английский химик и физик Майкл Фарадей родился в 1791 году в графстве  перевод - английский химик и физик Майкл Фарадей родился в 1791 году в графстве  английский как сказать

английский химик и физик Майкл Фара

английский химик и физик Майкл Фарадей родился в 1791 году в графстве Суррей рядом с Лондоном. поскольку родители Фарадея были бедны они не могли себе позволить дать сыну образование, и поэтому мальчик был отдан в обучение к переплетчику. Во время работы в переплетной мастерской, Майкл начал читать книги по физике и химии. Однажды он попал на лекцию к Хэмфри Дэви, который уже тогда был известным ученым. После лекции Фарадей отправил ему свои конспекты прослушанной лекции. Эти записи произвели на Дэви такое сильное впечатление, что он назначил Фарадея ассистентом своей лаборатории в Лондоне. В начале своей научной карьеры Фарадей изучал в основном проблемы химии и сделал в этой области несколько важных открытий. Позже, после того как Фарадей обратился к изучению электричества, он открыл важное явления, которое и сейчас известно как эффект Фарадея
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
English chemist and physicist Michael Faraday was born in the year 1791 in Surrey near London. as parents of Faraday were poor, they couldn't afford to give her son an education, and so the boy was apprenticed to a bookbinder education. While working in the bindery, Michael began to read books on Physics and chemistry. Once he got to the lecture to Humphrey Davy, who even then was a famous scientist. After the lecture, Faraday sent him their teacher's music lectures. These records have Davey such a strong impression that he appointed Faraday as an Assistant to his laboratory in London. Early in his academic career Faraday studied chemistry problems and mostly made in this area several important discoveries. Later, after Michael Faraday turned to the study of electricity, he discovered the important phenomenon, which is now known as the Faraday effect
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
English chemist and physicist Michael Faraday was born in 1791 in Surrey near London. Faraday as parents were poor, they could not afford to give him an education, and so the boy was given in training to the bookbinder. While working in the bindery, Michael began to read books on physics and chemistry. Once he got a lecture to Humphry Davy, who was already a well-known scientist. After the lecture, Faraday sent him their notes listen to a lecture. These recordings are made on Davie was so impressed that he appointed Faraday as an assistant of his laboratory in London. At the beginning of his career Faraday studied mainly chemistry problems and did in this area some important discoveries. Later, after Faraday turned to the study of electricity, he discovered an important phenomenon that is now known as the Faraday effect
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
english chemist and physicist michael faraday was born in 1791, in the county of surrey near london. since faraday"s parents were poor, they can"t afford to let son"s education, and therefore, the boy has been in training for переплетчику. while working in the shop shop, michael began to read a book on physics and chemistry. one day he went on a lecture by humphry davy, who then was a famous scientist. after the lecture, faraday sent him my notes прослушанной lectures. these records made at davy"s impression, he appointed faraday as his laboratory in london. at the beginning of his scientific career, faraday studied the mainly problems of chemistry in this area and has made some important discoveries. later, after faraday turned to the study of electricity, he discovered the phenomenon now known as faraday effect
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