I want to tell you about my family.My family is rather big. I have got перевод - I want to tell you about my family.My family is rather big. I have got английский как сказать

I want to tell you about my family.

I want to tell you about my family.
My family is rather big. I have got a mother, a father, an elder sister, a grandfather and a grandmother.
My mother’s name is Irina. She is a teacher of English in one of Moscow schools. She is a very good specialist and has achieved a lot in her profession. My mother likes sewing and reading fashion magazines. I am always ready to help her with house chores, because I know that teaching profession is very difficult and I should make sure that my mother has some free time after the school.
My father’s name is Alexei. He is a wonderful designer. He works for a big publishing house. I love looking at his works! Sometimes I give him advice on the colours or pictures and he appreciates my opinion. My father is also very good at com­posing music. It is so interesting to watch him writing music.
My elder sister’s name is Elena. She is a student of the 4th year at Moscow Financial University. Elena is going to be an accountant. Sometimes she helps me with my Maths homework when she has time, but she says that I must study myself to achieve good results in future. My sister likes going to a gym and she keeps fit.
My grandparents, Vera and Vladimir, live in a separate flat. They do not work now, because they are retired. My grand­mother used to work as an engineer at a big car factory and my grandfather is a professor: he used to teach students at Moscow State University. He is a specialist in Russian histo­ry and culture. Sometimes he still writes articles for specialised journals and he knows so many interesting things! Every week I go to visit them and always help them with shopping.
Я хочу рассказать вам о моей семье.
Моя семья довольно большая. У меня мать, отец, младший брат и дедушка и бабушка.
Имя моей матери Гульнара. Она является медсестрой в одной из Альметьевск школ. Она очень хороший специалист. Я всегда готова помочь ей с домашними делами, потому что я знаю, что профессия медсестры очень трудно, и я должена убедиться, что моя мать имеет немного свободного времени после школы.
Название моего отца Азат. Он замечательный инженер. Он работает в ТАТЕХ.
Имя моего младшего брата Камиль. Он является учеником 5-го класса Альметьевск школы №23. Камиль хочет стать учителем. Иногда я помогаю ему с домашним заданием по математике, когда я имею время, но я говорю, что он должен учиться сам, чтобы добиться хороших результатов в будущем. Мой брат любит ходить на футбол.
Мои дедушка и бабушка, Асия и Сальман, жить в отдельную доме. Они не работают в настоящее время, потому что они на пенсии. Моя бабушка работала лаборантом, а дедушка работал инженером. Каждую неделю я хожу к ним в гости и всегда им помочь с покупками. Я люблю свою семью, и я так счастлива, что мы все вместе!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I want to tell you about my family.My family is rather big. I have got a mother, a father, an elder sister, a grandfather and a grandmother.My mother's name is Irina. She is a teacher of English in one of Moscow schools. She is a very good specialist and has achieved a lot in her profession. My mother likes sewing and reading fashion magazines. I am always ready to help her with house chores, because I know that the teaching profession is very difficult and I should make sure that my mother has some free time after the school.My father's name is Alexandra. He is a wonderful designer. He works for a big publishing house. I love looking at his works! Sometimes I give him advice on the colours or pictures and he appreciates my opinion. My father is also very good at posing com music. It is so interesting to watch him writing music.My elder sister's name is Elena. She is a student of the 4th year at Moscow Financial University. Elena is going to be an accountant. Sometimes she helps me with my Maths homework when she has time, but she says that I must study myself to achieve good results in the future. My sister likes going to a gym and she keeps fit.My grandparents, Vera and Vladimir, live in a separate flat. They do not work now, because they are retired. My grand mother used to work as an engineer at a big car factory, and my grandfather is a professor: he used to teach students at Moscow State University. He is a specialist in Russian histo ry and culture. Sometimes he still writes articles for specialised journals and he knows so many interesting things! Every week I go to visit them and always help them with shopping.I want to tell you about my family. My family is quite large. I have a mother, father, younger brother and grandparents. My mother's name is Gulnara. She is a nurse in one of Manchester schools. She is a very good specialist. I'm always ready to help her with household chores, because I know that the profession of nurses is very difficult, and I must make sure that my mother has some free time after school. My father's name Azat. He has remarkable engineer. He works in OIL. My name is Camille's younger brother. He is a pupil of grade 5 Portsmouth school # 23. Camille wants to become a teacher. Sometimes I help him with homework in math when I have time, but I am saying that he should learn it myself, to achieve good results in the future. My brother likes to go to the football. My grandparents, Asiya and Salman, live in a separate House. They don't work now because they retired. My grandmother worked as a lab assistant and grandfather worked as an engineer. Every week I go to them and they always help with the shopping. I love my family, and I am so happy that we are all in this together!
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i want to tell you about my family.my family is rather big. i have got a mother, a father, an elder sister, a grandfather and a grandmother.my mother's name is irina. she is a teacher of english in one of liverpool schools. she is a very good specialist and has achieved a lot in her profession. my mother likes sewing and reading fashion magazines. i am always ready to help her with the house chores, because i know that people profession is very difficult, and i would make sure that my mother has some free time after the school.my father's name is ben. he is a excellent designer. he works for a big publishing house. i love looking at the works. sometimes i give him advice on the colours or / and he appreciates my opinion. my father is also very good at com­posing music. it is so interesting to watch him writing music.my elder sister's name is elena. she is a student of the 4th year at moscow financial university. elena is going to be an accountant. sometimes she helps me with my Maths homework when she has time, but she says that i must study myself to achieve good results in the future. my sister likes going to a gym and she keeps fit.my grandparents, vera and the duke, live in a modern flat. they do not work now, because they are retired. my grand­mother used to work as an in a big car factory, and my grandfather is a professor, he used to teach students at moscow state university. he is a specialist in english histo­ry and culture. sometimes he still writes articles for over - and he knows so many interesting things. every week i go to visit them and always help them with shopping.i want to tell you about my family.my family is quite big. my mother, father, brother, and grandpa and grandma.my mother's name gulnara. she is a nurse in a almetyevsk schools. she's really good. i'm always ready to help her with the household chores, because i know that the profession of nurses is very difficult, and i have to make sure that my mother has some free time after school.the name of my father azat. he's a great engineer. he works in татех.the name of my younger brother kamil. he is a student of grade 5 almetyevsk school 23. camille wants to become a teacher. sometimes i help him with homework in math, when i have the time, but i'm saying that he must learn to own, to achieve good results in the future. my brother likes to go to the football game.my grandfather and grandmother, asia and salman, live in a separate house. they do not work in real time because they are retired. my grandmother worked as a technician and grandfather worked as an engineer. every week i go to their house and always help them with the shopping. i love my family, and i'm so happy that we are together!
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