С тех пор как вы мне капельки дали... Митя спит хорошо. (Тургенев)2. Как только Нежданов вошел в переднюю, Сипягин, который уже искал его..., представил его жене. (Тургенев)^. Базаров вдруг раскрыл глаза. «Что ты сказал?» — «Я говорю, что Анна Сергеевна Одинцова здесь и привезла к тебе доктора». (Тургенев)4. А от нее он узнал, что она выросла в Петербурге, но вышла замуж в С, где живет уже два года... (Чехов)5. «А где же Аркадий Николаевич?» — спросила хозяйка и, узнав, что он не показывался уже более часа, послала за ним. (Тургенев)6....дядя Саша куда-то уехал как раз в то время, когда она [Таня] сдавала экзамены... (Слепухин)7. Горячие слезы закапали на подбородок Александрова... «О чем вы плачете, Зина?» — «От счастья, Алеша». (Куприн) 8. «А с бароном вы давно знакомы?» — «Я нынешней зимой с ним в Москве встретился». (Тургенев)9. «К сожалению, сударыня, вы не ошиблись... Мальчик, действительно, слеп»... —«Я знала давно», —сказала она [мать] тихо.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Since you have me droplets Dali ... Mitja sleeps well. (Turgenev)2. Once logged in the front, Nezhdanov Dmitry sipyagin which already searched it..., introduced him to his wife. (Turgenev) ^. Bazarov suddenly opened his eyes. "What did you say?" — "I am saying that Anna Sergeevna Odintsova here and brought to you doctor. (Turgenev)4. and from her he learned that she grew up in St. Petersburg, but married in with where has lived for two years ... (Chekhov)5. "where is Arkady Nikolaevich?" asked mistress and, upon learning that he had not seen for more than an hour, sent for him. (Turgenev) 6. ... and uncle Sasha somewhere left just when it surrendered the examination's [Tanya]... (Slepukhin)7. Hot tears to the Earth on the Chin Alexandrova... "What are you crying, Zina?" — "from happiness, Alesha". (Kuprin) 8. "but have you been acquainted with Baron?" — "I this winter in Moscow met with him". (Turgenev)9. "sorry, Ma'am, you're not wrong ... .... The boy really is blind "..." I knew a long time ago, "she said [the mother] quiet.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Since you have given me the droplets ... Mitya sleeping well. (Turgenev) 2. Once Nezhdanov entered the hall, Sipyagin who already looked it ..., introduced him to his wife. (Turgenev) ^. Bazarov suddenly opened his eyes. "What did you say?" - "I say that Anna Odintsov here and brought to you doctor." (Turgenev) 4. And from her he learned that she grew up in St. Petersburg, but remarried in C, where he has lived for two years ... (Chekhov) 5. "And where is Arkady Nikolayevich?" - Asked the hostess and, learning that he did not appear for more than an hour, sent for him. (Turgenev) 6 .... Uncle Sasha went somewhere just at the time when she [Tanya] taking exams ... (Slepuhin) 7. Hot tears fell on his chin Alexandrov ... "What are you crying, Zina?" - "From happiness, Alyosha." (Kuprin) 8. "And the Baron, you have long been familiar?" - "I have this winter with him in Moscow met." (Turgenev) 9. "Sorry, ma'am, you are not wrong ... boy really is blind ..." - "I knew for a long time," 'she said [the mother] quietly.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
Since the droplets you me ... Mitya sleeps well. (Dmitry Savin)2. As only Нежданов logged on to the front, Сипягин, which is already looking for it. .., introduced his wife. (Dmitry Savin)
. Bazaars had suddenly revealed eyes. "What did you say?" - "I am not saying that Deputy Director Anna Odintsova here and his mother to you doctor". (Dmitry Savin)4. And from it he had learned that she had grown in Petersburg, but was married in C, where living is already two years ... (Chekhov)5. "Where's the Arcadia director?" - asked hostess and, upon learning that he is not zoomed is already more than an hour, sent for him. (Тургенев)6 .... uncle Sasha where to the left at the same time as it Tanya] suitable replacements examinations ... (Слепухин)7.Hot tears закапали chin persecuted ... "What are you but sleepeth, Zina?" - "From happiness, Alesha". (Kuprin 8. "And from you familiar?" - "I am current in winter with him in Moscow met". (Dmitry Savin)9. "Unfortunately, woman sniffed and looked into,You are not wrong ... The boy, indeed, слеп" ... - "I knew long ago", -said she (mother) quietly.
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