Поскольку к 1937 г. четыре крупнейшие кинокомпании — «УФА», «Терра», « перевод - Поскольку к 1937 г. четыре крупнейшие кинокомпании — «УФА», «Терра», « английский как сказать

Поскольку к 1937 г. четыре крупнейш

Поскольку к 1937 г. четыре крупнейшие кинокомпании — «УФА», «Терра», «Тобис» и «Бавария» — находились в руках государства, то Министерство пропаганды держало под конт¬ролем все кинопроизводство. Интересно, что в этой сфере Й. Геббельс проявлял заметную сдержанность. Он прекрасно знал, что для большинства людей кино является способом убежать от действительности, а потому его зна¬чение для воспитания определенных чувств и мыслей особен¬но велико. Знал Геббельс и то, что чересчур прямолинейная пропаганда с экрана способна вызвать противоположные эмо¬ции и чувство протеста. Поэтому он требовал от пропагандист¬ских фильмов высоких художественных достоинств, которые позволили бы проникнуть выраженным в них идеям в подсоз¬нание зрителей.
Показателен в этом смысле был фильм «Квекс из гитлер-югенда» (1933). Романтический подросток из рабочей семьи состоит в коммунистической молодежной организации, но мечтает о гитлерюгенде. И мечта его сбывается. Однако при раздаче нацистских листовок подросток погибает от ножа бое¬вика из коммунистической группы. Превосходная оператор-ская работа и хорошая музыка принесли ленте заслуженную популярность. В фильме «Фридрих Шиллер, триумф гения* (1940) молодой поэт борется против деспотичного герцога, от¬стаивая свободу художественного творчества. С одной сторо¬ны, это не укладывалось в цензурные рамки Третьего рейха. С другой стороны, образ литературного гения, боровшегося против реакционного правительства за свободу Германии, вполне мог вызвать ассоциацию с политическим гением, бо¬ровшимся против Веймарской республики.
Печально известен злобный антисемитский фильм «Веч¬ный жид» (1940), дублированные копии которого нацисты по¬казывали во всех завоеванных ими европейских странах. Фильм в подчеркнуто документальной манере изображал ев¬реев существами, помешавшимися на деньгах. Кошмарные сцены ритуальных убийств животных должны были вызы¬вать у арийских зрителей омерзение к «садизму» иудейской религии.
Специфической чертой многих фильмов военного време¬ни («Я обвиняю», «Ритуал самопожертвования», «Кольберг» и др.) являлась тема смерти.Близившийся крах Третьего рейха заставил говорить о спасении души через искупитель¬ную смерть и небесном благословении за нерушимость своей веры.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Since 1937, four major film — «Ufa», «Terra», «Babe7.com and Bayern were in the hands of the State, the Ministry of propaganda has kept under Comte ¬ managed all filmmaking. Interestingly, in this area. Goebbels showed noticeable restraint. He knew that for most people the movies is a way to escape from reality, but because of its importance to the education of certain ¬ feelings and thoughts especially ¬ but large. Goebbels knew and that too straightforward propaganda from the screen can cause the opposite of emo ¬ tion and a sense of protest. He therefore demanded the propagandist ¬ cial films of high artistic merit that would penetrate them expressed ideas in podsoz ¬ spectators being taken must be retained.Telling in this sense was the movie "Kveks of Hitler-Prime" (1933). Romantic teenager from working families is the Communist Youth Organization, but dreaming of Hitler youth. And his dream comes true. However, the distribution of Nazi leaflets teen dies from a knife fight ¬ Vika from Communist groups. Excellent operator Islamic work and good music brought the tape deserved popularity. In the film, Friedrich Schiller, the triumph of genius * (1940), a young poet struggles against the tyrannical Duke from ¬ staivaâ freedom of artistic creativity. On the one hand, ¬, this does not fit in the scope of censorship of the Third Reich. On the other hand, the image of a literary genius, fought against the reactionary Government for freedom of Germany, could cause association with the political genius, Bo ¬ rovšimsâ against the Weimar Republic.Notorious for vicious anti-Semitic film Evening ¬ s ' zhid "(1940), duplicate copies of which the Nazis of kazyvali in all the conquered European countries. Film in the documentary portrayed the manner stressed EB ¬ hence creatures, pomešavšimisâ on the money. Nightmarish scenes of ritual killings of animals must have been confusing ¬ tion from Aryan spectators execration to "sadism" of the Jewish religion.A specific feature of many films military time ¬ neither ("I accuse", "Ritual sacrifice," Kohlberg ", etc.) has been the theme of death. Blizivšijsâ the collapse of the Third Reich made talking about the salvation of souls through the Redeemer ¬ Cate death and heaven blessing for the inviolability of their faith.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

