некоторые родители считают, что в частных школах обучаются только дети перевод - некоторые родители считают, что в частных школах обучаются только дети английский как сказать

некоторые родители считают, что в ч

некоторые родители считают, что в частных школах обучаются только дети очень богатых родителей, и их ребенок будет чувствовать дискомфорт. Этот стереотип сформировался в 90-х, когда частное образование могли позволить себе лишь дети «новых русских». С начала двухтысячных годов ситуация кардинально меняется с каждым годом и сегодня можно с уверенностью сказать, что у 60-70% детей родители – представители среднего класса. А воспитание строиться таким образом, чтобы дети были интеллигентными друг к другу. Например, в Сумском учебно-воспитательном комплексе «Просперитас» ежегодно проводятся благотворительные ярмарки. Дети в театре показывают представление и продают сделанные своими ручками поделки. На собранные деньги они лично покупают необходимые вещи для детей из «Дома малютки» и дарят им. Это формирует социальную ответственность и понятие, что они все равны, только родители с разными возможностями.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
some parents believe that private schools are taught only children of rich parents and their child will feel discomfort. This stereotype was formed in the 90 's when private education could only afford children the "new Russians". Since the beginning of 2000th years situation changes dramatically every year and today we can say with confidence that 60-70% of children of parents from the middle class. And education be built so that children were intelligent together. For example, in the Sumy educational complex "Prosperitas" charity fairs are held annually. Children theatre show presentation and sell made their handles handicraft. The collected money they personally buy necessary things for the children of the "children's House" and give them. This forms the social responsibility and the notion that they are all equal, only parents with different capabilities.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Some parents believe that only children of very wealthy parents are enrolled in private schools, and the child will feel discomfort. This stereotype was formed in the 90's, when private education could afford only the children of the "new Russian". Since the beginning of the two thousandth's situation changes drastically from year to year and today we can say with confidence that in 60-70% of the children's parents - the middle class. And education structured in such a way that the children were intelligent to each other. For example, in Sumy educational complex "Prosperitas" charities fairs held annually. Children in the theater show presentation and sell crafts made by their handles. On the collected money they personally buy the necessary things for the children of the "baby house" and give them. This forms the social responsibility and the concept that they are all equal, only parents with different capabilities.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
some parents believe that private schools are only the children of the very rich parents and their child will feel uncomfortable. this stereotype has emerged in the 1990s, when private education could afford only children "new russians". since the beginning of двухтысячных, the situation changes drastically from year to year, and today we can say with certainty that the 60% - 70% of children, parents are the representatives of the middle class. and education designed to children are intelligent to each other. for example, in сумском teaching and educational centre "просперитас» charitable fairs are held every year. the children in the theatre show show and sell their handicrafts made by hand. the money they personally buy necessary things for the children of the "home малютки» and give them. this is the social responsibility and the notion that they are all equal, only parents with different capacities.
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