Ресурсы природные – предметы и явления природы, которые могут быть исп перевод - Ресурсы природные – предметы и явления природы, которые могут быть исп английский как сказать

Ресурсы природные – предметы и явле

Ресурсы природные – предметы и явления природы, которые могут быть использованы в процессе производства, например, земля, вода, нефть.
Ресурсы произведенные – ресурсы, созданные трудом человека, с целью их использования в процессе производства, например, станки, роботы.
Ресурсы трудовые – экономически активная часть населения, обладающая физическими и духовными способностями для участия в трудовой деятельности.
Рыночная экономика – такая открытая экономическая система, в которой продукция производится для обмена или для продажи на рынке с целью приобретения другого товара либо получения прибыли.
Семейный бюджет – баланс доходов и расходов домашних хозяйств. Различают сбалансированный, дефицитный и избыточный семейные бюджеты. Доходы семей формируются из денежных средств и материальных благ.
Совокупное предложение – объем производства материальной продукции и услуг, предъявляемый к продаже на национальном рынке при определенном уровне цен.
Совокупный спрос – общая сумма расходов на покупку конечной материальной продукции и услуг на национальном рынке за определенный период времени.
Спрос – желание и возможность потребителя купить товар на рынке.
Спроса величина – такое количество товара, которое хотят и могут приобрести покупатели по определенной цене.
Спроса эластичность – реакция спроса на изменение какого-либо фактора, например, цены, дохода покупателя.
Спрос индивидуальный – спрос, предъявляемый на товар отдельным покупателем.
Средняя склонность к потреблению – доля потребления в располагаемом доходе.
Средняя склонность к сбережению – доля сбережения в располагаемом доходе.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Natural resources-objects and phenomena of nature, which can be used in the production process, for example, land, water, and oil.Resources produced-resources created by human labour, with a view to their use in the manufacturing process, such as machine tools, robots.Labour resources is economically active part of the population, with its physical and spiritual abilities to participate in the labour force.The market economy is an economic system in which products are produced to Exchange or for sale in the market to purchase other goods or profit. Family budget-balance of income and expenditure. There are balanced, a scarce and family budgets. Family incomes are generated from money and material goods.Aggregate supply-production of material goods and services supplied for sale on the domestic market at a certain price level.Aggregate demand is the total cost of buying the ultimate physical products and services on a national market for a certain period of time.Demand is willing and able to buy consumer goods on the market.Demand quantity-the quantity of the item that is willing and able to acquire customers at a certain price.Demand elasticity of demand-response to any factor, for example, the price, the buyer's income.Individual demand-demand, supplied to the product selected by the buyer.Average propensity to consume is the share of consumption in disposable income.Average propensity to save-percentage of savings to disposable income.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Natural Resources - objects and phenomena of nature, which can be used in the production process, such as land, water, oil.
Resources produced - resources created by human labor, with a view to their use in the production process, such as machine tools, robots.
labor resources - economically active population, which has physical and mental abilities to participate in the labor market.
The market economy - is an open economic system, in which products are produced for exchange or for sale on the market in order to purchase another product or profit.
Family budget - the balance of income and household expenditure. There are balanced, deficit and excess household budgets. Household income generated from money and material goods.
Aggregate supply - the volume of production of material goods and services offered for sale on the domestic market at a certain price level.
Aggregate demand - the total expenditure for the purchase of the final financial products and services in the national market for a certain period time.
The demand - the desire and ability of consumers to buy a product on the market.
Demand value of - is the amount of goods that are willing and able to buy at a certain price buyers.
Demand elasticity - the reaction of demand to changes in any factor, such as prices, income buyers.
Demand Individual - demand was for goods individual purchasers.
Average propensity to consume - the share of consumption in disposable income.
The average propensity to save - share of savings in disposable income.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Resources natural objects and natural phenomena, which can be used in the production process, for example, land, water, oil.
resources produced by - resources that are created labor rights,With a view to their use in the production process, for example, machines, robots.
Resources labor - economically active part of the population,With physical and spiritual abilities to participate in the labor force.
the market economy - such an open economic system,In which products are manufactured for exchange or for sale on the market in order to purchase other goods or for profit.
Family budget - statement of income and expenditure of households.There are balanced, attendance and excessive family budgets. Family income generated from cash and material goods.
the combined proposal - the volume of production material products and services,Parenting to the sale in the national market at a certain price level.
Aggregate demand - the total cost to purchase the ultimate physical products and services in the national market for a certain period of time.
demand - the desire and the ability to buy consumer goods on the market.
Demand value is the quantity of the goods, which are willing and able to purchase buyers on a price.
demand elasticity - the response demand for change of any factor, for example, prices, income buyer.
Demand individual - demand, conferring on the goods to individual buyer.
the average propensity to consume - the share of consumption in располагаемом income.
The average propensity to save - the proportion of the savings in располагаемом income.

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