Полная версия стихов АсадоваКак много тех, с кем можно лечь в постель, перевод - Полная версия стихов АсадоваКак много тех, с кем можно лечь в постель, английский как сказать

Полная версия стихов АсадоваКак мно

Полная версия стихов Асадова

Как много тех, с кем можно лечь в постель,
Как мало тех, с кем хочется проснуться…
И утром, расставаясь улыбнуться,
И помахать рукой, и улыбнуться,
И целый день, волнуясь, ждать вестей.

Как много тех, с кем можно просто жить,
Пить утром кофе, говорить и спорить…
С кем можно ездить отдыхать на море,
И, как положено – и в радости, и в горе
Быть рядом… Но при этом не любить…

Как мало тех, с кем хочется мечтать!
Смотреть, как облака роятся в небе,
Писать слова любви на первом снеге,
И думать лишь об этом человеке…
И счастья большего не знать и не желать.

Как мало тех, с кем можно помолчать,
Кто понимает с полуслова, с полувзгляда,
Кому не жалко год за годом отдавать,
И за кого ты сможешь, как награду,
Любую боль, любую казнь принять…

Вот так и вьётся эта канитель -
Легко встречаются, без боли расстаются…
Все потому, что много тех, с кем можно лечь в постель.
Все потому, что мало тех, с кем хочется проснуться.

Как много тех, с кем можно лечь в постель…
Как мало тех, с кем хочется проснуться…
И жизнь плетёт нас, словно канитель…
Сдвигая, будто при гадании на блюдце.

Мы мечемся: – работа… быт… дела…
Кто хочет слышать - всё же должен слушать…
А на бегу - заметишь лишь тела…
Остановитесь… чтоб увидеть душу.

Мы выбираем сердцем – по уму…
Порой боимся на улыбку - улыбнуться,
Но душу открываем лишь тому,
С которым и захочется проснуться.

Как много тех, с кем можно говорить.
Как мало тех, с кем трепетно молчание.
Когда надежды тоненькая нить
Меж нами, как простое понимание.

Как много тех, с кем можно горевать,
Вопросами подогревать сомнения.
Как мало тех, с кем можно узнавать
Себя, как нашей жизни отражение.

Как много тех, с кем лучше бы молчать,
Кому не проболтаться бы в печали.
Как мало тех, кому мы доверять
Могли бы то, что от себя скрывали.

С кем силы мы душевные найдем,
Кому душой и сердцем слепо верим.
Кого мы непременно позовем,
Когда беда откроет наши двери.

Как мало их, с кем можно – не мудря.
С кем мы печаль и радость пригубили.
Возможно, только им благодаря
Мы этот мир изменчивый любили.
Источник: -
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Full version: poemsHow many of those with whom you can go to bed,How little those who want to wake up.And in the morning, parting smileAnd wave his hand and smile,And all day, excited, waiting for news.How many of those with whom you can just liveDrink coffee in the morning, talk and argue.With whom you can ride rest on the sea,And, as it should be-and in joy and in sorrowBe near ... But not love.How little those who want to dream!Watch as clouds swarming in the sky,Write the word love on the first snow,And to think only about this person ...And happiness more do not know and do not wish for.How few are those who keep silent,Who understands perfectly, with a glance,Who do not mind to give year after year,And for whom you will be able, as a reward,Any pain, any penalty to take.So Mills this rigmarole-Easily occur without pain part ...That's because many of those with whom you can go to bed.That's because few of those with whom I want to wake up.How many of those with whom you can go to bed.How little those who want to wake up.And life pletët us, like GIMP.Shifting, though when making prognostications on a saucer.We mečemsâ:-work ... Gen. .. the case ...Who wants to hear-all must listen ...While on the run-catch only the body.Stop ... to see the soul.We choose heart-on the mind.Sometimes we are afraid to smile-smileBut the soul open onlyWith that and want to wake up.How many of those with whom you can talk.How little those who reverently silent.When hope is thin threadBetween us, as a simple understanding.How many of those with whom you can grieve,Warm up questions of doubt.How few are those with whom you can learnHimself as our life.How many of those with whom it is better to remain silentWho would spill the beans in sadness.How little those we trustCould that have been hiding from yourself.With whom we find spiritual forcesHeart and soul who blindly believe.Whom we will call,When the trouble to open our doors.How little they with whom you can-not mudrea.With whom we sorrow and joy prigubili.Perhaps only thanks to themWe have this world of changeable loved.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

