Театр Шекспира «Глобус» (Shakespeare's Globe Theatre), название которо перевод - Театр Шекспира «Глобус» (Shakespeare's Globe Theatre), название которо английский как сказать

Театр Шекспира «Глобус» (Shakespear

Театр Шекспира «Глобус» (Shakespeare's Globe Theatre), название которого, как правило, связывают с одним из трёх театров в Лондоне:

1. Первоначальный театр «Глобус», одним из владельцев был Шекспир.

Здание театра выглядело так: ровная плоская площадка, обнесенная довольно высокими стенами, представляла собой и пол здания, и сцену. На внутренней стороне стен находились ложи для зрителей. Некоторые богатые зрители имели право сидеть по краям самой сцены. Крыши не было, поэтому спектакли шли при дневном свете. Декораций тоже не существовало. Их заменяли таблички с надписями - они устанавливались на деревянных подставках и легко переносились с места на место.

В результате пожара 29 июня 1613 года «Глобус» сгорел.

2. В 1614 году театр восстановили после пожара, и продолжал свою работу до 1642 г. закрыт, а со временем его и вовсе снесли. И только в 1971 году американский кинорежжисер и актер Сэм Уанамейкер (Sam Wanamaker), попытался найти фундамент шекспировского театра и стал строить здание заново.

Работа над этим проектом продолжалась более 25 лет; сам Уанамейкер умер в 1993, почти за четыре года до открытия реконструированного «Глобуса».

3. В 1997 году новый „Глобус“ был построен. Современное здание, вмещающее 1400 зрителей, - искусная реконструкция круглого деревянного театра елизаветинской эпохи.

Сегодня под лондонским небом с круглого деревянного помоста звучат слова трагедий и комедий Шекспира.

Поскольку здание театра без крыши, спектакли в нем проходят только весной и летом. Однако экскурсии в старейшем лондонском театре «Глобус» проводят ежедневно.

Рядом с восстановленным «Глобусом» открыт тематический парк-музей, посвященный Шекспиру. Там размещена самая большая в мире выставочная экспозиция, посвященная великому драматургу; для посетителей организованы разнообразные тематические увеселительные мероприятия: здесь можно попробовать самому написать сонет; посмотреть бой на мечах, и даже принять участие в постановке шекспировской пьесы.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Shakespeare's Globe Theatre (Shakespeare's Globe Theatre), whose name is usually associated with one of the three theaters in London:1. the original Globe Theatre, one of the owners was Shakespeare.The building looked like: smooth flat area, surrounded by high walls, and the floor was a building and scene. On the inner side of the walls were lodges for spectators. Some rich viewers have the right to sit on the edges of the scene. There was no roof, so the performances went in daylight. Scenery also existed. They replaced the plates with inscriptions-they were mounted on wooden trays and easy were transferred from place to place.By fire 29 June 1613 year Globe burned down.2. In the year 1614 Theatre rebuilt after a fire, and continued its work until 1642, closed, and eventually it was removed. And only in the year 1971 American kinorežžiser and actor Sam Uanamejker (Sam Wanamaker), tried to find the foundations of Shakespeare Theatre and began to build a building of again.Work on this project lasted for more than 25 years; Uanamejker himself died in 1993, nearly four years before the opening of the reconstructed Globe.3. In 1997, the new "Globus" was built. A modern building, which accommodates up to 1400 spectators, skillful reconstruction of circular wooden Theatre Elizabethan era.Today, under the London sky with round wooden platform sound words of Shakespeare's tragedies and comedies. Since the theatre building with no roof, it shows only in spring and summer. However, the oldest theatre of London tours «Globus» a day.Next to the restored "Globe" theme park-museum dedicated to Shakespeare. There posted the world's largest exhibition dedicated to the great playwright; for visitors organized various themed entertainment: Here you can try yourself to write a sonnet; see sword fighting, and even participate in the setting of Shakespeare's plays.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Shakespeare Theater "Globus» (Shakespeare's Globe Theatre), whose name is usually associated with one of three theaters in London: 1. The original theater "Globus", one of the owners was Shakespeare. The theater looked like: a smooth flat area, surrounded with pretty high walls, and the floor was a building, and the scene. On the inner side walls of the box were the spectators. Some wealthy audience had the right to sit on the edges of the scene. Roofs were not, so the performances were in daylight. The scenery is also not there. They were replaced by tablets with inscriptions - they were mounted on wooden base and is easy to carry from place to place. As a result, a fire June 29, 1613 "Globus" burned out. 2. In 1614, the theater was restored after a fire, and continued its work until 1642 is closed, and eventually it was demolished altogether. It was only in 1971, and American actor Sam kinorezhzhiser Uanameyker (Sam Wanamaker), tried to find the foundation of Shakespeare's theater and began to build the building again. The work on this project lasted for more than 25 years; Uanameyker himself died in 1993, almost four years before the opening of the reconstructed "Globes". 3. In 1997, a new "Globus" was built. Modern building, accommodating 1,400 spectators, -. Skillful reconstruction of the round wooden theater Elizabethan Today, under the London sky with round wooden platform words of Shakespeare's tragedies and comedies. Since the building of the theater without a roof, there are performances in the spring and summer. However, the tour in the oldest London theater "Globe" is carried out every day. Close to the restored "Globus" opened a theme park, a museum dedicated to Shakespeare. They placed the world's largest exposition dedicated to the great playwright; visitors are organized various themed entertainment activities: you can try to write a sonnet; see a sword fight, and even take part in a production of Shakespeare's plays.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
shakespeare"s globe theatre "(shakespeare"s globe theatre), whose name is usually associated with one of the three theatres in london.1. the original globe theatre ", one of the owners was shakespeare.the theater was so: smooth, flat pad, обнесенная very high walls, and the floor was a building, and the scene. on the inner side walls are revealed to the audience. some rich people had the right to sit on the edge of the stage. the roof was not, therefore, performances were in daylight. the set does not exist. they were labeled with the names they were installed on wooden trays and easily floating around.as a result of a fire on june 29, 1613, the globe burned down.2. in 1614, the theatre was restored after the fire, and continued its work until 1642. closed, then it is demolished. and only in the 1971 american кинорежжисер and actor sam уанамейкер (sam Wanamaker), try to find the foundation of shakespearean theatre and began to build the building again.the work on this project lasted for more than 25 years; the уанамейкер died in 1993, almost four years before the opening of the redesigned "globe".3. in 1997, a new „глобус was built. modern building, вмещающее 1400 spectators, a reconstruction of the theatre round wooden standard era.today, under the london sky with round wooden the sound words of tragedies and comedies of shakespeare.since the theater without a roof, performances, it is only in the spring and summer. however, the oldest theatre in london. the globus spend every day.next to the refurbished "глобусом» opened theme park - a museum dedicated to shakespeare. there is the world"s largest exhibition exhibit on the great драматургу; for the visitors held various thematic entertainment: here you can try to write a sonnet; see a sword fight, and even participate in a production of shakespeare"s play.
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