сша по площади занимает четвертое место в мире, а по численности насел перевод - сша по площади занимает четвертое место в мире, а по численности насел английский как сказать

сша по площади занимает четвертое м

сша по площади занимает четвертое место в мире, а по численности населения третье место. столица сша - Вашингтон. Соединённые Штаты граничат на севере с Канадой, на юге — с Мексикой, также имеют морскую границу с Россией. США имеют федеративную форму устройства, административно делятся на 50 штатов и федеральный округ Колумбия. самый распространенный язык в сша - английский. Русский язык занимает 9-ю строчку по числу носителей в США. в сша располагается один из крупнейших национальных парков на планете - йеллоустоун. на его территории насчитываетсмя 200 гейзеров, больше тысячи горячих минеральных источников, несколько рек с водопадам, множество видов животных и растений. в вашингтоне есть музей НАСА, Памятник Вашингтону — одна из самых впечатляющих достопримечательностей. Он расположен в парке Потоник. Он был воздвигнут в честь первого президента США в 1888 году.В Филадельфии есть много достопримечательностей, например Национальный исторический парк.Соединенные Штаты Америки — это государство, которое на протяжении сотен лет привлекает к себе путешественников со всего мира, ведь ему действительно есть чем удивить всех и каждого.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
USA by area ranked fourth in the world, and the third place in terms of population. the us capital Washington. United States bordered on the North by Canada, on the South by Mexico, also have maritime border with Russia. United States are the federative form of the device, are divided into 50 States and the District of Colombia. the most common language in the United States-English. Russian takes 9-th line on the number of carriers in the United States. in the u.s., one of the largest national parks on the planet Yellowstone. in its territory nasčityvaetsmâ 200 geysers, thousands of hot mineral springs, several rivers with waterfalls, many species of animals and plants. There is a Museum in Washington, NASA, the Washington Monument is one of the most spectacular sights. It is located in Potonik Park. It was erected in honor of the first President of the United States in the year 1888. Philadelphia has many attractions, such as the National Historical Park. the United States of America is a State which for centuries has attracted travellers from all over the world, because he really has something to surprise everyone.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
US area ranks fourth in the world, and in terms of population in third place. The capital of the USA is Washington. United States border with Canada to the north, in the south - with Mexico, also have a maritime border with Russia. The United States has a federal form of devices, administrative divided into 50 states and the District of Columbia. the most widely spoken language in the United States - English. Russian language occupies the 9th place in the number of carriers in the United States. in the United States it is one of the largest national parks in the world - Yellowstone. on its territory naschityvaetsmya 200 geysers, more than a thousand hot springs, several rivers with waterfalls, many species of animals and plants. Washington has NASA Museum, Washington Monument - one of the most spectacular sights. It is located in Potonik park. It was erected in honor of the first president of the United States in 1888 godu.V Philadelphia has many attractions, such as National Historic park.Soedinennye States - a country that for hundreds of years, attracting travelers from all over the world, because he really has something to surprise everyone and everyone.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
total area ranked fourth in the world, and the population of third place. the capital of america is washington. the united states border in the north to canada, south to mexico, also have the sea border with russia. the united states has a federal form of the device, and are divided in the 50 states and the district of columbia. the most common language in the united states - english. the russian language is the 9th line in terms of the number of vehicles in the united states. in the united states has one of the largest national parks in the world - yellowstone. in its territory насчитываетсмя 200 thousand geysers, hot mineral springs, several rivers and waterfalls, many species of animals and plants. there is a museum in washington. the washington monument is one of the most impressive sights. it is located in the park потоник. it was built in honor of the first president of the united states in 1888 году.в philadelphia"s many attractions, such as the national historical парк.соединенные states is state, which for hundreds of years, attracts travelers from all over the world, because he really has something to surprise everyone.
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