Конечно он действительно парень для меня, он мой, Пракаш, не в смысле  перевод - Конечно он действительно парень для меня, он мой, Пракаш, не в смысле  английский как сказать

Конечно он действительно парень для

Конечно он действительно парень для меня, он мой, Пракаш, не в смысле я хочу, чтобы он был только моим как вещь, в смысле он вообще подходит мне, я просто нашла в нём моего человека. Его девушку я не жалею. Потому что она всегда знала про наши отношения и что он любит меня. Но сразу после его разрыва со мной она начала быть с ним вместе, неужели она правда думала, что за 1 день он способен разлюбить меня? Так не бывает. И мы до сих пор любим друг друга. Она должна была быть готова к этому. Просто нужно время. Всё равно у них тухлые отношения, гуляют и готовят вместе. Ничего серьёзного. И я не могу оставить мою прошлую жизнь, потому что это не прошлая. Мы до сих пор нужны друг другу. Есть такая пословица "Нельзя построить счастье на чужом несчастье". Вот это про его толстую корову. Пусть живёт и начинает отношения с ним с его измен и лжи. Тем более это не мой план мести, я вообще не планировала ничего такого, это он первый начал. Пусть решает эти проблемы с ним, а не со мной. Хотя она, наверное, не знает. Это даже хорошо.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Of course he's really the guy for me, he is my, Prakash, not in the sense I wish he was just my thing, in the sense of how it suits me, I just found it on my person. Its a girl I don't regret. Because she always knew about our relationship and that he loves me. But immediately after his break with me she started to be with him, did she really think that for 1 day, he is able to stop loving me? It does not happen. And we still love each other. It was supposed to be ready for it. It just takes time. They have all the same rotten attitude, walk and cook together. Nothing serious. And I can't leave my past life because it is not the past. We still need each other. There is a proverb "you can't build happiness on someone else's misfortune." This is about his big fat cow. Let live and begins a relationship with him with his treachery and lies. Moreover, it is not my plan for revenge, I never planned anything, that he first began. Let solves these problems with it, and not with me. Although she probably did not know. It's even good.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Of course he's really the guy for me, it's mine, Prakash, not in the sense I want it to be just like my thing, in the sense of it all right for me, I just found it in my man. His girlfriend, I do not regret it. Because she always knew about our relationship and that he loves me. But immediately after his break with me, she began to be with him, did she really think that for 1 day, he is able to stop loving me? It does not happen. And we still love each other. She was supposed to be ready for it. Just need time. Still have rotten attitude, walk and cook together. Nothing serious. And I can not leave my past life, because it is not the past. We still need each other. There is a saying, "You can not build happiness on someone else's misfortune." That's about his fat cow. Let him live and begins a relationship with him with his betrayals and lies. Especially since it's not my revenge, I do not plan anything, it is first started. Let solves these problems with him and not with me. Although she probably does not know. This is a good thing.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Of course he really guy to me, he is my, Prakash, not in the sense I want to, so that it was only my as thing, in the sense it is best for me, I just found it in my rights. The girl I am not sorry.Because it is always knew about our relationship and that he loves me. But as soon as possible after its gap with me it has to be with him, however, is it true i discovered that the 1 day it is capable she thought it over me? So there are no easy answers.And we still love each other. It was to be ready for it. Just need the time. Still they тухлые relations, suspicion and prepare together. It is not serious. And I cannot leave my past life,Because it does not last. We still need each other. There is a proverb that says "You cannot build a happiness on a misfortune". This is about his thick cow. Let them live and begins to relations with him with his change and lies.The more this is not my plan for revenge, i had not planned anything, he is the first began. Let solves these problems with him and not with me. Although it probably does not know. It is not even very well.
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