ng a food server is not an easy job. The work can be physically grueli перевод - ng a food server is not an easy job. The work can be physically grueli английский как сказать

ng a food server is not an easy job

ng a food server is not an easy job. The work can be physically grueling since you are on your feet the whole shift, often rushing from table to table, carrying heavy trays of food and burning yourself on hot plates. But it can be a lucrative and rewarding job. For good food servers, the big tips they can earn make the hard work worth it.

But not everyone can succeed as a food server. It requires a very specific personality and skill set to succeed.

Food Service Skills
Friendliness: Food servers but be cheerful and friendly, no matter how stressed, tired or frustrated you may be. While you may have fifteen tables, for that family you are talking to, you are their one contact. You must be unfailingly polite, or you won't make much money.
Communication: As a food server, you need to be able to communicate. You need to be able to listen attentively, understand customer concerns, and relay them to the cooks or management effectively.
Attention to Detail: Some orders can be complicated, from food allergies to preferences on spices or garnishes. If you forget a detail, like leaving off a condiment or including croutons when the customer said they have a gluten-allergy, you'll upset and disappoint the customer. Accuracy is essential to succeed and earn a decent income.
Energy: As mentioned before, shifts can be long and tough on your feet. You need to have significant energy reserves, or the shifts will just drag painfully for you. Naturally bubbly, high-energy people tend to thrive the best in food service.
Problem Solving: When customers are not upset, your manager will not always be around to help you manage the issue. You have to be able to problem solve on the spot, making the customer feel heard and understood and try to address the issue. Whether it's taking off the cost of a meal or giving them a free dessert, you need to be creative to save the situation.
Focus: As a food server, you'll be surrounded by people during your shift. It's easy to get distracted by coworkers or pleasant customers and get caught up in conversation. But if you spend too long chatting, another table may get irritated waiting for their food or for their check. It's important you are able to keep yourself focused and on task so that all of your customers are cared for. Your ability to balance friendliness with focus will be the difference between just making a little money and making a lot of money.
Food service can be a fun, rewarding and financially profitable career, but it's certainly not for everyone. It's hard on the body physically and is mentally demanding as well. In order to succeed, you'll need these skills.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
NG a food server is not an easy job. The work can be physically grueling since you are on your feet the whole shift, often rushing from table to table, carrying heavy trays of food and burning yourself on hot plates. But it can be a lucrative and rewarding job. For good food servers, the big tips they earn can make the hard work worth it. But not everyone can succeed as a food server. It requires a very specific personality and skill set to succeed.Food Service SkillsFriendliness: Food servers, but be cheerful and friendly, no matter how stressed, tired or frustrated you may be. While you may have fifteen tables for that family you are talking to, you are their one contact. You must be polite, unfailingly invokes or you won't make much money. Communication: As a food server, you need to be able to communicate. You need to be able to listen attentively, understand customer concerns, and relay them to the cooks or management effectively. Attention to Detail: Some orders can be complicated, from food allergies to preferences on spices or garnishes. If you forget a detail, like leaving off a condiment or including croutons when the customer said they have a gluten-allergy, you'll upset and disappoint the customer. Accuracy is essential to succeed and earn a decent income. Energy: As mentioned before, shifts can be long and tough on your feet. You need to have significant energy reserves, or the shifts will just drag painfully for you. Naturally bubbly, high energy people tend to thrive the best in food service. Problem Solving: When customers are not upset, your manager will not always be around to help you manage the issue. You have to be able to solve the problem on the spot, making the customer feel heard and understood and try to address the issue. Whether it's taking off the cost of a meal or giving them a free dessert, you need to be creative to save the situation. Focus: As a food server, you'll be surrounded by people during your shift. It's easy to get distracted by coworkers or pleasant customers and get caught up in conversation. But if you spend too long chatting template, another table may get irritated waiting for their food or for their check. It's important you are able to keep yourself focused and on task so that all of your customers are cared for. Your ability to balance friendliness with focus will be the difference between just making a little money and making a lot of money. Food service can be a fun, rewarding and financially profitable career, but it's certainly not for everyone. It's hard on the body physically and is mentally demanding as well. In order to succeed, you'll need these skills.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
ng a food server is not an easy job. The work can be physically grueling since you are on your feet the whole shift, often rushing from table to table, carrying heavy trays of food and burning yourself on hot plates. But it can be a lucrative and rewarding job. For good food servers, the big tips they can earn make the hard work worth it.

