Сомс пригласил Аннет и ее мать в свой загородный дом, чтобы они видели перевод - Сомс пригласил Аннет и ее мать в свой загородный дом, чтобы они видели английский как сказать

Сомс пригласил Аннет и ее мать в св

Сомс пригласил Аннет и ее мать в свой загородный дом, чтобы они видели, как он богат.
Возвращаясь домой, Сомс думал об Ирэн. Двенадцать лет прошло с тех пор. Ей, должно быть, теперь около сорока.
Он думал о том, что Ирэн всегда была несправедлива к нему. "Она могла бы относиться ко мне иначе. Разве я не давал ей все, что она пожелает?"
Странно, что она никогда не чувствовала себя счастливой со мной, - подумал он с горечью. - Странно, что она ушла от меня. Если бы она не сделала этого, мне бы не пришлось бы сейчас думать о разводе.
Мысль о разводе показалась ему нелепой после стольких лет разлуки. "Я уже давно должен был развестись с ней. Жаль, что я этого не сделал. Я был бы теперь свободен и мог бы жениться на Аннет.
"Как жаль, что у меня нет ребенка, - думал Сомс: его угнетала мысль, что ему некому оставить свое состояние.
Аннет с матерью должны были приехать поездом, и он поехал на вокзал встретить их.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Somes invited Annette and her mother at his country home, to be seen as he is rich.Returning home, Somes thought about Irene. Twelve years have passed since then. It should be now about forty.He thought that Irene has always been unfair to him. "It could treat me differently. Did I not give her everything that she wish? "It is strange that she never felt happy with me, he thought bitterly. -It is strange that she was gone from me. If it had not already done so, I would not have had to now think about divorce.The idea of divorce seemed absurd to him after so many years of separation. "I have long had to divorce her. It is a pity that I did not. I was now free and could marry Annette."It is a pity that I don't have child-thought Somes: his idea that oppresses him, nobody can leave their State.Annette with her mother were to arrive by train and he went to the station to meet them.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Soames invited Annette and her mother in a country house, to be seen as he is rich.
Returning home, Soames thought about Irene. Twelve years have passed since then. It must be now about forty.
He thought that Irene has always been unfair to him. "She might treat me differently Did not I give her everything she wants.?"
It is strange that she never felt happy with me - he thought bitterly. - It is strange that she left me. If she did not, I would not have to think now about the divorce.
The idea struck him as absurd divorce after so many years of separation. "I have long had to divorce her I'm sorry I did not I would be now free and could marry Annette...
" What a pity that I do not have a child - thought Soames, his depressing thoughts, he no one to leave his fortune.
Annette with her ​​mother had come by train, and he went to the station to meet them.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
soames, annette and her mother in his country house, to see how rich he is.returning home, soames thought about irene. twelve years have passed since then. she must be, now about 40.he thought that irene has always been unfair to him. " it could treat me differently. i don"t give her what she wants? "strange that she never felt happy with me, he thought bitterly. strange that she left me. if she didn"t, i wouldn"t have to now think about divorce.the idea of divorce seemed to him absurd after so many years of separation. " i have long had to divorce her. sorry, i didn"t do it. i was now free and could marry annette."i"m sorry that i don"t have a child, i thought soames: it was tilted against the idea that he doesn"t have to leave my fortune.annette mother should have come by train, so he went to the station to meet them.
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