ЭКСПЕРТНЫЕ СИСТЕМЫВ Европе развитие информационных технологий использу перевод - ЭКСПЕРТНЫЕ СИСТЕМЫВ Европе развитие информационных технологий использу английский как сказать



В Европе развитие информационных технологий используется для реализации задач телемедицины. Большинство лабораторного и радиологического оборудования компьютеризировано, обеспечивается концепция интеграции информационных систем, что позволяет повысить эффективность диагностирования и лечения. Источниками данных для телерадиологических систем являются компьютерная томография, УЗИ, магнитный резонанс, цифровая флюорография, компьютерная радиография. Государственные программы по телемедицине охватывают области создания баз данных (NUCLEUS-мультимедийное досье пациента, EMDIS-Европейская информационная система о донорах костного мозга, EPIC-Европейская модель лечения, FEST-база знаний для Европейских служб телемедицины), телекоммуникационной инфраструктуры (ISAAC-интегрированная телекоммуникационная система, SHINE-стратегическая информационная сеть здравоохранения Европы), содержательных программ обслуживания отдельных групп населения (пожилых, калек и др.) или отдельных ситуационных задач (катастрофы и пр).
С 1988 г. в Европе начались работы по программе AIM по внедрению современных средств информатики в медицину. Компания ATL представила экспертную систему HDI 5000, обеспечивающую обработку изображений со скоростью 14 млрд. операций в секунду с динамическим диапазоном 150 дБ, что позволяет наблюдать четкое цветное изображение кровотока. Система снабжена интеллектуальной адаптивной системой настройки, системой оптимизации параметров, обеспечивает трехмерное изображение сосудов.
В России существуют экспертные системы для ортопедии. Их успех определяется степенью точного понимания реальных медико-технических процессов. Система совмещена с мультимедийными устройствами.
Ряд интеллектуальных систем позволяют учитывать мнение врача (ДИАГЕН), реализуют механизм корректировки "весов" признаков, вводят коэффициенты "уверенности" и др. Такие системы обеспечивают варианты решений: "мягкое решение", "жесткий выбор", и др.
Опыт работы детской телемедицинской консультативной системы в России с помощью ЦНИИ "Центр" и кафедры детской хирургии Российского государственного медицинского университета способствовал повышению квалификации педиатров страны. Разработана экспертно-диагностическая система контроля за состоянием новорожденных, лекарственных препаратов, клинической диагностики, щитовидной железы, и др.
В практике медицины применяется технология имитационного динамического моделирования для диагностики, в частности, электровибростимуляции позвоночного столба человека.
Мультимедийные технологии применяются при создании информационно-диагностических и обучающих систем. В ЦИТО им.Н. Н. Приорова при участии НТЦ "Новые медицинские технологии" мультимедийные системы работают при участии экспертов соответствующих специальностей. В системах используются ПК типа Pentium, SVGA монитор, 4 Мб ОЗУ, Windows 95.
В России довольно интенсивно развиваются локальные медицинские информационные системы (МИС) и сети. В настоящее время широко применяются в практике медицины компьютеризированные истории болезни и системы классификации терминов. При этом важную роль играет язык общения между базами данных и терминология.
На повестке дня стоит создание территориальных, а затем глобальных МИС.
Развитие информационных технологий и современных коммуникаций, появление в клиниках большого количества автоматизированных медицинских приборов, следящих систем и отдельных компьютеров привели к новому витку интереса и к значительному росту числа медицинских информационных систем (МИС) клиник, причем, как в крупных медицинских центрах с большими потоками информации, так и в медицинских центрах средних размеров и даже в небольших клиниках или клинических отделениях. Только в США затраты клиник в этой области составляют около 8,5 млрд. долл. в год, и по оценкам специалистов ожидается рост затрат до 12-14 млрд. долл. в связи с планируемой заменой или модернизацией устаревших МИС.
Современная концепция информационных систем предполагает объединение электронных записей о больных (electronic patient records) с архивами медицинских изображений и финансовой информацией, данными мониторинга с медицинских приборов, результатами работы автоматизированных лабораторий и следящих систем, наличие современных средств обмена информацией (электронной внутрибольничной почты, Internet, видеоконференций и т.д.).
