Тетя Полли была уверена, что Том давно уже перестал (to leave off) работать и убежал на речку. 21. Она была очень удивлена, что Том так хорошо и быстро побелил забор. 22. Она сказала, что мальчик заслуживает награды, и дала ему большое яблоко.
Aunt Polly was convinced that Tom has long ceased (to leave off) and ran away to the river. 21. She was surprised that Tom is so good and fast pobelil fence. 22. She said that the boy deserves the award, and gave him a big Apple.
Aunt Polly was sure that Tom has long ceased (to leave off) to work and ran to the river. 21. She was very surprised that Tom so well and quickly whitewashed fence. 22. She said that the boy deserves a reward, and gave him the big apple.
Aunt echoed was confident that the has long ceased (to leave off) work and escaped to my orphaned. 21. She was very surprised that so well and quickly побелил the fence. 22. She said that the boy deserves to be rewarded,And gave him the big apple.