Книга построена на письмах девушки которая выросла в приюте, и при очередном приеме попечителей, в "The first Wednesday in every month was a Perfectly Awful Day — a day to be awaited with dread, endured with courage and forgotten with haste." - как говорит Джеруша Эббот, один из попечителей отправляет её учиться в колледж, что бы она стала писателем. Делает он это анонимно, но направляясь к Миссис Липпет (директору приюта), она увидела этого самого попечителя, который как раз собирался выйти. Джеруша составила лишь мимолетное впечатление о мужчине, и оно целиком сводилось к высокому росту."The shadow pictured grotesquely elongated legs and arms that ran along the floor and up the wall of the corridor. It looked, for all the world, like a huge, wavering daddy-long-legs. Jerusha's anxious frown gave place to quick laughter. She was by nature a sunny soul, and had always snatched the tiniest excuse to be amused. If one could derive any sort of entertainment out of the oppressive fact of a Trustee, it was something unexpected to the good."- вот таким она его увидела. Но взамен на обучение, и деньги, которые он обещал ей отправлять, попечитель поставил единственное условие то, что Джуди должна регулярно писать ему письма-отчеты о том, чему научилась, что происходит в её жизни. Письма отправлялись на имя Джона Смита, и попадали в руки секретарю попечителя, В ответ она не получала письма, так как попечитель питал отвращение к написанию писем. и в принципе он на них даже внимания не обращал. первое письмо Джеруша написала 24 сентября и с этого дня началась история Джуди и Длинноногого Дядюшки. В письмах она с юмором и даже какой-то детской непосредственностью рассказывает о событиях своей жизни, о людях, которых встречает, о своих чувствах, о том что изучает. что ей нравится, а что нет, о растратах денег и о любой мелоче, о которой ей хотелось написать.
Джуди очень яркая харизматичная девушка с планами на жизнь. Она надеется стать писателем и вернуть деньги, потраченные на ее образование ее опекуном.
Джуди знакомится с соседками по комнате, они становяться подругами. 12 июля она узнает о "Мастере Джерви" Влиятельный и богатый родственник её соседки Джулии. Джуди начинает с ним общаться, Джерви приезжал к ней, им было комфортно и легко общаться, хоть он и был старше Джуди. Она никогда не писала о любви к кому либо, но в предпоследнем письме, Джуди просила о совете Длинноногого дядюшки, и откровенно рассказала о томм. что очень сильно любит Мастера Джерви, и ужасно жалеет о том, что когда он при последней встречи предложил ей выйти за него замуж, она отказалась потому что просто не могла представить как девушка из приюта войдет в такую высокопоставленную семью. рассказав о своих чувствах, джуди просила дядюшку встретится с ней и дать совет.
и на удивление Дядюшка не отказал. Долгожданная встреча с ёё самым дорогим человеком, с её спасителем, с человеком который подарил ей образование и жизнь вне приюта охватила Джуди приятным чувством ожидания. и какой же она была удивленна когда увидела его. "Before I could stop him he rose — rather shakily — and steadied himself by the back of the chair and just looked at me without a word. And then — and then — I saw it was you! But even with that I didn't understand.I thought Daddy had had you come there to meet me or a surprise.
Then you laughed and held out your hand and said, `Dear little Judy, couldn't you guess that I was Daddy-Long-Legs?'
In an instant it flashed over me. Oh, but I have been stupid! A hundred little things might have told me, if I had had any wits. I wouldn't make a very good detective, would I, Daddy? Jervie? What must I call you? Just plain Jervie sounds disrespectful, and I can't be disrespectful to you!"