По мнению сотрудников американского института медицинских записей (Medical Records Institute, USA), фактически можно выделить 5 различающихся уровней компьютеризации для МИС.
ПЕРВЫМ уровнем МИС являются автоматизированные медицинские записи. Этот уровень характеризуется тем, что только около 50% информации о пациенте вносится в компьютерную систему, и в различном виде выдается ее пользователям в виде отчетов. Иными словами, такая компьютерная система является неким автоматизированным окружением вокруг "бумажной" технологии ведения пациента. Такие автоматизированные системы обычно охватывают регистрацию пациента, выписки, внутрибольничные переводы, ввод диагностических сведений, назначения, проведение операций, финансовые вопросы, идут параллельно "бумагообороту" и служат прежде всего для разного вида отчетности.
ВТОРЫМ уровнем МИС является система компьютеризированной медицинской записи (Computerized Medical Record System). На этом уровне развития МИС те медицинские документы, которые ранее не вносились в электронную память (прежде всего речь идет об информации с диагностических приборов, получаемой в виде различного
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
EXPERT SYSTEMSIn Europe, the development of information technology is used to implement tasks of telemedicine. Most of the laboratory and radiological equipment is computerized, the concept for the integration of information systems, which improves diagnosis and treatment. Data sources for teleradiologičeskih systems are computer tomography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, digital chest x-ray, computed radiography. Government programmes on tele-health cover database creation (NUCLEUS-a multimedia patient record EMDIS-European information system on donor bone marrow, EPIC-European model of treatment, FEST-a knowledge base for European telemedicine services), telecommunications (ISAAC-integrated telecommunications system, SHINE-strategic health information network Europe), informative programs serving specific groups (the elderly, the disabled, etc.) or situational problems (crashes, etc).Since 1988 in Europe began work on the programme AIM to introduce modern means of Informatics in medicine. The company provided ATL HDI 5000 expert system for image processing speeds of 14 billion. operations per second with 150 DB dynamic range, which enables to observe a clear color image of blood flow. The system is equipped with intelligent adaptive system settings, system optimization, provides a three-dimensional image of the blood vessels.In Russia there are expert systems for orthopedics. Their success is determined by the degree of understanding of the real medical and technical processes. The system is combined with multimedia devices.A number of intelligent systems allow to take into consideration the opinion of a physician (DIAGEN), implement the adjustment mechanism "weights" signs, give the coefficients "confidence", etc. These systems provide solutions: "soft solution", "hard choices", etc.Children's experience of telemedicine advisory system in Russia with the CENTRAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE "Centre" and of Department of Pediatric Surgery of the Russian State Medical University has contributed to the training of Pediatricians in the country. Developed by expert diagnostic system for monitoring babies, medicine, clinical diagnostics, thyroid, etc.In the practice of medicine dynamic model of simulation technology for the diagnosis of èlektrovibrostimulâcii, in particular, the human spinal column.Multimedia technology applied in the creation of information and diagnostic and instructional systems. In ZITO'S the n. N. Priorova, with the participation of STC "new medical technologies" multimedia systems operate with the participation of experts from relevant disciplines. The systems use a Pentium PC, SVGA Monitor, 4 MB RAM, Windows 95.In Russia quite intensively develop local health information systems (MIS) and network. It is now widely used in the practice of medicine, computerized medical records and system of classification terms. An important role is played by the language of communication between databases and terminology.On the agenda is the creation of territorial and then global IIA.The development of information technology and modern communications, the emergence of a large number of clinics and automated monitoring systems, medical devices and computers has led to a new round of interest and to a significant rise in the number of health information systems (MIS) clinics, as in large medical centres with large flows of information, and in a mid-sized medical centers and even in small clinics or clinical departments. Only in the United States costs of clinics in this area account for about 8.5 billion. $. in the year, and estimated cost is expected to increase to 12-14 billion. $. in connection with the proposed replacement or modernization of outdated IIAs.The modern concept of information systems merging electronic records of patients (electronic patient records) with archives of medical images and financial information, monitoring data from medical devices, performance monitoring systems and lab automation, the availability of modern means of communication (electronic mail, Internet-hospital, video conferencing, etc.).According to officials of the American Institute of medical records (Medical Records Institute, USA), actually you can select 5 different levels of computerization to the IIA.The first level of the IIAS are automated medical records. This level is characterized by the fact that only about 50% of patient information is entered into the computer system, and in a different form is issued to users in the form of reports. In other words, such a computer system is an automated environment around the "paper" technology of the patient. Such automated systems generally cover the patient's registration statement, in-hospital transfers, diagnostic information, destination entry, operations, finance, run parallel to the "bumagooborotu" and serve primarily to a different kind of accounting.Second tier IIA is a system of computerized medical records (Computerized Medical Record System). The level of development of the IIA the medical documents that had not previously been in the electronic memory (particularly on information from diagnostic devices, received in the form of various
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
