Дмитрий Христич и Михаил Татаринов в числе 13 советских хоккеистов выс перевод - Дмитрий Христич и Михаил Татаринов в числе 13 советских хоккеистов выс английский как сказать

Дмитрий Христич и Михаил Татаринов

Дмитрий Христич и Михаил Татаринов в числе 13 советских хоккеистов выступали в сезоне 1990-91 года за клубы американской Национальной хоккейной лиги. Они играли за команду Вашингтон кэпиталс.
двадцати четырёх летний защитник Михаил Татаринов пришел в команду в октябре 1990 года после многолетних переговоров с московским клубом динамо. Татаринов произвёл хорошее впечатление на вашингтонских хоккеистов своей техникой, особенно подачей паса - обычно прямо в клюшку соперника. за 65 игр он забил 8 шайб.
Дмитрий Христич бывший игрок киевского "Сокола" вошел в состав "Вашингтон кэпиталс" в декабре 1990 года и стал одним из самых молодых советских хоккеистов в клубах НХК. Христич рослый, сильный и быстрыйна льду. он забил 14 голов в серии финальных игр второй половины сезона.
Советским хоккеистам было трудно осваивать английский язык и приспосабливаться к совершенно новому образу жизни, не отвлекаясь при этом от хоккея. им был предоставлен переводчик Джон Чапин. кроме перевода он помогал им подыкасть дом, купить машину, и т.д.
Впоследствии Татаринова обменяли на игрока канадской команды и ему пришлось изучать ещё и французский. Тренера канадского клуба "квебек нордик" были очень рады получить сильного игрока, который укрепил команду.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Dmitri Khristich and Mikhail Tatarinov among 13 Soviet hockey players have performed in season 1990-91 years for American National Hockey League. They played for the Washington capitals.twenty-four year old Defender Mikhail Tatarinov joined the team in October 1990 the year after years of negotiations with Moscow Dynamo Club. Tatarinov has made a good impression on Washington players its equipment, especially serving, passing, usually directly in the opponent's stick. over 65 games he scored 8 washers.Dmitri Khristich, a former player of Kiev "Falcon" became part of the Washington capitals in December 1990 year and became one of the youngest Soviet hockey players in clubs of NHC. Khristich, a strong and bystryjna. He scored 14 goals in the finals series of the second half of the season. Soviet hockey players found it difficult to master the English language and to adapt to a totally new way of life without getting distracted from hockey. they have been provided with an interpreter John Chapin. In addition to translation he helped them podykast′ the House, buy a car, etc. Subsequently, Tatarinov exchanged for Canadian team player and he had to learn French and more. Coach Canadian Club "Quebec Nordic" were very happy to get a strong player who has strengthened the team.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Dmitriy and Mikhail Tatarinov Hristich among the 13 Soviet hockey players played in the 1990-91 season, the clubs of the US National Hockey League. They played for the Washington Capitals.
Twenty-four-year-old defender Mikhail Tatarinov joined the team in October 1990 after years of negotiations with the Moscow Dynamo club. Tatarinov made ​​a good impression on his Washington players appliances, especially feeding pass - usually right in the opponent's stick. in 65 games, he scored 8 goals.
Dmitry Hristich former player of Kiev "Sokol" became part of "Washington Capitals" in December 1990 and became one of the youngest Soviet players in clubs NHC. Hristich tall, strong and bystryyna ice. he scored 14 goals in the finals series of the second half of the season.
Soviet hockey players was difficult to learn English and adapt to a completely new way of life, without being distracted while on hockey. they were provided with an interpreter John Chapin. In the translation, he helped them podykast house, buy a car, etc.
Subsequently, Tatarinov traded on the Canadian team player and he had to learn French and more. Canadian Coach of the club "Quebec Nordic" were very happy to get a strong player, which strengthened the team.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
dmitry христич and mikhail tatarinov among 13 soviet hockey players played in season 1990 - 91 in the clubs of the national hockey league. they played for the team. washington mm. the capitals are.twenty four year old defender mikhail tatarinov joined the team in october 1990, after many years of negotiations with moscow club dinamo.tatarinov made a good impression on washington players its equipment, especially the passa usually straight to a rival. after 65 games he scored 8 washers.dmitry христич ex player of the "falcon" was included in the "washington mm. the capitals are in december 1990 and became one of the youngest soviet hockey clubs нхк. христич tall, strong and быстрыйна ice.he scored 14 goals in the second half of the series. the final games of the season.
the soviet хоккеистам was hard to learn english and to adapt to a whole new way of life, based on that of ice hockey.they were granted the translator john chapin. in addition, he helped them подыкасть house, buy a car, and so on.
the татаринова traded player canadian team and he had to learn another language.coach canadian club of quebec nordick township, wilkin county, minnesota "are delighted to receive a strong player, which has strengthened the team.
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