Когда Ростов вошла в комнату,опустила на мгновенье голову, как бы предоставляя (to give) время гостю поздороваться с теткой. (Л. Толстой)2....Я искренно любил Ивана Петровича; да нельзя было и не любить молодого человека столь кроткого и честного. (Пушкин)3. Он, казалось, был очень стыдлив (bashful), потому что каждая малость (trifle) заставляла его краснеть до самых ушей. (Л. Толстой)4....чтобы быть истинными друзьями, нужно быть уверенными друг в друге. (Л. Толстой)5. Против меня была дверь в кабинет, и я видел, как туда вошли Яков и еще какие-то люди... (Л. Толстой)6. Аркадий первый вышел на крыльцо (the steps)... (Тургенев)7. «Я виновата, — промолвила она вслух, — но я это не могла предвидеть». (Тургенев)8. Только Лизавета Ивановна успела снять капот и шляпу, как уже графиня послала за нею и велела опять подавать (to bring round) карету. (Пушкин)9. Он вошел... и остолбенел. Лиза... нет, Акулина, милая смуглая Акулина сидела перед окном и читала его письмо; она была так занята, что не слыхала, как он и вошел. (Пушкин)10. Гости почитали обязанностью восхищаться псарнею (kennels) Кирилы Петровича. (Пушкин)11. Муж всегда виноват, сударыня... когда жена нехорошо ведет себя (to misbehave). (Тургенев)12. Лаврецкий объявил, что проводит гостей до полдороги (to see somebody halfway down the road), и велел оседлать себе лошадь. (Тургенев)13. Лиза тотчас села за фортепьяно и разобрала романс. Увы! музыка оказалась запутанной и неприятно напряженной... (Тургенев)14. Народ стал расходиться (to disperse), а она все стояла; казалось, она ожидала ухода Лаврецкого. (Тургенев)15. Слова кондуктора разбудили (to rouse) его и заставили вспомнить о матери и предстоящем свидании (approaching meeting) с ней. (Л. Толстой)16. Каренина опять вошла в вагон, чтобы проститься с графиней. (Л. Толстой)17. Ему казалось, что он первый открыл это удовольствие, и он наслаждался своим открытием. (Л. Толстой)18. И я тебе говорил и говорю: нехорошо (not right), что ты не ездишь на собрания и вообще устранился от земского дела (to keep out of the district business). (Л. Толстой)19. А вот что (I tell you what): если ты хочешь их видеть, они, наверное, нынче в зоологическом саду от четырех до пяти. Кити на коньках катается. (Л. Толстой)20. Я настолько горда, что никогда не позволю себе любить человека, который меня не любит. (Л. Толстой)21. Все ждали, когда он [Левин] кончит, и он чувствовал это. (Л. Толстой)22. После чая он [Левин] вышел в переднюю велеть подавать (to put in) лошадей... (Л. Толстой)23. Он [Каренин] видел, что она вела себя неприлично (unbecomingly), и считал своим долгом сказать ей это. Но ему очень трудно было не сказать более, а сказать только это. (Л. Толстой)24. Б 1816 году, в мае месяце случилось мне проезжать через ***скую губернию... (Пушкин)
Результаты (
английский) 1:
When Wigan came into the room, lowered her head for a moment, as though giving (to give) the time the visitor greet aunt. (L. Tolstoy) 2 .... I sincerely loved Ivan Petrovich; Yes it was impossible and not to love a young man so humble and honest. (Pushkin) 3. It seemed was very bashful (bashful), because every little (trifle) forced his blush to most ears. (L. Tolstoy) 4 ... to be true friends, you need to be confident in each other. (L. Tolstoy) 5. Against me was the door to the room, and I saw there included Jacob and some other people ... (L. Tolstoy) 6. Arkady first came out on the porch (the steps). (Turgenev) 7. "I blame — she said out loud, but I could not foresee. (Turgenev) 8. Only Lizaveta Ivanovna has managed to remove the hood and hat as Countess already sent for her and ordered to serve again (to bring round) coach. (Pushkin) 9. He entered ... and dumbfounded. Lisa ... No, the cute dark-complexioned Akulin akulin, sat in front of the window and read his letter; She was so busy, that do not have, as he entered. (Pushkin) 10. Guests honored responsibility to admire psarneû (kennels) Chirila Petrovich. (Pushkin) 11. Husband always blame, Ma'am ... When the wife is behaving badly (to misbehave). (Turgenev) 12. Lavretsky announced that holds up to halfway (to see somebody halfway down the road), and ordered to ride the horse himself. (Turgenev) 13. Lisa immediately sit behind the piano and turns toward the Romans. Alas! music proved to be confusing and unpleasant