Наблюдения за качеством вод главного притока оз. Байкал р. Селенга про перевод - Наблюдения за качеством вод главного притока оз. Байкал р. Селенга про английский как сказать

Наблюдения за качеством вод главног

Наблюдения за качеством вод главного притока оз. Байкал р. Селенга произведены от границы с Монголией до Селенгинской дельты, включительно в 9 створах, расположенных на участке от п. Наушки до с. Мурзино. Во все сроки наблюдений вода реки имела удовлетворительный кислородный режим. Насыщение воды кислородом изменялось в пределах 45-106%. Минимальное насыщение было отмечено в пункте наблюдений у с. Кабанск (в створе 0,5 км ниже с.Кабанск) в период закрытого русла. Реакция среды в течение года изменялась от нейтральной до щелочной. Превышение ПДК у п. Наушки в течение года регистрировалось по 9 показателям качества вод из 17 учитываемых. Дополнительно определяются фториды, алюминий, марганец и никель. В 100% случаев отобранных проб наблюдалось превышение ПДК по содержанию марганца,
в 77,8% - меди, в 71,4% - общего железа, 55,6% - цинка. Для этих ингредиентов загрязненность воды определяется как характерная. Загрязненность трудноокисляемыми органическими веществами – устойчивая; никелем, алюминием, фенолами и нефтепродуктами – неустойчивая. Максимальная концентрация железа общего регистрировалась 24.07 (21,38 ПДК), меди – 23.09 (4,0 ПДК), цинка – 04.12 (1,3 ПДК), никеля – 17.05 (1,5 ПДК), марганца – 04.12 (9,1 ПДК), трудно-окисляемых органических веществ – 20.08 (1,7 ПДК), фенолов – 23.09 (2,0 ПДК), нефтепродуктов – 20.02 и 20.06 (1,2 ПДК). По сравнению с прошлым годом отмечалось увеличение максимальных концентраций общего железа, цинка и никеля. Уменьшилось содержание трудноокисляемых органических веществ, меди, алюминия, марганца и нефтепродуктов. Превышение ПДК в воде реки у с. Новоселенгинск отмечалось по 6 (в 2011 г. - 7) ингредиентам химического состава из 13 определяемых. По повторяемости случаев превышения ПДК загрязненность воды определялась по содержанию общего железа и меди как характерная, цинка и трудноокисляемых органических веществ – устойчивая, легкоокисляемых органических веществ и фенолов – неустойчивая. В воде реки зарегистрированы максимальные концентрации цинка (1,5 ПДК) – 06.12, железа общего (23,5 ПДК) – 27.06, фенолов (2 ПДК) – 26.04 и 22.05, меди (7,0 ПДК) - 25.07, труд-ноокисляемых органических веществ (1,9 ПДК) – 25.07, легкоокисляемых органических веществ (1,3 ПДК) – 22.05.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Monitoring the quality of the waters of the main inflows of the Lake. Baykal made the Selenga River from the border with Mongolia to Selenginskoj of the Delta, including the 9 sections located on the section from p. Naushki to Murzino. During the whole period of monitoring river water had satisfactory oxygen regime. Oxygen saturation of water changed within 45-106%. Minimum saturation was observed in paragraph observations near the village of Selenginsk (in the range 0.5 km below with. Selenginsk) in the period, the private channel. Reaction of medium within a year has changed from neutral to alkaline. Exceeding of MPC from p. Naushki during the year was registered on 9 indicators of water quality of 17 insurable. Extras are fluoride, aluminum, manganese and nickel. In 100% of samples taken were exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations of manganese content,in 77.8% of copper, 71.4%-55.6%, total iron-zinc. For these ingredients water pollution is defined as the characteristic. Trudnookislâemymi organic substances pollution-resistant; nickel, aluminum, petroleum products, phenols and volatile. The maximum concentration of iron was 24.07 (21.38 MPC), copper-23.09 (4.0 TIMES MAC), zinc-04.12 (1.3 MPC), nickel-17.05 (1.5 TIMES), manganese-04.12 (9.1 TIMES MAC), it is difficult-oxidation of organic substances-20.08 (1.7 MPC), phenols, 23.09 (2.0 Mac), petroleum products-20.02 and 20.06 (1.2 Mac). Compared with the previous year there had been an increase in the maximum concentration of total iron, zinc and nickel. Decreased the content of organic matter hardly oxidized hydrocarbonic substrata, copper, aluminium, manganese and petroleum products. Exceeding of MACS in the water of the River near Novoselenginsk noted on 6 (in 2011 was-7) ingredients chemical composition of 13 defined. On the occurrence of the cases exceeding the MPC was determined by the water pollution on the content of total iron and copper as a characteristic, zinc and hardly oxidized hydrocarbonic substrata of organic substances-sustainable, organic and legkookislâemyh phenols is unstable. In the water of the river recorded maximum concentrations of zinc (1.5 TIMES)-06.12, iron (23.5 MPC)-27.06, phenols (2 TIMES)-26.04 and 22.05, copper (7.0 Mac)-25.07, labor-nookislâemyh organic substances (1.9 MPC)-25.07, legkookislâemyh organic substances (1.3 MPC)-22.05.