Курментинские пещерыЛюбой памятник культуры создается людьми в соответ перевод - Курментинские пещерыЛюбой памятник культуры создается людьми в соответ английский как сказать

Курментинские пещерыЛюбой памятник

Курментинские пещеры
Любой памятник культуры создается людьми в соответствии с их духовными или хозяйственными потребностями. Очевидно, что материальная культура кыргызов не предполагает строительства подземных сооружений, духовная же, а именно не местные традиционные культы, а ислам, вполне могла вызвать к жизни пещеры. В «народном» исламе, который распространялся в Средней Азии, существует культ «святых мест». Иногда таким местом паломничества и жертвоприношения становились могилы духовных наставников, вырытые в пещерах, или пещерные мечети. Но все «святые места», на территории Кыргызстана, кроме гумбезов и Сулайман горы, связаны с языческой традицией: камни, тополя, горы, среди них нет ни одной пещеры. Исламская составляющая в духовной культуре кыргызов не слишком активно себя проявляла. Культовые погребальные постройки кыргызов этого времени – не пещеры, а мазары. Кроме того, пребывание кыргызов в этой местности никогда не пресекалось. Если бы в 19 веке пещеры считались «святым местом», то народная память сохранила бы и доныне благоговейное к ним отношение. Рядом с курментинскими пещерами нет никаких столбов для привязи лошадей, следов жертвоприношений, стоянок, обычных для среднеазиатских пещерных мусульманских сооружений. Катакомбы выглядят так, будто их хотели сделать незаметными, похоже, что и в к.19-н.20 века они выглядели так же, тем более, что тогда уровень воды был выше и доступ к полуострову (острову) был затруднен.
Двух других субъектов истории курментинского пещерного комплекса – русский переселенец и русский монах, рассмотрим одновременно. Хозяйственная культура русских предполагает сооружение погребов, подземных складов для продуктов и укрытий. Духовная культура, православие, – так же допускает существование пещерных храмов, молелен, подземных часовен и захоронений в катакомбах. В источнике н. 20 века есть указание на то, что местный крестьянин, которому принадлежали значительные угодья в округе с Курменты, Кирилл Колотилин, выкопал на своем острове пещеру-молельню. Монахи так же в хозяйственных или иных целях могли выкопать подземные сооружения – в православии существовали, и сейчас существуют, пещерные скиты, подземные храмы. Какие аргументы против этих гипотетических «строителей»? Пещера не похожа на погреб, совсем не похожа она и на подземный склад. Кроме того, такие хозяйственные постройки сооружались в непосредственной близости от жилища, а не на труднодоступных островах. Остается предположить, что эта пещера могла служить молельней. В пользу этого – многое: устные рассказы старожилов упорно связывают эти катакомбы с именами монахов Иссык-кульского Свято-Троицкого монастыря с именем Прохора Русина, в частности, называют их «норой монаха», «пещерой деда Мазая». Но в этих историях речь не идет об авторстве, а скорее об использовании пещеры в качестве укрытия от киргизского мятежа, от большевистских репрессий или от любопытных глаз для уединенной молитвы.
Но архитектура курментинских пещер не соответствует принципам строительства русских православных пещерных молелен 19 века. Во-первых, это – немалый, даже в таком полузасыпанном виде, комплекс. А пещеры, которые выкапывали себе монахи 19 века, состояли, как правило, из одной-двух камер, обшитых изнутри тесом, и предназначались для молитвы и богослужения, а не для жилья. В н. 20 века такие пещерные молельни, связанные с именем преподобномученников Серафима и Феогноста существовали на Медео и в Ак-Сайском ущелье. В них никогда не жило больше двух-трех человек, они были очень просто оформлены и совсем непохожи на курментинские, по мнению авторитетного археолога Б.Желязнякова.
Во-вторых, следует учесть и тот факт, что в к. 19- н. 20 века у русских православных монахов не было никакой надобности строить себе такие обширные подземные монастыри. Времена пещерных храмов для России прошли, традиции строительства были утрачены, православие – государственная религия, которой, как казалось тогда, не за чем было прятаться в подземных катакомбах и не зачем было их копать. А с приходом большевиков монахам приходилось скрываться по нескольку человек или поодиночке, такое большое мероприятие, как строительство пещерного комплекса, в условиях репрессий уже не представлялось осуществимым.
Итак, рассмотрев всех трех субъектов, действовавших на исторической арене в к. 19 – н. 20 века, можно прийти к выводу, что никто из них не выкапывал пещер. Из этого следует, что курментинские катакомбы были вырыты раньше, в другой исторический период, когда был другой расклад сил.