вот такой неожиданный поворот ждал меня в конце прочтения книги. мне безумно понравилась эта книга, она теплая и очень интересная. после прочтения остался очень приятный осадок.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
The book is built on the letters girl who grew up in the orphanage and the next admission Board of Trustees, "The first Wednesday in every month was a Perfectly Awful Day is a day to be awaited with dread, endured with courage and forgotten with haste." said Jerusha Abbott, one of the Trustees sends her to College, she became a writer. He does so anonymously, but to Mrs. Lippet (Director), she saw that the trustee, who was just about to leave. Jerusha was only a fleeting impression of the man, and it was entirely to high growth. " The shadows pictured grotesquely elongated legs and arms that ran along the floor and up the wall of the corridor. It looked, for all the world like a huge, wavering daddy-long-legs. Jerusha's realism figurative painting anxious frown gave place to quick laughter. She was by nature a sunny soul, and had always snatched the tiniest excuse to be amused. If one could derive any sort of entertainment out of the oppressive fact of a Trustee, it was something unexpected to the good. " -This is it. But in return for training, and the money he promised her to send the trustee put the only condition that Judy must regularly write him letters-reports about what learned to what's going on in her life. Letters were sent to the name of John Smith, and fall into the hands of the Secretary of the trustee, in response, had not received the letter because the trustee had an aversion to writing letters. and, in principle, he even didn't pay attention. the first letter I wrote on September 24 and Jerusha from that date began the history of Judy and Uncle Dlinnonogogo. In letters it with humor and even some children's spontaneity that tells about the events of his life, about people, which meets about their feelings about what is exploring. what she likes, and what not, on embezzlement of money and any meloče, which she wanted to write.Judy very bright charismatic girl with plans for life. She hopes to become a writer and to return the money spent on her education, her guardian.Judy meets with neighbors around the room, they become friends. 12 July, she learns about "Džervi Wizard" influential and rich relative her neighbor Julia. Judy begins to communicate with him, Džervi came to her, they were comfortable and easy to communicate, even though he was older than Judy. She never wrote about love to anyone, but in the penultimate letter, Judy asked about prior Dlinnonogogo uncle, and frankly told about Tomm. that very much likes the wizard Džervi, and terribly sorry about that when he last met asked her to marry him, she refused because just couldn't imagine how a girl from the orphanage will go into such a high-ranking family. talking about their feelings, Judy asked uncle to meet with her and give advice. and surprisingly not Uncle refused. The long-awaited meeting with its most expensive man with her Savior, the man who gave her an education and life outside the orphanage swept Judy pleasant sense of expectations. and what it was udivlenna when she saw it. "Before I could stop him he rose — rather shakily-and steadied himself by the back of the chair and just looked at me without a word. And then — and then — I saw it was you! But even with that I didn't understand. I thought Daddy had had you come there to meet me or a surprise.Then you laughed and held out your hand and said, ' Dear little Judy, couldn't you guess that I was Daddy-Long-Legs? 'In an instant it flashed over me. Oh, but I have been stupid! A hundred little things might have told me, if I had had any wits. I wouldn't make a very good detective, would I, Daddy? Jervie? What must I call you? Just plain Jervie sounds disrespectful, and I can't be disrespectful to you! "that's such an unexpected turn was waiting for me at the end of reading the book. I madly enjoyed this book, it is warm and very interesting. After reading was very pleasant.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
The book is based on letters the girl who grew up in an orphanage, and when the next reception of trustees, "The first Wednesday in every month was a Perfectly Awful Day - a day to be awaited with dread, endured with courage and forgotten with haste." - Says Jerusha Abbott, one of the trustees sends it to college, that she would become a writer. He does it anonymously, but heading for Mrs. Lippet (the director of the orphanage), she saw this same guardian, who was just about to leave. Jerusha was only a glimpse of the man, and it is entirely reduced to high growth. "The shadow pictured grotesquely elongated legs and arms that ran along the floor and up the wall of the corridor. It looked, for all the world, like a huge, wavering daddy-long-legs. Jerusha's anxious frown gave place to quick laughter. She was by nature a sunny soul, and had always snatched the tiniest excuse to be amused. If one could derive any sort of entertainment out of the oppressive fact of a Trustee, it was something unexpected to the good. "- so here she saw him. But in return for the training, and the money he had promised her to send, the trustee has put the only condition that Judy must regularly write letters to him, reports about what learned what was going on in her life. Letters sent in the name of John Smith, and fell into the hands of the trustee Secretary, in response she received letters, as trustee detested writing letters. and in principle it is to them even paid attention. Jerusha wrote the first letter of September 24, and from that day began the story of Judy and Uncle Longshanks. In the letters it with humor and even some childlike tells about the events of his life, the people he meets, about their feelings, about what studies. what she likes and what is not, of embezzlement and money on every detail, which she wanted to write.
Judy is very bright charismatic woman with plans for life. She hopes to become a writer and to return the money spent on her education her guardian.
