Еще обо мне. Тебе, наверное, интересно. Моя мама, ей 68, тоже журналис перевод - Еще обо мне. Тебе, наверное, интересно. Моя мама, ей 68, тоже журналис английский как сказать

Еще обо мне. Тебе, наверное, интере

Еще обо мне. Тебе, наверное, интересно.
Моя мама, ей 68, тоже журналист в прошлом,- она разведена и живет в Moldova. Отец (69 лет) с его женой живет в Israel. Я и мои дети бываем там в гостях каждый год. Мой брат Iliya пропал без вести 1,5 года назад. Это большое горе моей семьи, мы ждем его и надеемся, что он вернется.
Моя дочка замужем, детей пока нет.
Я живу на севере вот уже скоро 20 лет. Мой город промышленная зона, заводы и фабрики, здесь добывают руду и плавят металлы, NorilskNikcel. Все было у меня хорошо, но муж внезапно ушел к другой женщине. Это был сильный стресс, я не ожидала такого удара, потому что мы любили друг друга долгие годы... Сейчас муж собирается делить в суде наше имущество, квартиры в Norilsk and Moscow ,.., это тоже неприятно. И это тоже надо пережить... Сын остался жить со мной, но продолжает видеться с папой, они дружат. Я испытала столько боли, искала спасение в любви и молитве.... И кажется, нашла ... в тебе.... Мне все говорят, что я молодо выгляжу))) я просто хочу быть любимой и любить, смеюсь и грущу на эту тему, и надеюсь на новое наполнение своей жизни. Твои письма раскрасили этот холст, правда... И главная краска - твоя нежность, твой чудесный английский благородный стиль, твое отношение к женщине как к богине. И мне нравится, что ты взываешь меня 'детка', 'малышка')))
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
More about me. You probably wondering. My mom, her 68, also a journalist in the past-she is divorced and lives in Moldova. Father (69 years old) with his wife lives in Israel. I and my children are there visiting each year. My brother Iliya missing 1.5 years ago. It is a great sorrow of my family, we are waiting for him and hope that he will return. My daughter married, children not yet. I live in the North here soon 20 years. My town industrial zone, plants and factories, are here to extract ore and smelted metals, NorilskNikcel. Everything was good, but I have a husband suddenly left for another woman. It was a severe stress, I did not expect such a strike, because we loved each other for years. Now my husband is going to share in the Court of our property, apartments in Norilsk and Moscow. .. it's too unpleasant. And it also needs to survive. The son stayed with me, but continues to meet with the Pope, they are friends. I experienced so much pain, looked for salvation in love and prayer .... And seems to have found ... in you .... I do not say that I am younger look))) I just want to be loved and to love, laugh and weep no more on this subject, and I look forward to the new provisioning of their lives. Your letters painted this canvas, the truth ... And home paint your tenderness, your wonderful English noble style, your attitude to a woman as a goddess. And I love that you call out to me ' Babe ', ' baby ')))
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
More about me. You're probably wondering.
My mom, she 68, also a journalist in the past - she is divorced and lives in Moldova. My father (69 years old) with his wife lives in Israel. My children and I went there on a visit each year. My brother Iliya missing 1.5 years ago. It is a great sorrow of my family, we are waiting for him and hope that he will be back.
My daughter is married and the children yet.
I live in the north for nearly 20 years. My City Industrial Zone, factories, are mined ore and smelted metal, NorilskNikcel. It was my good, but her husband suddenly left her for another woman. It was a lot of stress, I was not expecting such an attack, because we loved each other for years ... Now my husband is going to court to divide our property, apartments in Norilsk and Moscow, .., it is also unpleasant. And it is also necessary to go through ... Son stayed with me, but continued to meet with the pope, they are friends. I experienced so much pain, sought salvation in love and prayer .... and seems to have found in you ... .... I do not say that I look young))) I just want to be loved and to love, laugh and sad on this subject, and I look forward to new content of his life. Your letters painted this canvas, the truth ... And the main paint - your tenderness, your wonderful English noble style, your attitude towards women as the goddess. And I like that you cried me 'baby', 'baby')))
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
More about me. You, probably, it is interesting.
My mum, it was 68, is a journalist in the past,- she divorced and living in Moldova. The father (69 years old) with his wife is living in Israel. I want my children and mountaineered there in visiting each year. My brother Iliyа missing 1,5 years ago. This is a great grief to my family, we look forward to it and hope that it will return.
My daughter is married, children are not yet available.
I live in the north are already coming soon 20 years old. My city industrial zone, plants and factories,Here produce lumps and melt metals, NоrilskNikсel. All that I had, but the husband suddenly resigned to another woman. This was a very stressful, i was not expecting such an impact, because we loved each other for years ...Now the husband is going to the court divide our property, apartments in Norilsk and Moscow , .., this is also disappointing. And this also needs to survive ... The son was left to live with me, but also continues to maintain contact with the Pope, they friendships. I experienced so much pain,Seeking salvation in love and prayer .... And they seem to be found ... in thee .... I am all about that, I am witty look))) i just want to be your favorite and love, was laughing and грущу on this topic, and I hope for a new filling their lives.
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