Обратимся к средневековью. Трудно перечислить все народы, проживавшие в этом регионе. Курментинское городище еще не раскопано, но находки разнообразных крестов позволяют предположить, что здесь проживали христиане. Это могли быть согдийцы, сирийцы и армяне. Из них – сирийцы и армяне, особенно последние, владели прекрасной техникой сооружения подземных сооружений, высекали их в скальной породе или вырезали арочные и купольные конструкции прямо из камня, лесса или глины.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Kurmentinskie cavesAny monument of culture is created by people according to their spiritual or economic needs. It is obvious that the material culture of Kyrgyz people does not imply the construction of underground structures, spiritual, and it is not the local traditional cults, and Islam, could bring to life cave. In "folk Islam", which was distributed in Central Asia, there is a cult of "holy places". Sometimes such a place of pilgrimage and sacrifice became the graves of spiritual mentors, dug in caves or cave mosque. But all the "holy places", on the territory of Kyrgyzstan, in addition to gumbezov and Sulaiman mountains, connected with Pagan tradition: poplar, mountains, among them there is no cave. The Islamic component in the spiritual culture of the Kyrgyz people not too actively policed themselves. Cult funerary constructions of Kyrgyz people this time is not a cave, and shrines. In addition, the Kyrgyz in the area never stopped. If in the 19 century, the caves were considered "holy place", the folk memory preserved and hitherto a reverential attitude. Next to the kurmentinskimi caves, there are no posts for horses, sacrificial traces, parking lots, common to Central Asian cave Muslim structures. Catacombs look as if they wanted to do, it looks like low-key and k.-h. 20 19 century they look the same, so much so that the water level was higher and access to the peninsula (the island) was difficult.Two other actors in the history of the cave complex kurmentinskogo-Russian migrants and Russian monk, consider simultaneously. Economic culture Russian involves construction of cellars, underground warehouses for food and shelter. Spiritual culture, orthodoxy is just contemplates the existence of cave temples, Gurdwaras, underground chapels and burial in the catacombs. N. source 20 is an indication that a local farmer that owned significant land in the district to Kurmenty, Kirill Kolotilin, dug on his island cave-Chapel. The monks just in commercial or other purposes can dig underground structures-orthodoxy existed, and now there are, cave monasteries, underground temples. What are the arguments against these hypothetical builders? The cave is not similar to the cellar, is nothing like it on the underground warehouse. In addition, these outbuildings were constructed in the immediate vicinity of the home, rather than on hard-to-reach Islands. Remains suggest that the cave might serve as a chapel. In favour of this-much: oral histories of old-timers persistently bind these catacombs with the names of monks in the Issyk-Kul Holy Trinity monastery named Prochorus Rusin, inter alia, call them "Nora monk", "grandfather Mazay cave". But in these stories, we are not talking about authorship, but rather about using the cave as a hideout from the Kyrgyz uprising against Bolshevik repression or from prying eyes for secluded prayer.But the architecture of the kurmentinskih caves is inconsistent with the principles of the construction of a Russian Orthodox cave Buddhistic 19 century. Firstly, it is considerable, even in such poluzasypannom as complex. And caves, which dug itself a 19-century monks, were typically of one or two cameras, leather inside tesom, and intended for prayer and worship, not for habitation. In n. 20 century such cave chapels associated with the name prepodobnomučennikov Serafima and Feognost existed at Medeo and AK-Sajskom Gorge. They have never lived more than two or three people, they were very simply decorated and quite different from kurmentinskie, in the opinion of reputable archaeologist b. Želâznâkova.Secondly, it should be taken into account and the fact that k. 19-n. 20-century Russian Orthodox monks had no need to build such an extensive underground monasteries. Times the cave temples of Russia passed, construction traditions were lost, orthodoxy is the State religion, which, as it seemed then, not what was hiding in the underground catacombs and not why they were digging. And with the arrival of the Bolsheviks, the monks had to flee several people or alone, is such a big event, such as the construction of the cave complex, in the face of repression no longer seemed feasible.So, having considered all three actors operating on the historical scene in k. 19-20th century, it can be concluded that none of them dug caves. It follows from this that the kurmentinskie catacombs were dug earlier in another historical period, when there was a different balance of power.Turn to the middle ages. It is difficult to list all the peoples living in the region. Kurmentinskoe hillfort is not yet excavated, but finds a variety of crosses suggest that here lived Christians. This could be the Sogdians, Syrians and Armenians. Of them, the Syrians and Armenians, especially the last, possessed a wonderful technique construction of underground structures, adopting them in rock or carved arched and domed structures straight out of stone, clay or loess.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Kurmenty cave
Any cultural monument created by people according to their spiritual and economic needs. Obviously, the material culture of the Kyrgyz does not involve the construction of underground structures, as spiritual and not just local traditional cults, and Islam, could easily bring to life the cave. The "popular" Islam, which is spreading in Central Asia, there is a cult of the "holy places." Sometimes such a place of pilgrimage and sacrifice became the grave spiritual mentors, dug in caves or cave mosque. But all the "holy places" in Kyrgyzstan, except Gumbez and Sulaiman mountains, connected with pagan tradition: stone, poplar, mountain, among them there is no cave. The Islamic component in the spiritual culture of the Kyrgyz people do not actively manifest themselves. Religious buildings Kyrgyz funerary this time - not cave and shrines. In addition, the Kyrgyz stay in this area has never suppressed. If in the 19th century the caves were considered "holy place", the folk memory preserved to this day and reverence to them. Near the caves Kurmenty no pillars tether horses, traces of sacrifices, parking, common in Central Asian Muslim cave structures. Catacombs look as if they wanted to make invisible, it seems that in k.19 n.20-century, they look the same, all the more so when the water level was higher and access to the peninsula (island) has been difficult.
