Виктор, мы живем в каком-то странном мире... Идут войны, люди гибнут от страшных болезней и голода, природные ресурсы заканчиваются... Безусловно, все относительно в этом мире! Ты посвятил меня в свои проблемы, и поверь мне, мне действительно очень жаль, что в твоей семье сейчас нелегкие времена, сложный период. Это все неприятно и тяжело. Но, поверь мне, когда жизнь твоего близкого человека под угрозой, и зависит от некомпетентных и безразличных врачей, то это намного хуже и страшнее положение. Я просто лишь хотела тебе показать две чашы весов, две стороны медали, так сказать. Но, видимо, ты меня не понял с первого раза. Ты способный, энергичный и изобритательный, поэтому, я уверена, что ты со всем справишься легко и быстро. Во всяком случае, я тебе этого желаю искренне, от всей души. Знаю, что легко сказать, но ....А сейчас, можешь послушать одни из моих любимых песен.Расслабся! И наслаждайся!
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Victor, we live in a strange world ... Go to war, people die from terrible diseases and hunger, natural resources run out of ... Of course, everything is relative in this world! You spent me your problems, and believe me, I really am sorry that your family is hard times, difficult period. It's frustrating and hard. But, believe me, when your loved one's life at risk, and depends on the incompetent and indifferent doctors, it is much worse and worse situation. I just wanted to show you only two cups of weights, two sides of the coin, so to speak. But apparently you do not understand the first time. Are you able, energetic and inventive musician, so I'm sure you all can do it easily and quickly. Anyway, I wish sincerely to you, with all my heart. I know that it's easy to say, but ....And now, you can listen to some of my favorite songs ... remove the stress! And enjoy!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
Victor, we live in a strange world ... there is a war, people die from terrible diseases and hunger, natural resources run out ... Of course, everything is relative in this world! You filled me in on their problems, and believe me, I'm really sorry that your family is now difficult times, difficult period. It's all unpleasant and difficult. But, believe me, when the life of your loved one at risk, and depends on the incompetent and indifferent doctors, it is much worse and worse position. I just wanted to show you only two chashy weights, two sides of the coin, so to speak. But, apparently, you do not understand the first time. You're capable, energetic and izobritatelny, so I'm sure you all cope with easily and quickly. Anyway, I wish you this sincerely, with all my heart. I know that's easy to say, but .... And now, you can listen to some of my favorite pesen.Rasslabsya! And enjoy!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
Victor, we live in a strange world ... War, people die of horrible diseases and hunger, natural resources are low ... Of course, all about in this world! You're devoted me in their problems,And believe me, I am really very sorry that your family is now in the difficult times, difficult period. This is all very difficult. But, believe me, when thy life a close human rights under threat,And depends on the incompetent and indifferent doctors, it's a lot worse and worse position. I just would like you to show two чашы scales, the two parties coin, so to speak. But, apparently, i do not understand the first time.You are capable, energetic and изобритательныи, therefore, I am confident that you can get through it with all the easily and quickly. In any case, I say unto you, I wish you sincerely and wholeheartedly. I don't know that it is easy to say, but .... and now,You can listen to some of my favorite songs.Расслабся! And enjoy!
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..