Judy met with roommates, they stanovjatsja friends. July 12, she learns about the "Wizard Jervie" influential and wealthy relative of her neighbor Julia. Judy begins to communicate with him, Jervie came to her, it was comfortable and easy to talk to, even though he was older than Judy. She never wrote about love to someone else, but in the penultimate letter, Judy asked for advice Longshanks uncle, and openly spoke about Tommy. that very much loves Masters Jervie and terribly sorry about that when he at the last meeting, asked her to marry him, she refused because I just could not imagine how a girl from the orphanage will go into such a high-ranking family. talk about their feelings, Judy asked her uncle to meet with and advise.
and surprisingly uncle refused. The long-awaited meeting with ёё dearest person to her savior, a man who gave her education and life outside the shelter swept Judy pleasant feeling of expectation. and what a surprise it was when I saw him. "Before I could stop him he rose - rather shakily - and steadied himself by the back of the chair and just looked at me without a word. And then - and then - I saw it was you! But even with that I did not Daddy had thought understand.I you had come there to meet me or a surprise. Then you laughed and held out your hand and said, `Dear little Judy, could not you guess that I was Daddy-Long-Legs? 'In an instant it flashed over me. Oh, but I have been stupid! A hundred little things might have told me, if I had had any wits. I would not make a very good detective, would I, Daddy? Jervie? What must I call you? Just plain Jervie sounds disrespectful, and I can not be disrespectful to you! "Now this unexpected turn was waiting for me at the end of reading the book. I am very pleased this book, it is warm and very interesting. after reading was very nice sediment.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
the book is based on letters, the girl who grew up in an orphanage, and in ordinary membership of trustees, "the first wednesday of every month was a awful day, premier inn, a day to be instructors with dread, endured with courage and often with haste." - as said jerusha abbottone of the trustees, sends her to study in college that she would become a writer. he does it anonymously, but on their way to mrs. липпет (the orphanage), she saw that the tutorwho was going to come out. jerusha was only a fleeting impression of a man, and it all came down to the high growth. "the shadow pictured outward elongated legs and arms that ran along the floor and up the wall of the coffee. it looked for all the world like a,wavering daddy - long - legs. Jerusha's anxious frown gave place to the quick laughter. she was by nature a sunny soul, and it is always snatched the tiniest or to be amused. if one could derive any sort of entertainment out of the oppressive fact of a Trustee, it was something big to the good. "- that she saw him. but in return for trainingand the money he promised her to send, the trustee has the only condition that judy has to regularly write him letters, reports, she learned what was going on in her life.the letters were sent in the name of john smith, and fall into the hands of general ward in response she received letters as trustee was averse to writing letters. in principle, he even didn't pay attention to them.the first letter, jerusha wrote on 24 september, and from this day begins the story of judy and longshanks's uncle. in the letters, she with humor and even some child непосредственностью recounts the events of his life, the peoplewhich meets about his feelings about studying. what she likes and dislikes about embezzlement of money and of any мелоче, which she wanted to write. "judy is a charismatic girl with plans for life.she hopes to become a writer and to return the money spent on her education, her guardian.
judy meets with roommates, they get girlfriends.on 12 july, she finds out about the джерви "powerful and rich and her roommate julia. judy begins to communicate with him, джерви came to her, they were comfortable and easy to communicate, though he was older than judy.she never wrote about love to anyone, but in the penultimate letter, judy requested the council of longshanks's uncle, and frankly told me about tom. very much likes the джерви and terribly sorry aboutwhen he at the last meeting, asked her to marry him, she refused because she couldn't imagine how the girl from orphanage in such a high-profile family. talking about their feelings.judy asked uncle to meet her and give advice.
and surprisingly uncle not refused. a long-awaited meeting with her dearest person, with her savior.the man who gave her education and life outside the orphanage was judy a sense of expectation. and what was she удивленна when i saw him."before i could stop him, he rose - rather shakily - and steadied himself by the back of the chair and just looked at me without a word. and then - and then i saw it was you! but even with that i didn't understand. i thought daddy had had you come there to meet me or a surprise.
then you laughed and held out your hand and said, "dear little judy,couldn't you guess that i was daddy's long legs?
in an instant it flashed over me. oh, but i have been stupid. a hundred little things might have told me, if i had had any wits. i wouldn't make a very good detective, would i, daddy? Jervie? what must i call you? just plain Jervie sounds disrespectful, and i can 't be disrespectful to you! "
this twist was waiting for me at the end of reading books. i really like this book, it's warm and very interesting. after reading was a very pleasant feeling.
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