As for 1937, the four largest film production company - "UVA", "Terra", "Tobis" and "Bayern" - were in the hands of the state, the Ministry of Propaganda kept under kont¬rolem all filmmaking. Interestingly, in this regard J. Goebbels showed appreciable restraint. He knew that for most people the movie is a way to escape from reality, but because it zna¬chenie for the education of certain feelings and thoughts osoben¬no large. Goebbels knew and that too straightforward propaganda from the screen can cause the opposite emo¬tsii and a sense of protest. So he demanded propagandist¬skih films of high artistic merit, which would allow them to get ideas expressed in podsoz¬nanie in the audience.
Indicative in this respect was the film "Kveks of Hitler-Jugend" (1933). Romantic teenager from working-class family is the communist youth organization, but dreams of the Hitler Youth. And his dream comes true. However, the distribution of Nazi leaflets teenager killed by a knife boe¬vika of the communist group. Excellent operator Sky work and good music brought a tape-deserved popularity. In the movie "Friedrich Schiller, the triumph of genius * (1940), the young poet is fighting against the despotic Duke ot¬staivaya artistic freedom. On the one storo¬ny, it did not fit into the framework of the Third Reich censorship. On the other hand, the image of literary genius, struggling against the reactionary government for the freedom of Germany, could well cause the association with a political genius bo¬rovshimsya against the Weimar Republic.
Notorious evil anti-Semitic film "Vech¬ny Jew" (1940), duplicate copies of which the Nazis po¬kazyvali all they conquered Europe. The film is a documentary style emphasized portrayed ev¬reev beings are obsessed with money. Nightmarish scenes of ritual killing of animals should have been vyzy¬vat Aryan disgusted viewers to "sadism" of the Jewish religion.
A peculiar feature of many of the military vreme¬ni films ("I accuse", "ritual sacrifice", "Kolberg", etc.) Is the theme of death .Blizivshiysya the collapse of the Third Reich forced to talk about salvation through iskupitel¬nuyu death and heavenly blessing for the inviolability of their faith.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

since 1937. four of the film - "уфа»," терра», "and" тобис» бавария» - were in the hands of the state, the propaganda ministry kept under конт¬ролем all filmmaking. i wonderin this field ". goebbels had greater restraint. he knew that for most people the film is the way to escape from reality.and because of his зна¬чение to raise certain feelings and thoughts особен¬но is high. knew goebbels and that a direct promotion to the screen can cause the эмо¬ции and feelings of protest.therefore, he demanded that пропагандист¬ских films of high artistic merit, which would allow them to express ideas in подсоз¬нание viewers.
in this sense, the film was "квекс of hitler югенда» (1933). a teenager from working families is the communist youth organization, but dreams of гитлерюгенде. and his dream comes true.however, a nazi leaflets kid dies from a knife бое¬вика of communist party. excellent operator nations work and good music brought the band a well deserved popularity.in the movie "friedrich schiller, the triumph of genius" (1940), the young poet struggles against the tyrannical duke, от¬стаивая freedom of artistic creativity. on the one сторо¬ны does not remain in the цензурные framework of the third reich.on the other hand, the image of literary genius, боровшегося against the reactionary government freedom of germany, might cause the political genius бо¬ровшимся against the weimar republic.
it is a vicious anti semitic movie "веч¬ный жид» (1940), subtitled copies of which the nazis по¬казывали conquered them in all european countries.
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