Ex. 4 Translate the dialogue using the words from exercises 2 and 3А:  перевод - Ex. 4 Translate the dialogue using the words from exercises 2 and 3А:  английский как сказать

Ex. 4 Translate the dialogue using

Ex. 4 Translate the dialogue using the words from exercises 2 and 3
А: Извините, пожалуйста.
В: Да?
А: Меня интересует английская живопись. Есть ли у вас в музее картины английских мастеров?
В: Да, у нас есть небольшая, но изысканная коллекция английского искусства. Вот спуститесь по этой лестнице, пересеките зал импрессионистов, и вы будете там.
А: Спасибо. Вы, конечно, знаете "Портрет герцогини де Бофор" знаменитого художника Гейнсборо?
В: О да. У нас есть оригинал этой картины. Это поистине шедевр мирового искусства.
А: Какая удача! Я видела только копию этой картины и так хочу посмотреть оригинал. Гейнсборо – блестящий портретист.
В: Да, я знаю. Он был любимым портретистом аристократии и написал чудесные портреты. Но "Герцогиня де Бофор", конечно, его шедевр.
А: Да, художник обладал способностью изображать сходство, а также передавать поэтическую экспрессию личности.
В: Да, я согласна с вами. Глубокий психологический подход художника дает ему возможность правдиво изображать натуру. У нас такое чувство, что дама смотрит на нас.
А: Спасибо. Было очень интересно поговорить с вами.
В: Желаю удачи.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Ex. 4 Translate the dialogue using the words from exercises 2 and 3A: excuse me, please.In: Huh?A: I'm interested in English painting. Do you have the Museum paintings English masters?In: Yes, we have a small but fine collection of English art. That's down on the stairs, cross the Hall of impressionists, and you'll be there.And: Thank you. You certainly know the portrait of the Duchesse de Beaufort "famous artist Gainsborough?In: Oh Yes. We have the original of this picture. This is truly a masterpiece of world art.A: what luck! I saw only a copy of this picture, and so I want to see the original. Gainsborough is a brilliant portraitist.In: Yes, I know. He was a favorite portraitist of the aristocracy and wrote wonderful portraits. But "Duchesse de Beaufort", of course, his masterpiece.A: Yes, the artist had the ability to depict the similarity, as well as pass a poetic expression of personality.In: Yes, I agree with you. Deep psychological approach of the artist gives him the opportunity to truthfully portray nature. We have the feeling that lady looks at us.And: Thank you. It was very interesting to talk with you.In: good luck.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

Ex. 4 Translate the dialogue using the words from exercises 2 and 3
A: Excuse me, please.
B: Yes?
A: I am interested in English painting. Do you have a picture in the museum of the English masters?
B: Yes, we have a small but fine collection of English art. That will go down the stairs, cross the hall of impressionists, and you'll be there.
A: Thank you. You know, of course, "Portrait of Duchess de Beaufort" famous painter Gainsborough?
B: Oh, yes. We have the original of this painting. It is truly a masterpiece of world art.
A: What luck! I saw only a copy of the painting, and so I want to see original source. Gainsborough - a brilliant portraitist.
B: Yes, I know. He was the favorite portraitist of the aristocracy and wrote wonderful portraits. But "The Duchess de Beaufort", of course, his masterpiece.
A: Yes, the artist had the ability to depict similarities and transmit the poetic expression of personality.
B: Yes, I agree with you. Deep psychological approach of the artist allows him to truthfully depict nature. We feel that the lady looks at us.
A: Thank you. It was very interesting to talk to you.
Q: Good luck.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

Ex. 4 Translate the dialog using the words from presentation 2 and 3
A: I'm sorry, please.
A: Yes?
A: I am interested in english painting. Do you have a museum paintings art?
B: Yes, we have a small,But the refined English art collection. This is descend on this ladder, cross room impressionist paintings, and you'll be there.
A: Thank you. You, of course,Did you know "art de Naqoura" the famous artist Gainsborough?
IN: ON THE yes. We have the original this picture. This is truly a masterpiece of world art.
A: What Luck!I saw only a copy of the picture and so want to see the original. Gainsborough - brilliant portrait.
IN: Yes, I know. He was booking Velázquez spent his time aristocracy and wrote wonderful portraits. But "are pioneers de Naqoura", of course,His masterpiece.
A: Yes, he was able to depict the similarities, as well as transmit foreign artists are displayed generate identity.
A: Yes, I agree with you.An in-depth psychological approach gives him an artist truly depict nature. We have a feeling that lady is looking at us.
A: Thank you. It was very interesting to talk to you.
A: I wish you good luck.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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