EXPERT SYSTEMS In Europe, the development of information technology is used to achieve the objectives of telemedicine. Most laboratory and radiological equipment is computerized, provided the concept of integration of information systems that can improve the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment. The data sources for teleradiology systems are computerized tomography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, digital X-ray, computed radiography. State programs to cover the field of telemedicine databases (NUCLEUS-multimedia patient's file, EMDIS-European Information System on the bone marrow donor, EPIC-European model of treatment, FEST-knowledge base for European telemedicine services), telecommunications infrastructure (ISAAC-integrated telecommunications system , SHINE-strategic health information network in Europe), content service programs specific population groups (the elderly, debilitated, and others.) or individual case studies (accident, etc.). Since 1988 in Europe started work on the program AIM to introduce modern information technologies in medicine. The company introduced the ATL HDI 5000 system expertise, enables images at a rate of 14 billion. Operations per second with a dynamic range of 150 dB, which allows us to observe a clear color image of blood flow. The system is equipped with intelligent adaptive system tuning, system optimization parameters, provides three-dimensional images of blood vessels. In Russia there are expert systems for orthopedics. Their success is determined by the degree of precise understanding of the actual medical and technical processes. The system is combined with multimedia devices. A number of intelligent systems allow for the opinion of the doctor (DIAGEN), implement the adjustment mechanism "weights" features introduced coefficients "confidence" and others. Such systems provide solutions: a "soft decision", "tough choices" and et al. Experience child telemedicine consultation system in Russia with the help of the Central Research Institute "Center" and the Department of Pediatric Surgery, Russian State Medical University contributed to further training of pediatricians of the country. Developed expert diagnostic system for monitoring the condition of the newborn, drugs, clinical diagnostics, thyroid, and others. In the practice of medicine simulation technology is used for the diagnosis of dynamic modeling, in particular, elektrovibrostimulyatsii spinal column. Multimedia technologies are used in the creation of information and diagnostic and training systems. In CITO im.N. N. Priorov with the participation of STC "New Medical Technologies" multimedia systems work with the participation of experts from the relevant specialties. In systems using a PC type Pentium, SVGA monitor, 4 MB RAM, Windows 95. In Russia, a rather intensive development of local health information systems (MIS) and the network. It is now widely used in medical practice, the computerized medical history terms and classification systems. An important role is played by the language of communication between databases and terminology. On the agenda is the creation of regional and then global MIS. The development of information technology and modern communications, the emergence of a large number of clinics automated medical devices, tracking systems and some computers have led to a new round interest and a significant increase in the number of medical information systems (MIS) clinics, and, as in large medical centers with large flows of information and health centers medium-sized and even small clinics or clinical departments. In the US alone cost clinics in this area are about 8.5 billion. USD. A year, and according to experts is expected to increase costs by up to 12-14 bln. Dollars. In connection with the planned replacement or modernization of legacy MIS. The modern concept of information systems involves Association of electronic records of patients (electronic patient records) with archives of medical images and financial information, monitoring data from medical devices, the results of laboratory automation and tracking systems, the availability of modern means of sharing information (e-mail hospital, Internet, video conferencing, etc. ). According to the staff of the American Institute of Medical Records (Medical Records Institute, USA), in fact, can be identified 5 different levels of computerization for MIS. MIS is the first level of automated medical records. This layer is characterized by the fact that only about 50% of the patient information is entered into a computer system and its various forms is given to users in the form of reports. In other words, this computer system is a kind of automated environment around the "paper" technology of the patient. These automated systems typically encompass patient registration, discharge, hospital transfers, enter diagnostic information, appointments, operations, financial matters, run parallel to "paperwork" and serve primarily to different types of statements. second level MIS system is a computerized medical records (Computerized Medical Record System). At this level of development of MIS those medical records that had not previously been made ​​in the electronic memory (above all we are talking about information on the diagnostic tool received in the form of various

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Expert systems

in Europe development of information technology is used for the realization of the objectives-based telemedicine. Most laboratory and radiological equipment design personalized clothing elementsIs provided by the concept of the integration information systems that allows you to increase the efficiency diagnosis and treatment. Sources of data for телерадиологических systems are computerized tomography,Ultrasound, magnetic resonance, digital флюорография, computer radiography. State programs for telemedicine applications are in the areas of creation of data bases (nucleus-multimedia files patient,EMDIS-The European information system on the donor bone marrow, epic-European model treatment, Fest-knowledge base for European services telemedicine),Telecommunications infrastructure (Isaac-integrated telecommunications system, shine, strategic health information network Europe),Informative programs maintenance of the individual groups of the population (elderly, handicapped persons, etc. ) or individual situational tasks (the catastrophe and ol) .
