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Школа «человеческих отношений»Данна

Школа «человеческих отношений»
Данная школа сосредоточила свое внимание на человеке: на том, как он взаимодействуете другими, как реагирует на разного рода ситуации, желая удовлетворить свои потребности. Школа «человеческих отношений» стремилась построить модели поведения людей, чем она отличается от классической, которая занималась моделями организации.
Элтон Мэйо (1880-1949), основатель школы «человеческих отношений», провел «Хотторнский эксперимент», доказавший, что поведение человека в организации и результаты его труда полностью зависят от социальных условий, в которых этот человек находится в организации, и от отношений, сложившихся между рабочими и между рабочими и менеджерами.
Хотторнский эксперимент позволил сделать следующие выводы:
социальные нормы поведения влияют на производительность труда;
социальные стимулы в значительной мере сказываются на поведении членов организации; так в ходе эксперимента зафиксированы случаи, когда социальные стимулы полностью блокировали действие экономических стимулов;
групповые факторы поведения главенствуют над личностными;
для деятельности всей группы важно неформальное лидерство.
Выяснилось, что время от времени работники реагируют гораздо сильнее на давление своих коллег по рабочей группе, чем на желания руководства или денежное стимулирование. Мотивация их основывалась не только на экономических факторах, но и на разного рода потребностях, которые деньги могут удовлетворить лишь частично и косвенно. Значит, если менеджер будет заботиться о своих подчиненных, уровень их удовлетворенности будет возрастать, что приведет к росту производительности труда.
Мэйо пришел к выводу, что производительность труда организации зависит не только от условий труда, наличия материального стимула и менеджмента, но и от социального и психологического климата в рабочей среде. Основатели школы «человеческих отношений» рекомендовали управленцам определять отношения, сложившиеся в малых неформальных группах, выявлять их лидера, а затем использовать особенности таких групп (психологические и социальные) для налаживания межличностных отношений и повышения удовлетворенности рабочих своим трудом.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
School of "human relations"This school focused on man: how he interact with others, how to react to all sorts of situation, wanting to satisfy their needs. "Human relations" School sought to build models of human behavior and how it differs from classical models, which was engaged in the organization.Elton Mayo (1880-1949), founder of the school of "human relations", held "Hottornskij experiment", which proved that human behavior in organizations and the results of his work depend entirely on the social conditions in which this man is in the Organization, and of relations between workers and between workers and managers.Hottornskij experiment led to the following conclusions:social norms of behaviour affect labour productivity;social incentives greatly affect the behavior of the members of the Organization; so the experiment documented cases when social stimuli completely blocked the effect of economic stimulus;Group factors of conduct rule over personal;for the activities of the entire group to informal leadership.It turned out that from time to time, employees react much more strongly to pressure their colleagues on the working group than the desire of the leadership or monetary incentives. Their motivation was not based only on economic factors but also on various kinds of needs that money can only partly and indirectly. Hence, if the Manager will take care of their subordinates, their level of satisfaction will increase, resulting in increased productivity.Mayo concluded that the productivity of the Organization depended not only on labour conditions, availability of financial incentive and management, but also from a social and psychological climate in the working Wednesday. The founders of the school of "human relations" recommended that managers define the relationship in small informal groups, identify their leader, and then use the features of such groups (psychological and social) to build interpersonal relations and satisfaction with working through their work.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The school of "human relations"
This school is focused on man: on how it interact others as responding to all sorts of situations, wanting to satisfy their needs. The school of "human relations" has sought to build a model of human behavior, how it differs from the classic, which was engaged in the organization models.
Elton Mayo (1880-1949), "human relations" founder of the school, held a "Hottornsky experiment" proved that human behavior in organizations and the results of his work are entirely dependent on the social conditions in which the person is in the organization, and the relationship, established between workers and between workers and managers.
Hottornsky experiment led to the following conclusions:
social norms affect labor productivity;
social stimuli to a large extent affect the behavior of members of the organization; so in the course of the experiment have been cases when social stimuli completely blocked the effect of economic incentives;
group behavior factors prevail over the personal;
for the whole group it is important informal leadership.
It turned out that from time to time workers react much more strongly to the pressure of his colleagues in the working group than in the desire direction or monetary incentives. Motivating them it was based not only on economic factors but also on the different kinds of needs that money can be only partly and indirectly. So, if the manager will take care of his subordinates, their level of satisfaction will increase, which will lead to an increase in labor productivity.
Mayo concluded that productivity of an organization depends not only on the working conditions, the availability of financial incentive and management, but also on the social and psychological climate in the working environment. "Human relations" The founders of the school encouraged managers to determine the relations established in small informal groups, identify their leader, and then use the features of these groups (psychological and social) to establish interpersonal relationships and enhance the satisfaction of working with their work. but also from a social and psychological climate in the working environment. "Human relations" The founders of the school encouraged managers to determine the relations established in small informal groups, identify their leader, and then use the features of these groups (psychological and social) to establish interpersonal relationships and enhance the satisfaction of working with their work. but also from a social and psychological climate in the working environment. "Human relations" The founders of the school encouraged managers to determine the relations established in small informal groups, identify their leader, and then use the features of these groups (psychological and social) to establish interpersonal relationships and enhance the satisfaction of working with their work.
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