Мой дорогой Джон! Я очень рада получить твое письмо. Сейчас я сижу и п перевод - Мой дорогой Джон! Я очень рада получить твое письмо. Сейчас я сижу и п английский как сказать

Мой дорогой Джон! Я очень рада полу

Мой дорогой Джон!
Я очень рада получить твое письмо. Сейчас я сижу и пытаюсь подобрать такие слова, которые расскажут обо мне, слова, которые расскажут тебе почему мои письма идут для тебя. Да я знаю, что возможно такие слова не говорят человеку, если ты его не видел в реале. Но это твое право – читать его или не читать, просто его проигнорировать или не проигнорировать, ответить мне или нет. Я никогда не жалею времени на написание своего письма тебе, я очень стараюсь чтоб оно было искренним и от всего сердца. Да я пишу тебе письма, да я очень в тебе заинтересована, на мой взгляд ты очень приятный мужчина, очень привлекательный, который в этой жизни многое видел и теперь знает цену каждой минуты и каждого дня. На мой взгляд ты мужчина, который в этой жизни много повидал, который знает, что такое любовь и что такое предательство и что такое потеря, для меня ты мужчина, который умеет дорожить, очень интересный, активный. Может я не права?
Для меня это большая радость встретить тебя здесь, на сайте. Ты тот человек, к которому потянулась моя душа, с кем я хочу говорить, рассказывать о том, что на сердце. Ты тот человек что привлек меня!
Я пишу это письмо и знаю, что ты можешь не ответить мне, может потому что для тебя это слишком дорого, может потому что у тебя нет времени, и больнее всего если я тебе не интересна… Но не смотря ни на что, в моей душе теплится надежда на твой ответ.
Я счастлива уже от того, что ты есть и что ты не мое воображение, ты реальный! Разница в возрасте по большому счету не самое главное. Есть мужчина и женщина, и они нравятся друг другу. Это главное. В женщине должно быть что-то от ребенка, и как бы сказать юность, беззаботность придадут нашим отношениям особую пикантность. И я очень хочу, чтоб ты воспринимал меня всерьез. Я уверенна что ты умеешь быть галантным в отличие от большей части моих сверстников, которым только предстоит этому научиться. Поэтому я знаю, что именно с тобой я смогу почувствовать себя настоящей леди. Я знаю, что в любой сложной ситуации ты всегда поможешь или дашь мудрый совет.
И если ты думаешь, что в силу своего возраста я могу быть не серьезной или легкомысленной то это совсем не так!
Я уже сейчас по прошествии малого количества времени ощущаю свою зависимость от тебя. Ты стал моей необходимостью, потребностью. Я очень хочу видеть тебя, слышать твой задорный смех, обнимать тебя. Может мы поговорим с тобой в чате? Я очень хочу, чтоб ты увидел меня!
Единственное, что я могу сейчас сделать на расстоянии, хотя бы на мгновение, хотя бы импульсивно делать твою жизнь хоть чуточку ярче, хотя бы каплю, и я верю в это, это единственная надежда, которая еще дает жизнь моим мечтам быть с тобой.
Я бы очень хотела продолжать наше общение. Я хочу показать тебе всю мою душу, может ты поймешь и ответишь. Я надеюсь, что вы ответите... Я действительно серьезная в моем поиске и я мечтаю о реальной встрече. Я хочу встретиться с вами, если у вас будет желание и у нас будет продолжаться общение.
Я очень нуждаюсь в таком человеке как ты!
Искренне для тебя
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
My dear John! I am very glad to receive your letter. Now I sit and try to pick up such words that tell about me, words that will tell you why my emails are going for you. Yes I know that perhaps such words don't tell the person if you hadn't seen it in real life. But it is your right to read or not to read, just ignore or not ignore, answer me or not. I will never regret the time writing his letter to you, I really try to be genuine and from the heart. Yes I write you letters, yes I am very interested in you, I believe you are a very nice man, very attractive, that in this life much seen and now knows the price of each minute and each day. I think you're a man, that is a lot of things in this life that knows what is love and what is betrayal and loss, for me you're a man who knows how to cherish, a very interesting, active. Can I not right? For me it is a great pleasure to meet you here on the site. You're the one person who reached my soul, whom I want to say, tell that to the heart. You are the man that attracted me! I am writing this letter and know that you can not answer me, can because it is too expensive for you, maybe because you have no time, and the hardest if you are not interested to ... But in spite of that, in my heart there's hope for your answer.I'm happy for what you have and what you're not my imagination, you're a real! Age difference in the grand scheme of things is not the most important thing. A man and a woman, and they like each other. This is the main thing. The woman should be something of a child, and how to say YouTube, carelessness will give our relations a special piquancy. And I really want you to take me seriously. I am sure that you can be Gallant, unlike most of my peers, who have yet to learn. So I know that with you I can feel like a real Lady. I know that in any difficult situation you always help or give sage advice. And if you think that because of my age I can not be serious or frivolous then it is not so! I am now after a small amount of time I feel their dependence on you. You became my necessity, need. I really want to see you, hear your cheerful laugh, hug you. Can we talk to you in the chat? I really want you to see me! The only thing I can do now is, at least for a moment, even impulsively to make your life just a little brighter, even a drop, and I believe it is the only hope, which still gives the life of my dreams to be with you.I'd like to continue our communication. I want to show you all my soul can you will understand and answer. I hope you answer to ... I am really serious in my search and I dream about the real world. I want to meet you, if you have the desire and we will continue communicating. I really need a man like you!Truly for youIrina
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
My dear John!