1988.In Europe started work on the program aim to introduce modern means of informatics in medicine. The Company's Active Template Library (ATL) provided expert system HDI 5000, providing image processing at 14 billion.Operations per second with 150 db dynamic range, that allows you to monitor a clear color image blood flow. The system is equipped with a smart adaptive system settings, system optimization parameters,Gives you a three-dimensional image receptacles.
in Russia there are expert systems for orthotics. Their success is determined by degree of accurate understanding the real medical and technical processes.The system is aligned with multimedia devices.
a number of intellectual systems allow you to take into account that a doctor (ДИАГЕН), implement adjustment mechanism "weights" signs, introduce coefficients "confidence" and others.Such systems provide options for decision-making: "soft decision", "hard choices", and others.
The experience of the work of child diseases advisory system in Russia using the finite element method the "center" and department of child surgery Russian state medical university has helped to improve the skillsCountry.Designed expert diagnostic system for monitoring neonatal patients, medicines, clinical diagnosis, thyroid cancer, and others.
In practice medicine is applied simulation technology dynamic modeling for fault finding, inter alia, электровибростимуляции groin rights.
Multimedia technologies are applied when creating information and diagnostic tools and training systems. In OR them.h. H.The phone with the participation of highly qualified programrs "new medical technologies, multimedia systems operate with the participation of experts from the relevant disciplines. The systems are used PC type Pentium, SVGA monitor, 4 MB of RAM, Windows 95.
In Russia is quite intensively develop local medical information system (MIS) and the network.Currently, it is widely applied in practice medicine computerized medical history and system of classification of terms. The important role played by language of communication between the databases and the terminology.
On the agenda is the territorial, and then global MMS.
development of information technology and modern communications,The clinics in a large number of automated medical devices,Monitoring systems and individual computers have led to a spiral of interest and to a significant increase in the number of health information systems (MMS) clinics, andAs well as in large medical centers with large streams of information, and in the health centers and the medium size even in small clinics or clinical offices.Only in the U.S. cost clinics in this area is about 8.5 billion dollars per year, and it is estimated that cost is expected to increase up to 12 to 14 billion. in connection with the planned replacement or upgrading legacy MMS.
The modern concept of information systems involves combining electronic records of patients (electronic patient records) with archives medical images and financial information,Monitoring data from medical devices, the results of the work of automated laboratory and monitoring systems, the availability of modern means of exchange of information (such as e-mail aids creates, Internet,Video conferencing, etc. ) .
staff are of the view that the American Institute of medical records (Medical Records Institute, USA), in fact, it can make 5 differing levels computerization for MMS.
The first level MMS are automated medical records. This level is characterized by the fact that only about 50% of the patient information is entered into a computer system,And in a different form is sent by the users in the form of a report. In other words, such a computer system is some sort automated environment around the "paper" technology of the patient.Such automated systems usually cover patient registration, issuance, intra- hospital transfers, enter diagnostic information, appointments, and to conduct operations, financial matters,They are parallel to the бумагообороту" and serve as a first of all for different kinds reporting.
the second level MMS is a computerized medical record system (Computerized Medical Record System).At this level of development MMS those medical documents, which have not previously been in the electronic memory (first of all, it is the information from the diagnostic panel, obtained in the form of various
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