Человек, выделяющийся из серой массы скорее всего не получит одобрения со стороны окружающих, в то время как человек, не имеющий индивидуальности будет воспринят обществом положительно. Это происходит потому, что люди боятся конкуренции.
People, eye-catching from grey mass most likely will not get the approval from others, while a person with no individuality is perceived by society. This is because people are afraid of competition.
The person stands out from the gray mass is not likely to get approval from others, while a person with no personality will be perceived positively by society. This is because people are afraid of competition.
human secreted from the gray mass most likely did not receive approval from the other, while a person with no individuality will be received by the society positively. this is becausewhat people fear competition. "