Он был достаточно мужчиной, чтобы не растеряться в эту трудную минуту. Это был такой спектакль, что его нелегко забыть. Ураган был такой сильный, что соврал крыши с многих домов.
He was quite a guy, so as not to get lost in this difficult time.It was such a spectacle that it is not easy to forget.The hurricane was so strong that lied roof with many homes.
He was man enough not to get lost in this difficult moment. It was such a spectacle that it is not easy to forget. The hurricane was so strong that lying roofs of many houses.
he's a man that don't get rattled in this difficult moment. "it was an act that it is not easy to forget." the wind was so strong that lied to the roof with many homes.