I am very pleased to receive your letter. Now I sit and try to pick up the words that tell me the words that tell you why my letters are for you. Yes, I know that these words might not tell a person if you have not seen him in real life. But it is your right - read or not read it, just ignore it or ignore, answer me or not. I will never regret the time to write his letter to you, I'm trying it to be sincere and from the heart. Yes, I am writing you a letter, but I am very interested in you, I think you're a very nice man, very attractive, which in this life seen a lot and now knows the value of every minute and every day. In my opinion you are a man who has seen a lot of life, who knows what love is and what is betrayal and what is lost to me you're a man who knows how to treasure, a very interesting and active. Maybe I'm not right?
For me it is a great pleasure to meet you here on the website. You are the person to whom reached my soul, to whom I want to say, tell that to heart. You're the kind of person that attracted me!
I'm writing this letter and know that you can not answer me, maybe because for you it is too expensive, maybe because you have no time, and the hardest when I'm not interested in ... However, despite no matter what, in my soul a glimmer of hope for your answer.
I'm happy to have what you are and you're not my imagination, you're real! The age difference in the long run is not the most important thing. There are male and female, and they like each other. That's the main thing. The woman should be something of the child, and how to tell the youth, carelessness give our relations a special piquancy. And I really want you to take me seriously. I'm sure that you know how to be chivalrous, unlike most of my peers, which only have to learn it. So I know what it is with you I can feel like a real lady. I know that in any difficult situation you always help and give wise counsel.
And if you think that because of my age I can not be serious or frivolous it is not so!
I'm now after a small amount of time I feel your relationship from you. You became my need, I need. I really want to see you, to hear your mischievous laugh, hug you. Can we talk to you in a chat? I really want you to see me!
The only thing I can do now at a distance, at least for a moment, though impulsively make your life just a little brighter, even a drop, and I believe this is the only hope that more gives life to my dreams to be with you.
I would love to continue our dialogue. I want to show you all my soul, can you understand the answer. I hope that you will respond ... I'm really serious in my search and I dream of a real meeting. I want to meet with you, if you have the desire and we will continue to communicate.
I'm looking for such a man as you!
Sincerely for you
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
My dear John!
I am very pleased to receive your letter. Now I am sitting and trying to find the words, which you can learn about me, the words that will tell you why my letters are for you. Yes, I know,It is possible that such words do not tell everyone, if you had not seen in the Reale. But it's your right - read it or not read, simply ignore or not ignore, to answer me or not.I have never done time to write you a letter, I am not very unto it was sincere and from the heart. Yes, I am writing you letters, yes I am very interested in you, in my view you are a very nice man,A very attractive, which in this life much seen and now know the price each minute and each day. In my view you are a man, who in this life many early nineties, who knows,What is love and what is fantasy and what is lost, for me you are a man, who knows how cherished, it is very interesting and active. Can i not right?
For me, it is a great pleasure to meet you here on the site.You are the man, to which the air was filled with my soul, with whom I would like to say, to tell, that at the heart. You are the man that drew me!
I am writing this letter and I don't know, that you can not reply to me,May be because for you it's too expensive, it may because you don't have the time, and being most severely affected if I tell you will not interesting ... but does not come to that, in my own consciously hope for thy answer.
I am happy already from the fact thatThat you exist and that you are not my imagination, you're real! The difference in age for a large account is not the most important thing. There is a man and a woman, and they love each other. This is the main. The woman should be that the child,And as to say adolescence, carelessness will give our relations a special spicy. And I very much want to be you accept me seriously.I have confidence that you're hell be have explained simple rules in contrast to most of my peers, which only have to learn how to this. Therefore, I know that it is with you I will feel like this lady. I know,That in any complex situation you can always cry over spilt milk or miscarrying womb and dry breasts wise council.
and if you think that because of his age i can not be a serious or frivolous it is not so!
I now, after small amount of time i feel their dependence on you. I was my own need, the need. I very much want to see you, hear your spoil laughed, intimate you.Can we talk to you in the chat? I want to be you saw me!
The only thing that I can now be done at a distance, at least for a moment, even though would be impulsively to do thy life a little bit brighter, although would be a drop,And I believe in this, this is the only hope, which still gives life my dreams to be with you.
I would very much like to continue our conversation. I want to show you all my soul, can you've mastered and accompanies man from. I hopeThat you answer ... I am really serious in my search and I dream of a real meeting. I would like to meet with you, if you will have the desire and we will continue to be communication.
I need in such a man as you!
Sincerely for you
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