2. — А что бы вы сделали на мо¸м месте сейчас? — Я бы согласился выполнить эту работу.
3.Если бы не невезение (bad luck), то он сдал бы этот экзамен. 4. Если бы не удача (good luck), то они не выиграли бы этот матч. 5. — У меня ужасно болит зуб. — Если бы у меня болел зуб, я бы немедленно пошла к врачу. 6. Если бы не Интернет, то мы не знали бы многих вещей. 7. На тво¸м месте я бы не употребляла так много косметики. 8. Мои друзья едут отдыхать в Турцию. А я бы поехала в Сочи. 9. Если бы ты знала английский язык, то могла бы читать хорошие книги в
Сослагательное наклонение
оригинале. 10. Какой сладкий джем! На тво¸м месте я не положила бы так много сахара. 11. — А что бы ты сказала, если бы я пригласил тебя в театр? — Я бы сказала «да». 12. Моя дочь не хочет читать романы Диккенса. А я бы их перечитала. 13. Если бы я попала в Египет, то непременно увидела бы Нил, Каир, пирамиды. 14. Если бы я был вашим учителем, то заставил бы вас полюбить английский язык. 15. Если бы погода не была такой дождливой в воскресенье, то мы прекрасно провели бы время на даче. 16. Я была бы очень благодарна вам, если бы вы оставили меня в покое. 17. Мне не нравятся портьеры в столовой. Я бы их сменила. 18. Она вс¸ ещ¸ любит его, а то бы они давно расстались. 19. Я не купила бы это платье, если бы это не было последней модой. 20. Если бы наш климат был более стабильным, многие люди не страдали бы от резких перемен погоды. 21. Было бы замечательно, если бы на телевидении было больше хороших передач для детей.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
2. what would you do at mo-th place now? I would have agreed to perform this work.3. If it were not for bad luck (bad luck), he passed the exam. 4. If not good luck (good luck), they would have won this match. 5.-I have a terrible toothache. — If I was sick, I would immediately went to the doctor. 6. If it were not for the Internet, then we would not know many things. 7. The TSS ¸ place I wouldn't have used so much makeup. 8. My friends go to rest in Turkey. And I would have went to Sochi. 9. If you knew English, you could read good books in320The subjunctiveoriginal. 10. What a sweet jam! The TSS ¸ place I don't put so much sugar. 11.-what would you have said if I invited you to the theater? I would say "Yes". 12. My daughter does not want to read the novels of Dickens. And I'd reread them. 13. If I got into Egypt, then certainly saw would be the Nile, Cairo, pyramids. 14. If I was your teacher, make you fall in love with the English language. 15. If the weather was not this rainy Sunday in, we had a great time at the cottage. 16. I would be very grateful to you if you leave me alone. 17. I do not like the curtains in the dining room. I would have replaced them. 18. She Ano ¸ ¸ Sun loves it, and then they parted long ago. 19. I bought this dress would be if it wasn't the latest fashion. 20. If our climate has been more stable, many people do not suffer from sudden changes in the weather. 21. It would be great if there were more good television broadcasts for children.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
2. - What would you do in mo¸m place now? - I would agree to do the job.
3. If it were not bad luck (bad luck), he would have passed the exam. 4. If no luck (good luck), they would not have won this match. 5. - I have a terrible toothache. - If I hurt a tooth, I would immediately go to the doctor. 6. If not for the Internet, we would not know many things. 7. tvo¸m place I would not use so much makeup. 8. My friends are going to rest in Turkey. And I would go to Sochi. 9. If you know English, you could read a good book in the
original. 10. What a sweet jam! On tvo¸m place I would not put so much sugar. 11 - What would you say if I invited you to the theater? - I would say "yes." 12. My daughter does not want to read the novels of Dickens. And I would reread them. 13. If I came to Egypt, it would certainly have seen the Nile, Cairo, the Pyramids. 14. If I was your teacher, I would have made you fall in love with the English language. 15. If the weather was not as rainy Sunday, we would have had a great time at the cottage. 16. I would be very grateful if you leave me alone. 17. I do not like curtains in the dining room. I would have changed them. 18. It vs¸ esch¸ loves him, and that they had long been separated. 19. I would not buy this dress if it was not the latest fashion. 20. If our climate was more stable, many people would not suffer from the sudden weather change. 21. It would be great if it was on TV more good programs for children.
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