Результатом я остался доволен. Альбом записывался мной и Veteris'ом, барабанщиком, который занимался звуком на альбомах Heresiarch Seminary И продолжает заниматься этим и сейчас, но уже не записывает партий после сессии ''Fullmoon Asbath'’. Запись барабанов и гитар проходила в один день на одной московской студии, всё остальное писалось и микшировалось дома. Цель была не оставить в забвении самый лучший и достойный материал, помимо уже реализованного на сплите, который я написал для Heresiarch Seminary. Что и было проделано вполне удачно. Плюс был интересен опыт записи песни, которая по структуре превосходила в сложности моё творчество. Я имею в виду кавер на Enslaved ‘’Fenris’’. В старой моей группе такое было бы невозможно. По палитре красок и используемых инструментов и оттенков альбом наголову выше всего творчества HS. Я не против того, что старые участники были приверженцами более экстремального и прямолинейного стиля, но мне ближе по сердцу нечто другое. Хотя, тот же Satanic Warmaster, который в свое время повлиял на меня в плане написания риффов, я иногда переслушиваю с удовольствием.
Кавер на Graveland является бонус-трэком, так как изначально должен был войти на какой-то трибьют, но лейбл, который им занимался, приказал долго жить Студийный опыт конечно помог. Я записал партии гитар для всех песен за три часа, чем помог себе, значительно сэкономив материально.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
The result, I was pleased. The album was recorded by me and Veteris'om, a drummer who was sound on the albums Heresiarch Seminary and continues to do now but no longer writes the parties after the session of the "Fullmoon" Asbath. Recording drums and guitars in one day was held at one of the Moscow Studio, everything else was written and mikširovalos′ at home. The goal was not to leave in oblivion the best and worthy material, in addition to those already implemented on the split, which I wrote for the Heresiarch Seminary. And that was done quite well. Plus was interesting experience writing songs, which excelled in the structure the complexity of my creativity. I mean the cover of Enslaved ' Fenris '. The old my group this would be impossible. Palette of colours and the used tools and shades album utterly above all creativity HS. I don't mind the fact that the old parties were committed to a more extreme and rectilinear style, but I'm closer to the heart of something else. Although the same Satanic Warmaster, which influenced me in terms of writing riffs, I sometimes pereslušivaû with pleasure.Cover to Graveland is a bonus because trèkom originally was supposed on some kind of tribute, but the label, which they had ordered long live Studio experience certainly helped. I recorded the guitars for all songs in three hours than helped myself significantly saving material.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I was pleased with the result. The album was recorded by me and Veteris'om, the drummer, who was involved in the sound on albums Heresiarch Seminary and continues to do this now, but it does not record the parties after the session '' Fullmoon Asbath ''. Recording drums and guitars took place in one day at a Moscow studio, everything else has been written and mix at home. The goal was not to leave in oblivion the best and good material, besides those already implemented on the split, which I wrote for Heresiarch Seminary. What has been done quite successfully. Plus, I was interested in the experience recording the song, which is structurally superior to the complexity of my work. I mean cover of Enslaved '' Fenris ''. In my old band this would be impossible. In the palette of colors and shades used tools and head and shoulders above all the album art HS. I do not mind that older participants were more extreme adherents and rectilinear style, but it is closer to the heart of something else. Although the same Satanic Warmaster, who at one time influenced me in terms of writing riffs, sometimes I pereslushivayu with pleasure.
Cover of Graveland is a bonus track, as originally was supposed to get in on some tribute, but a label that they I engaged, ordered to live long studio experience certainly helped. I recorded guitars for all the songs in three hours than helped himself greatly saving material.
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