в тебе есть минусы? ты идеальный мужчина? Я просто не понимаю, как ты можешь быть один, это не правильно. Куда смотрят девочки, которые живут рядом с тобой. Жалко, что я не могу сейчас быть с тобой рядом.
in you there is cons? you're the perfect man? I just don't understand how you can be one, this is not right. Where to watch girls who live next to you. It is a pity that I cannot be with you next.
in you there are disadvantages? you are ideal man? I just do not understand how you can be one, it is not correct. Where to watch the girls who live next to you. It is a pity that I can not now be close to you.
you have the negatives? you"re the perfect man? i just don"t understand how you can be the one, that"s not right. where are the girls who live next to you. it"s a pity that i can"t be with you.