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Observations of the water quality of the main tributary of the lake. Baikal p. Selenga produced from the border with Mongolia to Selenga delta, inclusive 9 gauges located on a plot of n. Naushki up with. Murzino. At all times of observation of the river water was satisfactory oxygen regime. Oxygen saturation varied in the range 45-106%. The minimum saturation was noted in paragraph observations at p. Kabansk (in range of 0.5 km below s.Kabansk) during the closed channel. The reaction medium during the year changed from neutral to alkaline. Exceeding the maximum permissible concentration in n. Naushki during the year was recorded on 9 indicators of water quality of 17 to be considered. Additionally determined fluorides, aluminum, manganese and nickel. In 100% of the collected samples was observed excess of MPC on the content of manganese,
77.8% - copper, 71.4% - of total iron, 55.6% - Zinc. For these ingredients, water pollution is defined as a characteristic. Contamination difficult-organic substances - sustainability; nickel, aluminum, phenols and oil products - unstable. The maximum concentration of total iron was recorded 24.07 (21.38 TC), copper - 23.09 (4.0 MAC), zinc - 04.12 (1.3 MAC), nickel - 17.05 (1.5 MAC), manganese - 04.12 (9.1 MPC), hard-oxidation of organic substances - 20.08 (1.7 MAC), phenols - 23.09 (2.0 MAC), oil - 20.02 and 20.06 (1.2 MAC). Compared to last year, there was an increase of maximum concentrations of total iron, zinc and nickel. Decreased content of difficult-organic compounds copper, aluminum, manganese, and mineral oil. Exceeding the maximum permissible concentration in water from the river with. Novoselenginsk noted in 6 (in 2011 - 7), the ingredients of the chemical composition of the 13 identified. By frequency of occurrence of MPC water pollution was determined by the total content of iron and copper as a characteristic, zinc and difficult-organic substances - stable, easily oxidized organic compounds and phenols - unstable. In the water of the river recorded maximum concentrations of zinc (1.5 MAC) - 06.12, total iron (23.5 MAC) - 27.06, phenols (2 MAC) - 26.04 and 22.05, copper (7.0 MAC) - 25.07, labor-nookislyaemyh organic matter (1.9 MAC) - 25.07, easily oxidized organic matter (1.3 MAC) - 22.05.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Monitoring of water quality main flow of pd. Baykal r. The Selenga basin made from the border with Mongolia to Barsukovsky zimovye (delta, inclusive in 9 sites, located on the site of p.. Trains up to with. Мурзино.In all possible observations water the river has had a satisfactory oxygen mode. Oxygen saturation water change within 45-106 %. The minimum saturation was noted in paragraph observations. And excursions (in FIDIC rules 0,5 kilometers below the.and excursions) in the period closed mainstream. The environment in the course of the year, has been changed from neutral to alkaline. MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE CONCENTRATIONS exceeded by p. p.Trains in the course of the year, recorded on 9 indicators quality of the waters of the 17 recorded. Optionally defines fluoride, aluminum, manganese and nickel.In 100% of the cases have been observed samples exceeded maximum permissible concentrations of manganese content,
in 77.8 per cent - copper, 71.4 per cent, of the total iron, 55.6 per cent - zinc. For these ingredients pollution of water is defined as a characteristic.Dirt трудноокисляемыми organic substances - sustainable; nickel, aluminum, phenols and petroleum products is unsustainable. The maximum concentration of iron rung 24.07 (21.38 MACS),Copper - 23.09 (4.0 MACS), zinc - 04.12 (1.3 MACS), nickel - 17.05 (1.5 MACS), manganese - 04.12 (9.1 MACS), it is difficult to the refrigerating medium organic substances - 20.08 (1.7 MACS), vials - 23.09 (2.0 MACS), petroleum products - 20.02 and 20.06 (1.2 MACS).Compared with the previous year there was an increase in maximum concentrations of total iron, zinc, and nickel. Decreased the content of the difficultly oxidizable organic substances, copper, aluminum, manganese, and petroleum products.Exceeded maximum permissible concentrations in water from the river. Новоселенгинск was noted in 6 (in 2011 - (7) ingredients chemical composition of the 13 defined.The recurrence of cases of permissible pollution of water has been determined on the content of iron and copper as a characteristic, zinc, and difficultly oxidizable organic substances - a stable,Легкоокисляемых organic substances and vials - unsustainable. In the water the river registered maximum concentrations of zinc (1.5 Macs) - 0612 , iron general (23.5 Macs) - 27.06 , vials (2 Macs) - 26.04 and 22.05 , copper (7.0 Macs) - 25.07 ,Work-ноокисляемых organic substances (1.9 Macs) - 25.07 , легкоокисляемых organic substances (1.3 Macs) - 22.05 .
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