I. Вчера я потерял книжку с новым адресом нашего старого коллеги. 2. Я перевод - I. Вчера я потерял книжку с новым адресом нашего старого коллеги. 2. Я английский как сказать

I. Вчера я потерял книжку с новым а

I. Вчера я потерял книжку с новым адресом нашего старого коллеги. 2. Я также забыл адрес его нового
офиса. 3. Я не помню адрес его сестры. 4. Некоторые из этих адресов я оставил дома. 5. На прошлой
неделе моя сестра потеряла телефонный номер своего учителя. 6. По дороге из колледжа она забыла
этот телефонный номер. 7. Она оставила дома записную книжку с его номером телефона. 8. Мы попросили нашего коллегу принести бутылку воды, но он забыл об этом. 9. Сколько стоит этот загородный
Дом? - Я не знаю. Я не помню его цену. 10. Почему ты смеешься над названием этого кинотеатра?
II. Когда мы вчера заканчивали работу, мне позвонил мой друг, и мы решили пойти погулять. 12. Ты
помнишь, когда наша секретарша собирается выйти замуж за своего друга? 13. Мы собирались провес-
ти выходные в нашем загородном доме, но погода была плохая, и мы решили остаться дома. 14. По
дороге домой мы не видели ни одного (никакого) места без зеленой травы. 15. Когда мы возвращались
домой, в небе светило Солнце, и погода была очень хорошая. 16. Где вы меня ждете? Дайте мне адрес
этого места... Хорошо, я сейчас заканчиваю свою работу и еду к вам. До скорой встречи! 17. Когда мы
гуляли в лесу в выходные, дети спрашивали нас названия деревьев, и мы отвечали на их вопросы. 18. Дети не забыли ни одного (никакого) названия цветов в нашем саду. 19. Это неправильно, что ты веришь
каждому слову этого человека.

Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I. yesterday, I lost the book with the new address of our old colleagues. 2. I also forgot to address his new
Office. 3. I do not remember the address of his sister. 4. some of those addresses I had left home. 5. last
week, my sister lost her phone number of his teacher. 6. on the way from college she forgot
this phone number. 7. She left home notebook with his phone number. 8. We asked our colleague to bring a bottle of water, but he forgot about it. 9. how much does this country
house? -I don't know. I don't remember the price. 10. Why do you laugh over the name of the cinema?
II. When we have finished the work yesterday, I got a call from my friend, and we decided to go for a walk. 12. Ty
remember when our Secretary is going to get married to her friend? 13. we met t-
tee off in our country house, but the weather was bad, and we decided to stay at home. 14.
the way home we haven't seen any (any) location without the green grass. 15. when we returned home to heaven
Sun was shining and the weather was very good. 16. where are you I am waiting for? Let me address
this place ... Well, I'm now finishing its work and food for you. See you soon! 17. when we were walking in the forest at
weekend children asking us the names of the trees, and we answered their questions. 18. children have not forgotten a single (no) the names of the flowers in our garden. 19. it is wrong, what do you believe every word of this person

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I. Yesterday I lost the book with the new location of our old colleagues. 2. I also forgot to address his new
office. 3. I do not remember the address of his sister. 4. Some of these addresses I left home. 5. Last
week, my sister lost the phone number of his teacher. 6. On the way out of college, she forgot
the phone number. 7. She left home a notebook with his phone number. 8. We asked our colleague to bring a bottle of water, but he forgot about it. 9. How much is this country
house? - I do not know. I do not remember its price. 10. Why do you laugh at the name of this theater?
II. When we finished work yesterday, I called my friend and we decided to go for a walk. 12. You
remember when our secretary is going to marry her boyfriend? 13. We were going to sag-
minute weekend in our country house, but the weather was bad, and we decided to stay home. 14. On
the way home we did not see any (no) place without green grass. 15. When we returned
home, in the sky the sun is shining and the weather was very good. 16. Where are you waiting for me? Give me the address
of this place ... Well, I'll finish my work and food to you. See you soon! 17. When we
walked in the woods on the weekend, the kids asked us names of trees, and we answered their questions. 18. Children are not forgotten either (no) the names of flowers in our garden. 19. It is wrong that you believe
every word of this man.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I. yesterday I lost my booklet with new address our old colleagues. 2. I also forgot my address its new
office. 3. I do not remember my address his sister. 4. Some of these addresses i had left at home. 5. At last
Week, my sister lost the phone number of his teachers. 6. On the road from college she forgot
this phone number. 7. She left home notebook with his phone number. 8.We have asked our colleague to bring a free bottle of water, but he forgot about it. 9. How much is this serenity
house? - I do not know. I don't remember the price. 10. Why don't you Connolly does his voice and the name of the cinema?
II.When we complete the work, I told him my friend, and we decided to go to a walk. 12. You
remember, when our boy close is going to marry his friend? 13. We were slack-
Ti output in our country house, but the weather was bad, and we have decided to stay at home. 14. The
road home we saw no one (no) seats without green grass. 15. When we returned
home, in-the-sky flagstones Sun,And the weather was very good. 16. Where are you i am waiting for? Let me address
this place ... Well, I now conclude its work and food to you. See you soon! 17. When we
walked in the forest at the weekend,Children who asked us the name tree species, and we have to respond to their questions. 18. Children are not forgotten no one (no) color names in our garden. 19. This is wrong, that you're seeing
each word the rights.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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