Ты написал , что любишь классическую арабскую музыку, и ты знаешь, мне очень хочется её послушать! Ты мне можешь написать какие самые впечатляющие произведения для тебя?? Мне кажется, что мне она очень понравится!!
You wrote that you love classical Arabic music, and you know, I really want to listen to it! I can write what are the most impressive works for you? It seems to me that I really like!
You wrote that you love classical Arabic music, and you know, I'd like to hear it! You can write to me what the most impressive works for you ?? I think I liked it very much !!
you wrote that you loved classical arab music, and you know, i really want to hear it! i can write what the most impressive works for you? i think i really like it! !