1. Я не ‚так молод, как вы, вы в два раза моложе. 2. Чем быстрее мы закончим работу, тем лучше. 3. Комната почти квадратная, она немного больше в длину, чем в ширину.
4. Это совершенно новый прибор, он может работать в три раза быстрее. 5. Новый аэропорт в три раза больше нашего старого. 6. У нашей бабушки очень высокое давление, она чувствует себя значительно хуже. 7. Самолет
поднимался все выше и выше. 8. Ветер сегодня вдвое сильнее, чем вчера. 9. Чем реже они будут видеть вас здесь, тем лучше. 10. Чем богаче человек, тем более жадным он становится. 1 1. Она не такой пунктуальный секретарь, как бы мне хотелось.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. I'm not ' so young as you are, you twice. 2. The sooner we finish it, the better. 3. room almost square, it is slightly longer than it is wide.4. This is a completely new device, it can work three times as fast. 5. New Airport three times more of our old. 6. My grandmother very high pressure, it feels much worse. 7. the planerose higher and higher. 8. Wind today twice stronger than yesterday. 9. The less frequently they will see you here, the better. 10. The richer a person is, the more he becomes greedy. 1 1. It is not such a punctual Secretary, how I wish.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. I am not as young as you are, you are twice as younger. 2. The sooner we finish, the better. 3. The room is almost square, it is a little more in length than in width.
4. This is a completely new device, it can operate three times faster. 5. The new airport is three times bigger than our old one. 6. Our grandmother is very high pressure, it feels much worse. 7. The plane
climbed higher and higher. 8. The wind twice as strong today than yesterday. 9. The less they see you here, the better. 10. The richer the person, the more greedy he becomes. 1 1. It is not a punctual secretary, as I would like.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. i don"t ‚так young, how do you double the younger. 2. as soon as we finish the job, so much the better. 3. the room is nearly square, it"s a little longer in length than width.4. it is a new device, it can operate three times faster. 5. the new airport is three times of the old one. 6. our grandmother very high pressure, she feels much worse. 7. the planerose higher and higher. 8. the wind today is twice stronger than yesterday. 9. the less they will be seeing you here, the better. 10. the more people, the more he becomes greedy. 1 1. she is punctual, the secretary, as i"d like.
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