8. Пока вы смотрели фильм, я готовила обед. Теперь вы должны рассказать мне, о чем был фильм. 9. Вера пришла домой, умылась и переоделась. затем пошла на кухню и приготовила себе ужин. 10. Давид подвернул ногу, когда играл в футбол. С ним всегда что-нибудь случается. 11. Мы переехали в эту квартиру 5 лет назад. Нам нравится жить здесь. 12. Он постоянно жаловался мне на свою жизнь! Ему не нравилась его работа. У него не было друзей. Он чувствовал себя одиноким. 13. Мы, бывало, уезжали за город на выходные дни. К сожалению, теперь у нас нет такой возможности. 14. Утром я занималась в библиотеке, а потом у меня были занятия до четырех часов. 15. Где ты была вчера вечером? Я звонила тебе с 7 до 9 часов. 16. Сначала мы два года жили в Витебске, а потом переехали в Минск. 17. Я порезала палец, когда чистила картошку. 18. В молодости она писала стихи. А сейчас она известный журналист. 19. Когда я проснулась, шел сильный дождь. 20. Он хотел знать, свободна ли я вечером. 21. Мы целый день работали в сaду, к концу дня все очень устали. 22. Она мне сказала, что очень скучает по дому и с нетерпением ждет каникул. 23. На днях Аня сказала мне, что она переезжает на новую квартиру, недалеко от университета. 24. Я была уверена, что она знает это правило и может прокомментировать предложение. 25. Когда он учился в школе, он вечно списывал у меня домашние задания. 26. Они могли болтать по телефону часами. 27. Я к ней заходил несколько раз, но ее все время не было дома. 28. Когда Таня выходила из машины, она поскользнцлась и упала. 29. Она обычно проводила каникулы в деревне у бабушки. 30. Хотя шел дождь и дул сильный ветер, мне было тепло в новой куртке.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
8. While you watched the movie, I cooked dinner. Now you have to tell me, as was the movie. 9. Vera came home, washed and changed. then went to the kitchen and prepared myself dinner. 10. David sprained leg when playing soccer. With him is always something happening. 11. We moved into this House 5 years ago. We like to live here. 12. He constantly complained to me in my life! He did not like his work. He had no friends. He felt lonely. 13. We used to leave the city on weekends. Unfortunately, we now have no such opportunity. 14. This morning I was in the library, and then I had classes up to four hours. 15. Where were you last night? I called you with 7 to 9:00. 16. the First two years we lived in Vitebsk, then moved to Minsk. 17. I her finger when she brushed her potatoes. 18. In her youth she wrote lyrics. And now she is a famous journalist. 19. When I woke up, there was heavy rain. 20. He wanted to know whether I'm free tonight. 21. We worked all day in sadu, by the end of the day everyone is very tired. 22. She told me that really misses home and is looking forward to the holidays. 23. The other day Anna told me that she is moving to a new apartment, not far from the University. 24. I was sure that she knows this rule and may comment on the proposal. 25. When he was in high school, he forever cribbing I have homework. 26. They can spend hours chatting on the phone. 27. I came to it a few times, but it wasn't home all the time. 28. When Tania came out of the car, she poskol′znclas′ and fell. 29. It is usually spent holidays at Grandma's in the village. 30. Although it was raining and the wind was blowing, I was warm in a new jacket.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
8. While you're watching a movie, I was preparing lunch. Now you have to tell me what was the movie. 9. Faith came home, washed and dressed. then I went into the kitchen and made herself dinner. 10. David twisted his leg while playing football. With him is always something happening. 11. We moved to this apartment 5 years ago. We like to live here. 12. He constantly complained to me of his life! He did not like his work. He had no friends. He felt lonely. 13. We used to leaving town for the weekend. Unfortunately, now we have no such possibility. 14. In the morning I worked in the library, and then I had a class of up to four hours. 15. Where were you last night? I called you from 7 to 9 hours. 16. The first two years we lived in Vitebsk, and then moved to Minsk. 17. I cut my finger when peeling potatoes. 18. In her youth she wrote poetry. And now it is a well-known journalist. 19. When I woke up, heavy rain. 20. He wanted to know if I have the evening free. 21. We worked all day in the sadu, by the end of the day are all very tired. 22. She told me very homesick and looking forward to the holidays. 23. Recently, Anna told me that she moved to a new apartment, close to the university. 24. I was sure that she knows this rule and can comment on the proposal. 25. When he was in school, he was always copied my homework. 26. They could talk on the phone for hours. 27. I went to it several times, but it always was not at home. 28. When Tanya came out of the car, she poskolzntslas and fell. 29. It usually spend a vacation in the village with my grandmother. 30. Although the rain came and the wind was blowing, I was warm in a new jacket.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
8. while you were watching the movie, i was cooking dinner. now you have to tell me what the film was. 9. vera came home, умылась and changed. then went to the kitchen and cooked the supper. 10. david i twisted my leg playing football. there's always something happens. 11. we moved into the apartment, 5 years ago. we like to live here. 12. he always said to me in my life! he doesn't like his job. he didn't have any friends. he felt lonely. 13. we used to go out of town for the weekend. unfortunately, now we have the opportunity to do so. 14. in the morning, i was in the library, and then i had classes for four hours. 15. where were you last night? i called you from 7 to 9 hours. 16. first, we two years lived in vitebsk, and then moved to minsk. 17. i cut my finger when peeling the potatoes. 18. as a young woman, she wrote a poem. and now she's a famous journalist. 19. when i woke up, it was raining really hard. 20. he wanted to know if i am free tonight. 21. we spent all day working in the сaду, towards the end of the day, all very tired. 22. she told me that she is homesick and is looking forward to the holidays. 23. recently, anya tells me she's moving to a new apartment near the university. 24. i was sure she knows this rule and may comment on the proposal. 25. when he was in school, he always copy my homework. 26. they can talk on the phone for hours. 27. i went to see her a few times, but her time was not at home. 28. when tanya got out of the car, she поскользнцлась and fell. 29. she usually spent the holidays in the village with her grandmother. 30. although it was raining and the wind was blowing hard, i was warm in a new jacket.
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