Вы someboby, кто не может просыпаться по утрам? Вам нужно две чашки кофе, прежде чем вы можете начать новый день? Вы считаете ужасно, когда вы впервые просыпаться?
Ученые говорят, что это все из-за наших генов. Как они узнали это? Исследователи из Университета Суррей интервью 500 человек. Они попросили их вопросы об их образе жизни, например в какое время дня, которую они предпочитают делать упражнения и как трудно они нашли его просыпаться по утрам. Ученые затем сравнили их ответы на ДНК людей.
Они обнаружили, что все мы ' Джин clock´, также называется период 3 ген. Этот ген может быть длинной или короткой. Люди, которые имеют длинные гена, как правило, люди, которые очень хороши в первой половине дня, но которые устают довольно рано в ночное время. Люди, которые имеют короткий гена являются ususally люди которые более активны в ночное время, но которые имеют проблемы, просыпаться рано утром. Как это помогает нам знать, если у нас есть длинные или короткие гена? Ученые говорят, что, если это возможно, мы должны попытаться изменить наши рабочие часы, чтобы соответствовать нашей «часы тела». Если вы ' утром лицо, то вы могли бы начать работу раньше и закончить рано. Но если ты плохо по утрам, то она может быть лучше, чтобы начать работы в второй половине дня и работает до позднего вечера. Так что, возможно вместо девяти до пяти, она должна быть семи до трех или двенадцати до восьми
Результаты (
английский) 1:
You someboby who can't wake up in the morning? You need two cups of coffee before you can start a new day? You feel awful when you first wake up?Scientists say that it's all because of our genes. They learned it? Researchers from the University of Surrey interviews 500 people. They asked them questions about their lifestyles, such as what time of day they prefer to do exercises and how difficult they found him waking up in the morning. The scientists then compared their responses to people'S DNA.They found that we all ' ´ clock Gene, also called the period 3 gene. This gene may be long or short. People who have long gene, generally, people who are very good in the morning, but who get tired pretty early in the night. People who have short gene are ususally people who are more active at night, but who have problems waking up early in the morning. As it helps us to know if we have a long or short the gene? Scientists say that if possible, we should try to change our working hours to fit our "body clock". If you're a morning person, then you could start earlier and finish early. But if you are bad in the morning, then it may be better to start work in the afternoon and worked until late in the evening. So maybe instead of nine to five, it should be seven to three or twelve to eight
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
You someboby, who can not wake up in the morning? You need two cups of coffee before you start your day? You feel awful when you first wake up?
Scientists say that it is all because of our genes. How did they know it? Researchers from the University of Surrey interviewed 500 people. They asked them questions about their lifestyle, such as what time of day they prefer to do the exercises and how they found it difficult to wake up in the morning. The researchers then compared their answers to the human DNA.
They found that all of us' Gene clock', also called Period 3 gene. This gene may be long or short. People who have long gene, usually people who are very good in the morning, but early enough to get tired at night. People who have a short gene are ususally people who are more active at night, but who have trouble waking up early in the morning. How does it help us to know if we have a long or short gene? Scientists say that if it is possible, we should try to change our working hours to fit our "body clock." If you're a morning person, then you could start early and finish early. But if you're not in the morning, it may be better to start work in the afternoon and work until late at night. So it is possible, instead of nine to five, it should be three to seven or eight to twelve
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
You sоmebоby, who cannot wake up in the morning? You will need two cups of coffee, before you can start a new day? Do you think it is shocking when you first wake up?
Scientists say that this is all because of our genes.How do they know this? Researchers from the University of Surrey interview 500 people. They have asked them questions about their lifestyle, for example, in what time of the day,They prefer to do exercises and, as they had found it difficult to wake up in the morning. Scientists then compared their responses to the DNA of people.
they discovered that all we ' Gin clock', also known as the period 3 director
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