я никогда не организовывала вечеринку. но я думаю, будет лучше, если ты приготовишь сам еду. это может быть горячее блюдо или же десерт. ты должен будешь повесить шарики дома, чтобы было празднично. и закажи обязательно торт.
I have never organized party. but I think it would be better if you cook the meal himself. It can be a hot dish or dessert. You'll have the hang of balls at home to make it festive. and be sure to order your cake.
I have never organized a party. but I think it would be better if you cook the food yourself. it can be a main dish or dessert. you'll have to hang the balls home to make it festive. sure and order the cake.
I have never organized party. But I think it would be better if you're приготовишь himself food. This can be a dish or dessert. You should shalt thou hang balls at home, to make it festive.(USA only) and be sure to cake.