Но они никуда не ходят. 6. Она выключила свет и сидела в полной темноте. 7. Он спросил меня, когда я приду в следующие раз. 8. Почему вы так поздно вернулись из города? 9. Он уехал год тому назад и с тех пор не написал нам ни одного письма. 10. К 23 января мы уже сдадим все экзамены. 11. Мы спросили мальчиков, что они делают на улице в такой поздний час. 12. Телеграмма пришла десять минут спустя после того, как ты уехала. 13. Я все хочу поговорить с вами об этом. 14. Я слышала, что она заболела и находится в больнице. 15. Сколько времени его уже здесь нет? 16. Я подожду, пока он окончит свой рассказ, а потом попрошу его ответить на мой вопрос. Он давно волнует меня. 17. Нам сказали, что они приезжают послезавтра. 18. Она взглянула на часы. Было уже около пяти. Она прождала более получаса. 19. Вечно ты ко мне придираешься! 20. Где вы купили этот ковер? – Он здесь так давно, что я просто не помню. 21. Дети будут делать уроки. Пойдем на кухню. 22. Я уверена, вы забудете меня к тому времени. 23. Прошла уже неделя, как мы сюда приехали, а погода все время плохая. 24. Тучи собирались целый день, и наконец полил дождь. 25. Он сказал, что если я буду следовать его советам, все будет в порядке. 26. О, я предвкушаю, как Джимми будет прыгать от радости, когда увидит тебя. 27. Не отъехали они и трех километров, как погода изменилась. 28. Когда вы были здесь в последний раз? 29. Сегодня мы сможем узнать результаты эксперимента, который проводился все эти недели. 30. Люди, которые не были в Москве много лет, с трудом узнают ее сейчас. 31. Ты видела его сегодня? – да. Он сообщил мне плохие новости. 32.Джордж,который громко смеялся,вдруг
Результаты (
английский) 1:
But they don't go anywhere. 6. She turned out the lights and sat in complete darkness. 7. He asked me when I come in the following times. 8. Why are you so late back from the city? 9. He left a year ago, and since then, not a single letter wrote to us. 10. January 23 we already rent all exams. 11. We asked the boys what they do on the street at such a late hour. 12. The telegram came ten minutes after you left. 13. I all want to talk to you about it. 14. I have heard that she fell ill and is in hospital. 15. how long its been here no? 16. I'll wait until he finished his story, and then ask him to answer my question. He has long been worried about me. 17. We were told that they come the day after tomorrow. 18. She glanced at the clock. It was about five. She waited more than an hour. 19. Forever you pridiraeš′sâ me! 20. Where you bought this rug? -He's here so long that I just can't remember. 21. children will do lessons. Let's go to the kitchen. 22. I am sure you will forget me. 23. Has passed already week since we came here, and the weather is bad all the time. 24. The clouds gathered all day, and finally poured rain. 25. He said that if I'm going to follow his advice, you should be fine. 26. Oh, I'm like Jimmy will jump for joy when he sees you. 27. do not escort them and three kilometers, as the weather changed. 28. When you were here last? 29. Today we will be able to know the results of the experiment, which was conducted all these weeks. 30. people who have not been in Moscow for many years, hardly recognize her now. 31. Have you seen him today? -Yes. He told me the bad news. 32. George, who laughed suddenly shut up.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
But they will not go. 6. It turned out the lights and sat in total darkness. 7. He asked me when I come next time. 8. Why are you so late come back from the city? 9. He left a year ago and since then we have not written a single letter. 10. By January 23 we will hand over all the exams. 11. We asked the boys what they are doing in the streets at this hour. 12. The telegram came ten minutes after you left. 13. I still want to talk to you about it. 14. I heard that she was ill and in the hospital. 15. How long has it is not here? 16. I'll wait until he finished his story, and then ask him to answer my question. He had long worried me. 17. We were told that they arrive the next day. 18. She looked at the clock. It was about five. She waited for more than an hour. 19. You're always find fault with me! 20. Where did you buy this carpet? - He's here so long that I just do not remember. 21. Children will do their homework. Let's go to the kitchen. 22. I'm sure you'll forget me by that time. 23. It has been a week since we got here and the weather is always bad. 24. The clouds were going all day, and finally began to rain. 25. He said that if I followed his advice, everything will be okay. 26. Oh, I look forward, like Jimmy will jump for joy when they see you. 27. Do not they drove three kilometers, the weather changed. 28. When you were last here? 29. Today, we will learn the results of the experiment, which was carried out all these weeks. 30. People who have been in Moscow for many years, could hardly recognize it now. 31. Did you see him today? - Yes. He told me the bad news. 32.Dzhordzh who laughed loudly, suddenly
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
but they don"t walk. 6. she turned off the lights and sit in the dark. 7. he asked me when i come next time. 8. why are you so late back from the city? 9. he left a year ago and since then wrote us a letter. 10. to january 23, we pass all the exams. 11. we asked the boys what they do on the street at this hour. 12. ten minutes later, a telegram came after you left. 13. i want to talk to you about that. 14. i heard she got sick and was in hospital. 15. how long he"s not here? 16. i"ll wait until he finished his story, and then ask him to answer my question. he"s been worried about me. 17. they told us that they are coming tomorrow. 18. she looked at the clock. it was about five. she waited for more than an hour. 19. you"re always picking on me! 20. where did you buy this carpet? - he"s been here so long that i just don"t remember. 21. children will do homework. let"s go to the kitchen. 22. i"m sure you will forget me at that time. 23. a week has passed, how we got here, and the weather is bad. 24. clouds were a day, and finally it rained. 25. he said that if i would take his advice, everything would be all right. 26. oh, i look forward to as jimmy will be jumping with joy when he sees you. 27. don"t left them and three kilometers, the weather changed. 28. when you were last here? 29. today, we can find out the results of the experiment, which was conducted at all this week. 30. people who have not been in moscow for many years, it"s hard to know it now. 31. have you seen him today? - yes. he told me the bad news. 32.джордж who laughed out loud, all of a suddenshut up.
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