5.Шухов также известен тем, что принимал участие в разработке и строительстве таких сооружений, как Петровский проезд, Киевский железнодорожный терминал, Шуховская радиобашня или Шаболовская башня.
5.Shuhov also known for having participated in the development and construction of structures such as the Petrovsky Passage, Kyiv railway terminal, Shukhov radio tower or Shabolovskaya tower.
5. Shukhov is also known for taking part in the development and construction of such structures as The Petrovsky Passage, Kiev Railway Terminal, Shukhov Radio Tower or Shabolov Tower. ...
5. Shukhov is also famous for his participation in the design and construction of buildings such as Petrovsky Hutong and Kiev railway terminal; Shokhov radio tower or sabrotta.<br>