But not everyone can succeed as a food server. It requires a very specific personality and skill set to succeed.

The Service Skills Food Food
Friendliness: Food Food servers But the BE cheerful and friendly, the no matter how of Stressed, tired or you may Frustrated the BE. While you may have fifteen tables, for that family you are talking to, you are their one contact. You must be unfailingly polite, or you will not make much money.
Communication: As a food server, you need to be able to communicate. You need to be able to listen attentively, understand customer concerns, and relay them to the cooks or management effectively.
Attention to Detail: Some orders can be complicated, from food allergies to preferences on spices or garnishes. If you forget a detail, like leaving off a condiment or including croutons when the customer said they have a gluten-allergy, you'll upset and disappoint the customer. Accuracy is essential to succeed and earn a decent income.
Energy: As mentioned before, shifts can be long and tough on your feet. You need to have significant energy reserves, or the shifts will just drag painfully for you. Naturally bubbly, high-energy people tend to thrive the best in food service.
Problem Solving: When customers are not upset , your manager will not always be around to help you manage the issue. You have to be able to problem solve on the spot, making the customer feel heard and understood and try to address the issue. Whether it's taking off the cost of a meal or giving them a free dessert, you need to be creative to save the situation.
Focus: As a food server, you 'll be surrounded by people during your shift. It's easy to get distracted by coworkers or pleasant customers and get caught up in conversation. But if you spend too long chatting, another table may get irritated waiting for their food or for their check. It's important you are able to keep yourself focused and on task so that all of your customers are cared for. Your ability to balance friendliness with focus will be the difference between just making a little money and making a lot of money.
Food service can be a fun, rewarding and financially profitable career, but it's certainly not for everyone. It's hard on the body physically and is mentally demanding as well. In order to succeed, you'll need these skills.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
ng a food server is not an easy job. the work can be physically grueling since you are on your feet the whole shift, often rushing from table to table, carrying heavy trays of food and burning out on hot plate. but it can be a 2 young professionals looking for and rewarding job. for good food servers, the big tips they can earn you the hard work worth it.but not everyone can succeed as a food server. it requires a very specific equipped and skill set to service skillsfront: food servers and be except and helpful, no matter how stressed, tired or [you may be. while you may have fifteen tables, for that, you are talking to, you are the one contact. you must be unfailingly date, or you won 't make much money.communication: as a food server, you need to be able to communicate. you need to be able to listen attentively, understand customer concerns, and relay them to the cooks or management effectively.attention to detail: some orders can be complicated, from food allergies to preferences on spices or garnishes. if you forget a detail, like leaving an condiment or including croutons when the customer said they have a gluten - allergy, you'il upset and disappoint the customer. Accuracy is essential to succeed and earn a decent as mentioned before, unique can be long and tough on your feet. you need to have significant energy reserves, or the unique will just drag painfully for you. naturally bubbly, high energy people tend to thrive the best in food service.problem solving: when customers are not upset, your manager will not always be around to help you manage the issue. you have to be able to problem solve on the spot, making the customer feel heard and understood and try to address the issue. whether it's taking off the cost of a meal or giving them a free dessert, you need to be creative to save the situation.focus: as a food server, you'll be surrounded by people during your shift. it's easy to get distracted by coworkers or for customers and get caught up in the conversation. but if you spend too long your this table may get irritated waiting for their food or for their check. it's important you are able to keep yourself focused and on task so that all of your customers are cared for. your ability to balance all with focus will be the difference between just making a little money and making a lot of service can be a fun, rewarding and financially profitable career, but it's certainly not for everyone. it's hard on the body is physically and mentally demanding as well. in order to succeed, you'il need these skills.
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