Two other subjects History Kurmenty cave complex - Russian settler and Russian monk look at the same time. Russian economic culture involves the construction of cellars, underground warehouses for food and shelter. Spiritual culture, orthodoxy - as admits the existence of the cave temples, chapels, underground chapels and graves in the catacombs. The source n. 20 century is an indication that a local farmer, who owned considerable land in the neighborhood with Kurmenty Kirill Kolotilin, dug on his island cave-shrine. Monks also in economic or other purposes can dig underground structures - in Orthodoxy existed, and now exist, cave monasteries, underground temples. What are the arguments against these hypothetical "builders"? The cave is not like the cellar, nothing like it on the underground warehouse. In addition, these outbuildings were built in the vicinity of the home, not on the hard islands. It is assumed that the cave could serve as a chapel. In favor of this - a lot: oral histories veteran hard link these catacombs with the names of monks Issyk-Kul Holy Trinity Monastery named Prochorus Rusina, in particular, call them "Nora monk", "cave grandfather Mazaya." But these stories are not talking about the authorship, but rather the use of the cave as a shelter from the Kyrgyz revolt against Bolshevik reprisals or from prying eyes for solitary prayer.
But the architecture Kurmenty caves does not correspond to the principles of construction of the Russian Orthodox cave chapels of the 19th century. Firstly, it is - considerable, even in such a half-buried complex. A cave that was dug themselves monks of the 19th century, consisted usually of one or two chambers, sheathed with boards from the inside, and were intended for prayer and worship, not for housing. In n. 20th century such cave chapel, associated with the name Seraphim and prepodobnomuchennikov Theognost existed at Medeo and Ak-Say gorge. They never lived more than two or three people, they were very simply decorated and quite unlike Kurmenty, according to authoritative archaeologist B.Zhelyaznyakova.
Secondly, it should take into account the fact that in. 19 n. 20th century Russian Orthodox monks have had no need to build himself such vast underground cathedrals. Times cave temples in Russia were held, building traditions have been lost, Orthodox Christianity - the state religion, which, as it seemed then, not for what it was to hide in the underground catacombs, and why did not they dig. And with the advent of the Bolsheviks monks had to hide for a few people or alone, such a big event as the construction of the cave complex, in terms of repression is no longer feasible.
So, having considered all three subjects acting on the historical scene in a. 19 - n. 20th century, it can be concluded that none of them had dug caves. It follows that Kurmenty catacombs were dug before, in another historical period when the balance of power was different.
Referring to the Middle Ages. It is difficult to list all the people living in this region. Kurmenty settlement has not yet been excavated, but the findings of various crosses suggest that Christians lived here. It could be the Sogdians, Syrians and Armenians. Among them - the Syrians and Armenians, especially the latter, possessed an excellent technique construction of underground structures, they carved in the rock and carved arched and domed structure straight out of stone, clay or loess.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Курментинские cave
any cultural monument is created in human beings in accordance with their spiritual or statutory requirements. It is clear,That material culture barmak does not implies construction of underground facilities, spiritual, namely, not local traditional worship, and Islam, could cause to the lives of the cave. In the "popular" Islam,Which was distributed in Central Asia, there is a cult "holy places". Sometimes in such a place of pilgrimage and sacrifice to become grave spiritual mentors, fortresses in the caves, or aboveground mosque.But all the "holy places", on the territory of Kyrgyzstan, the гумбезов and Sulaiman mountains, linked to the incessantly tradition: rocks, trees, mountains, among them there is not a single caves.The Islamic element in the spiritual culture of folklore is not too active itself has shown. Worship Kindyktepa settlement construction bronze this time - not the caves, as well Edige. In addition,Stay bronze in this terrain has never prevented. If you would be in the 19 th century the caves were considered the "holy place", the people's memory would retain and meager deferential to them.Next to the курментинскими caves there are no pillars for captive horses, traces of urns, parking facilities, conventional for the central Asian Muslim cave installations. Catacombs look,If they would like to make invisible, there seems to be that, and, in as19-A.20 century they look the same, all the more so that the water level was above and access to peninsula (island) was difficult.
Two other actors of history курментинского exhibits a set of - russian Russian monk and seasonal factors, let's take a look at at a time. Business culture russians implies construction cellars,Underground storage facilities for food and shelter. Spiritual culture, Orthodox, - the same permits the existence of the cave temples, vast majority, underground chapels and graves in the catacombs. In the source.20 Century there is a reference to the fact that the local peasant, which belonged considerable land in the district with Курменты, Kirill Nefts, saying on the island cave-Muslim clerics.Monks in the same in business or other purposes can dig underground facilities - the Russian Orthodox church existed, and now there are surprisingly establishes deaneries, the underground temples.What are the arguments against these hypothetical "builders"? The cave is not similar to the cellar, not like it and the underground warehouse. In addition,Such household buildings built in the vicinity of homes, and not on the hard-to-reach islands. It has to be assumed that this cave could serve as a patriarchy. In favor of this - a lot.
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