The full version of poetry Asadov How many of those with whom you can go to bed, how little those who want to wake up ... And in the morning, parting smile, and waved and smiled, And the whole day, worrying, waiting for news. How many of those with whom you can just live, drink coffee in the morning, talking and arguing ... Who can go to rest at sea, and, as expected - and in joy and in sorrow Be there ... But it is not love ... How little those who want dream! Watch as the clouds in the sky swarming, write words of love on the first snow, and think only about the man ... And more happiness does not know and did not ask for. How few of those with whom you can be silent, who understands perfectly, poluvzglyada, This is not a pity to give year after year, and for whom you will be able, as a reward, any pain, any penalty to take ... That's how the winds rigmarole - is easy to meet, without pain to leave ... This is because many of those with whom you can go to bed. All because a few of those with whom you want to wake up. How many of those with whom you can go to bed ... How little those who want to wake up ... And life weaves us like gimp ... Shifting, if at guessing on a saucer. We rush: - Work ... life ... case ... Who wants to hear - still have to listen to ... And on the run - note only the body ... Stay ... to see the soul. We choose the heart - of the mind ... Sometimes we are afraid to smile - a smile, but the soul open only to those with whom want to wake up. How many of those with whom you can talk. How little those who cherished the silence. When the slender thread of hope Between us, as a simple understanding. How many of those with whom you can grieve, warm Questions of doubt . How few of those with whom you can recognize himself as a reflection of our lives. How many of those with whom it would be better to remain silent, Who does not blab to the press. As a few of those we trust Could that hide from myself. With whom mental strength, we shall find the heart and soul To blindly believe in. Who do we certainly will invite, when trouble will open our doors. As a few of them with whom you can - not wise. With whom we sip sadness and joy. It is possible only thanks to them that we World choppy loved.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

Full version poems Artur Rasizade

how much those with whom you can lie in bed,
how little those with whom you don't want waking up ...
and this morning, indeed smile,
and city listings by hand, and smile,
and a full day, without worrying about running out, wait for promised.

How much those with whom you can simply live,
drink morning coffee, to talk, and no one could disagree ...
with whom you can relax on the sea coast,
and, as initiated by - and in joy, and in the mount
be next to ... But if this is not love ... Lord as little those with whom you don't want dream!
Watch, as clouds in the sky you discover,
Write words of love on the first snow,
and only think about this man ...
and happiness more not to know and not be willing.Lord as little those, with whom you can keep their mouths shut,
who understands with Ramzan KadyrovWith fellow Central Asian teams,
who is not bad for a year to give,
and for whom you can be, as well as an award-winning,
any pain, any penalty to take ... lord this way and meanders through this red velvet -
is easily found, without pain were being bumped off ...
all of this is because that there are many thoseWith whom you can lie in bed.
All because that little those with whom you don't want wake up.Lord as many those with whom you can lie in bed ...
how little those with whom you don't want waking up ...
and life endangering us, as if it were red velvet ...
sliding,If the metaphysical at the clingfilm.lord we мечемся: - work ... welfare ... case ...
who wants to hear - all same should listen to ...
A in a rush - imitating the body only ...
stop ... we see per capita.lord we choose the heart - on intelligence ...
Sometimes afraid to smile - smile,
but per capita are opening only,
with whom and want waking up.Lord as many those, with whom you can speak.
how little those, with whom rude silence.
when hopes several noises recurred throughout the thread
International us,As a simple understanding.lord how much those with whom you can hypothetical,
Issues heat up doubts.
how little those with whom you can learn
itself, as well as our life reflected.lord how much those with whom it is best to remain silent,
Anyone who is not проболтаться would be in sorrow.
how little, for those to whom we would trust
could be the fact that, from a concealed.Lord with whom mental force, we find,
who heart and soul blindly trust.
whom we necessarily politician said,
When a misfortune will open the doors of our.lord how little their, with whom you can - not Mudrea highlighted.
with whom we sorrow and joy пригубили.
perhaps, only with
We loved this world exhibition.
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