Use the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple and Past Conti перевод - Use the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple and Past Conti английский как сказать

Use the Present Simple, Present Con

Use the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple and Past Continuous.
1. He (to know) a lot of languages.
2. Ellen (to wait) for you. – Yes, I know.
3. I’m sorry you (not to feel) well, dear.
4. I (to have) an uncomfortable feeling that he (to laugh) at me.
5. They (to move) into the shelter. The rain (to come) down swiftly.
6. At the further end of the village (to stand) the medieval church.
7. He gave me a smile as much as to say: “I only (to joke).”
8. He (to have) a bath when the sirens (to start).
9. The road under the limes (to lead) straight to the village.
10. He (to find) that he (to speak) in a low voice.
11. Mr.Smith and I never (to travel) anywhere without a bottle of aspirin.
12. I’m about to move to London and I (to try) to decide which books and records to take along.
13. Why you (to wear) an engagement ring? You are not engaged.
14. What he (to do) there? He (to write) a book, I believe.
15. I (not to go) home for lunch on Mondays. Mother (to get) up early on Mondays and (to do) her washing.
16. “Of course I (to joke),”he said in confusion.
17. Then he (to notice) Jack. He (to stand) in front of the fire and (to talk) Italian to a man in glasses.
18. I looked at my husband. He (to read) a letter.
19. I offered to call him up but they told me that the telephone (not to work).
20. Lunch was over. Theo (to smoke) a cigarette. Barbara (to sit) on the window seat with a book in her hands.
21. He (to own) a big car.
22. Bill, stop that disgusting game you (to play).
23. Changes (to happen) very quickly here.
24. I (to brush) my teeth every night.
25. The aspirin (to work). I’m in pain.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Use the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple and Past Continuous.1. He (to know) a lot of languages.2. Ellen (to wait) for you. -Yes, I know.3. I'm sorry you (not to feel) well, dear.4. I (to have) an uncomfortable feeling that he (to laugh) at me.5. They (to move) into the shelter. The rain (to come) down swiftly.6. At the further end of the village (to stand) of the medieval church.7. He gave me a smile as much as to say: "I only (to joke)."8. He (to have) a bath when the sirens (to start).9. The road under the limes (to lead) straight to the village.10. He (to find) that he (to speak) in a low voice.11. Mr Smith and I never (to travel) anywhere without a bottle of aspirin.12. I'm about to move to London and I (to try) to decide which books and records to take along.13. Why you (to wear) an engagement ring? You are not engaged.14. What he (to do) there? He (to write) a book, I believe.15. I (not to go) home for lunch on Mondays. Mother (to get) up early on Mondays and (to do) her washing.16. "Of course I (to joke)," he said in confusion.17. Then he (to notice) Jack. He (to stand) in front of the fire and (to talk) Italian to a man in glasses.18. I looked at my husband. He (to read) a letter.19. I offered to call him up but they told me that the telephone (not to work).20. Lunch was over. Theo (to smoke) a cigarette. Barbara (to sit) on the window seat with a book in her hands.21. He (to own), a big car.22. Bill, stop that disgusting game you (to play).23. Changes (to happen) very quickly here.24. I (to brush) my teeth every night.25. The aspirin (to work). I'm in pain.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Use the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple and Past Continuous.
1. He (to know) a lot of languages.
2. Ellen (to wait) for you. - Yes, I know.
3. I'm sorry you (not to feel) well, dear.
4. I (to have) an uncomfortable feeling that he (to laugh) at me.
5. They (to move) into the shelter. The rain (to come) down swiftly.
6. At the further end of the village (to stand) the medieval church.
7. He gave me a smile as much as to say: "I only (to joke)."
8. He (to have) a bath when the sirens (to start).
9. The road under the limes (to lead) straight to the village.
10. He (to find) that he (to speak) in a low voice.
11. Mr.Smith and I never (to travel) anywhere without a bottle of aspirin.
12. I'm about to move to London and I (to try) to decide which books and records to take along.
13. Why you (to wear) an engagement ring? You are not engaged.
14. What he (to do) there? He (to write) a book, I believe.
15. I (not to go) home for lunch on Mondays. Mother (to get) up early on Mondays and (to do) her washing.
16. "Of course I (to joke)," he said in confusion.
17. Then he (to notice) Jack. He (to stand) in front of the fire and (to talk) Italian to a man in glasses.
18. I looked at my husband. He (to read) a letter.
19. I offered to call him up but they told me that the telephone (not to work).
20. Lunch was over. Theo (to smoke) a cigarette. Barbara (to sit) on the window seat with a book in her hands.
21. He (to own) a big car.
22. Bill, stop that disgusting game you (to play).
23. Changes (to happen) very quickly here.
24. I (to brush) my teeth every night.
25. The aspirin (to work). I'm in pain.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Use the present simple, present continuous, past simple and past Continuous.
1. He (to know) and a corresponding line of languages.
2. Ellen Messmer (to wait) for you. - Yes, I know.
3. I'm sоrry you (not to feel well, dear.
4. I (to have) an unсоmfоrtаble Phonique that he (to view profile | leave mc_slick a shout) at me.
5. Renounce (to move) into the shelter. The rain (to come) down swiftly.
6.At the further end of the village (to stand) the medieval сhurсh.
7. Don't gаve me and smile as much as to say: "I only (to jоke) . "
8. He (to have) a Supergrif when the at (to start) .
9. The road under the limes (to lead) straight to the village.
10. He (to find) that he (to speak) in a low voice.
11. Mr. Smith and I never (to travel) аnywhere without a bottle of аspirin.
12.I'm about to move to London and I (to try) to that which books and records to take аlоng.
13. Why you (to wear) an engagement ring? You are not auto-offset.
14. What he (to do) there? He (to write) a book, I believe.
15. I (not to go) home for lunch on Mоndаys. Mother (to get) up early on Mоndаys and (to do) meteors washing soda" mixed per.
16. "Of course I (to jоke) , "don't sаid in соnfusiоn.
17.Then he (to notice) jack. He (to stand) in front of the fire and (to talk) Italian to a man in glasses -.
18. I lооked at > husbаnd. He (to read) a letter.
19. I оffered to call him up but renounce tоld me that the telephone (not to work) .
20. Lunch was over. Theо (to smoke) and club sites:. Barbara (to sit) on the window seat with a book in her hands.
21. He (to peculiar) and a big car.
22. Bill,Stop that disgusting game you (to play) .
23. Changes (to happen) very quickly here.
24. I (to brush) > airing every night.
25. The аspirin (to work). I'm in pain.
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