельность Университета ИТМО в дисциплины по информационной, биологической, химической, технологической подготовке и ряду других отраслей знаний, необходимых в подготовке бакалавров и магистров.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Currently, the University ITMO created IRI "Bioengineering", in which the research is to develop new methods and materials for biochemical and medical science. One of the developing trends of development is a simulation of polymers and biopolymers, starting from the structure of substances and physico-chemical processes occurring in living organisms to physical-mechanical and operational characteristics of materials and Biosystems Engineering. In the works involved highly skilled employees-Professor, Dr. I.m. Neelov, d. f.-mathematical sciences A.a. Darinskij, Professor, Dr. O. Borisov, Professor, Dr. E.b. Zhulina. Basic instrument equipment: peptide synthesizer FOCUS-XC, fluid Analyzer "Fljuorat-02-03 m" rotary evaporator RV 10 control V-C, leofil′naâ drying FreeZone Triad. The selection of this direction in "Multi-disciplinary laboratory complex poly-electrolyte systems and corresponding retrofit equipment (high-performance liquid chromatography polupreparativnoj system and specialized workstations based on a powerful PC with graphic accelerators, Quantum TXR434-0064R certified for Molecular Dynamics calculations (Amber certified MD system) for calculating each each of the four systems studied modelling at its workstation in parallel) will permit integrated studies of synthetic polymers macromolecules, complex architecture, create new Polyelectrolyte complexes and systems based on them, getting world-class data about their structure and the molecular mechanism of functioning, creating scientific and practical groundwork for priority development "Nanosystems and nanomaterials" and "living systems".If the proposed project under the guidance of invited leading scientist F.A.M. Lirmejkersa, one of the developers of the SFBOX software package for calculation method of self-consistent field of mesoscopic (MTP)-benchmark tool for calculation method of the MTSP will be carried out to establish a new biocompatible surfaces, the means of delivery of anti-cancer drugs, treat various neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's, diabetes and other socially significant diseases (critical technology "reducing losses of socially significant diseases"). The results will be embedded into the educational activity of University ITMO in discipline in information, biological, chemical, technological training and a number of other disciplines required in the preparation of bachelors and masters.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Currently, MRI "Bioengineering" is created at the University ITMO, which conducted research on the development of new methods and materials for biochemical and medical science. One of the emerging areas of development is the simulation of polymers and biopolymers, from the structure of substances, chemical and physical processes occurring in living organisms to the physical-mechanical and operational characteristics of materials and biological systems. The work involved highly qualified staff - Prof. Dr. THEM. Neelov, d. Physics and Mathematics AA Darinskii, Prof. Dr. OV Borisov, Prof. Dr. EB Zhulin. Basic instrumentation: peptide synthesizer FOCUS-XC, fluid analyzer "Fluorat-02-03M" rotary evaporator RV 10 control VC, leofilnaya dryer FreeZone Triad.
Isolation of this trend in "Multidisciplinary lab complex polyelectrolyte systems" and the appropriate retrofit equipment (semi-preparative system HPLC and specialized workstations based on powerful PC graphics accelerators Quantum TXR434-0064R, certified for the calculation method of molecular dynamics (Amber sertified MD system) for the calculation of each system under study by each of the four methods of modeling on your workstation in parallel) will allow for complete study of synthetic polymers, macromolecules with complex architecture, to create new polyelectrolyte systems and systems based on them, getting data global level of their structure and molecular mechanism of functioning, creating a scientific and practical groundwork for the priority areas of "Industry of nanosystems and materials" and "Living systems" .
In the case of support for the proposed project under the guidance of leading scientists are invited F.A.M. Lirmeykersa, one of the developers SFBOX software package for mesoscopic calculation method of self-consistent field (SCF) - the basic tool for calculating the MSP method, will be carried out works on the development of new biocompatible surfaces, means of delivering anti-cancer drugs, the treatment of various neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, diabetes and other dangerous social diseases (critical technology "Mitigation of social diseases").
The results obtained will be incorporated into the educational ITMO University activities in the disciplines of information, biological, chemical, technological training and a number of other disciplines required in the preparation of bachelors and masters.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
currently, the university итмо established мнии bioengineering, which studies on the development of new methods and materials for biochemical and medical science. one of the developing direction of development is the simulation of polymers and biopolymers, starting from the structure of substances and the physical and chemical processes in living organisms to physico mechanical and operating characteristics of the materials and биосистем. the work involved high level staff - professor, д.ф. - m.n. v. и.м. неелов, d. phillip m.n. v. a. даринский, professor, д.ф. - m.n. v. . borisov, professor, д.ф. - m.n. v. е.б. жулина. basic all the equipment being used here is: пептидный synthesizer focus - xc, the liquid флюорат - 02 - 03м ", ротационный evaporator rv 10 control v - c, леофильная drying FreeZone Triad.the allocation of this line in the "мультидисциплинарную lab complex полиэлектролитных systems" and the дооснащение equipment (system полупрепаративной high-efficiency liquid chromatography and specialized workstations based on the powerful pc with graphic accelerators, quantum TXR434 - 0064R, certified for the calculation method of molecular dynamics (md) amber sertified) for ra the account of each topic, of each of the four modelling techniques at his workstation in parallel) will allow a comprehensive study of synthetic polymers макромолекул complex architecture to create new полиэлектролитные systems and systems based on them, receiving the data of world level on their structure and molecular mechanism, establishing scientific and practical on priority areas of development "industry наносистем and materials" and "living system".in the case of the proposed project, under the leadership of and support the leading scientist ф.а.м. лирмейкерса, one of the developers SFBOX package for мезоскопических calculation method самосогласованном fields (mtp) is the basic tool for the calculation method of the mtsp, the work will be done on the development of new biocompatible surfaces, the means of delivery of anti-cancer drugs, the treatment of various neurodegenerative diseases that can be transmitted, including alzheimer"s disease, diabetes and other dangerous social kn ачимые disease (the critical technology of reducing losses from socially significant diseases ").the results will be implemented in the educational work of the university итмо in discipline, information, biological, chemical, technological training and a number of other branches of knowledge required in the preparation of bachelors and masters.
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