intense ... (Turgenev) 14. People began to disperse (to disperse), but she is still standing; She seemed to expect care Lavretsky. (Turgenev) 15. The word conductor awakened (to rouse) it and forced the recall of the mother and the upcoming date (approaching meeting) with it. (L. Tolstoy) 16. Karenina again entered the wagon to say goodbye to the Countess. (L. Tolstoy) 17. It seemed to him that he first discovered this pleasure, and he enjoyed his discovery. (L. Tolstoy) 18. And I told you and saying: it is not good (not right) that you do not drive and generally done from earthly Affairs (to keep out of the district). (L. Tolstoy) 19. And that's what (I tell you what): If you want to see them, they'll probably now in the Zoological Garden of four to five. Kitty on ice skates. (L. Tolstoy) 20. I am so proud to never allow myself to love a man who does not love me. (L. Tolstoy) 21. All waiting when he finishes, the [Levine] and he felt it. (L. Tolstoy) 22. After tea he [Levin] came out in front tell serve (to put in) horses. (L. Tolstoy) 23. He [Karenin] saw that she behaved indecently (unbecomingly), and considered it his duty to tell her this. But it was very difficult to not to say more, and say just that. (L. Tolstoy) 24. B the year 1816, in the month of may happened to me * pass through the Polish province. (Pushkin)
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
When Rostov entered the room, lowered his head for a moment, as if offering (to give), guests say hello to his aunt. (Leo Tolstoy) 2 .... I genuinely liked Ivan Petrovich; but it was impossible not to love a young man so gentle and honest. (Pushkin) 3. He seemed very bashful (bashful), because every little (trifle) made him blush to his ears. (Leo Tolstoy) 4 .... to be true friends, you need to be confident in each other. (Leo Tolstoy) 5. Against me was the door to the office, and I saw how there came Jacob and some other people ... (Leo Tolstoy) 6. Arkady first came out on the porch (the steps) ... (Turgenev) 7. "I am guilty - she said out loud - but I could not foresee." (Turgenev) 8. Only Lizaveta Ivanovna had scarcely taken off her hat and cloak, when the Countess sent for her and told again to submit (to bring round) coach. (Pushkin) 9. He came ... and froze. Lisa ... no, Akulina, sweet dark Akulina sat by the window and read his letter; She was so busy that she did not hear him, and went. (Pushkin) 10. Guests admire the esteemed duty kennel (kennels) Kiril Petrovich. (Pushkin) 11. The husband is always to blame, madam ... when his wife behaves badly (to misbehave). (Turgenev) 12. Lavretsky declared that carries guests to the half way (to see somebody halfway down the road), and told him to saddle his horse. (Turgenev) 13. Lisa immediately sat down at the piano and make out the song. Alas! Music was confusing and frustrating hard ... (Turgenev) 14. People began to diverge (to disperse), and she was still standing; she seemed to expect care Lavretsky. (Turgenev) 15. conductor's words awakened (to rouse) and forced him to remember the mother and the upcoming date (approaching meeting) with it. (Leo Tolstoy) 16. Karenina entered the carriage again to say goodbye to the Countess. (Leo Tolstoy) 17. It seemed to him that he first discovered this pleasure, and he was enjoying his discovery. (Leo Tolstoy) 18. And I told you, and I say: not good (not right), you do not ride on the meeting and generally withdrawn from Zemsky affairs (to keep out of the district business). (Leo Tolstoy) 19. But that (I tell you what): if you want to see them, they are probably now in the Zoological Gardens from four to five. Kitty skating skates. (Leo Tolstoy) 20. I am so proud that he would never allow myself to love a man who does not love me. (Leo Tolstoy) 21. Everyone was waiting when he [Levin] to finish, and he felt it. (Leo Tolstoy) 22. After tea he [Levin] went to the front to order the feeding (to put in) horses ... (Leo Tolstoy) 23. He [Karenin] saw that she was behaving indecently (unbecomingly), and considered it his duty to tell her so. But it was very difficult to say the least, and say just that. (Leo Tolstoy) 24. B 1816, in the month of May I happened to pass through the province *** cal ... (Pushkin)
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