Деревянные наушники Galtree MuseПредставляем вам нашу первую модель на перевод - Деревянные наушники Galtree MuseПредставляем вам нашу первую модель на английский как сказать

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Деревянные наушники Galtree Muse
Представляем вам нашу первую модель наушников в деревянном корпусе Galtree Muse. Они спроектированы для максимально природного звучания вашей любимой музыки. При их создании мы усердно работали над балансом низких частот и приданием звуку объема, а также выбрали древесину с выдающимися акустическими свойствами.

Динамики: HI-FI

Диапазон воспроизводимых частот: 20-20000 Гц

Сопротивление: 32 Ом

Тип подключения: проводное

Тип разъема: MINI-JACK (3,5)

Чувствительность: 108 Дб

О звуке
Акустические свойства древесины клена придают наушникам Galtree Muse панорамное звучание. Кроме привычного разделения по сторонам «лево-право», вы отметите также и глубину: кленовый корпус позволяет услышать, что одни инструменты находятся ближе и звучат громче, а другие – дальше и тише. Такой эффект делает звучание выпуклым и многомерным, что в полной мере ощутят ценители акустической и классической музыки

Galtree Muse имеют отчетливые глубокие басы и сбалансированно звучат на разной громкости. Наушники соответствуют требованиям к высококачественным портативным музыкальным аксессуарам и корректно работают со всеми мобильными устройствами, планшетами и ПК.

О материале
Корпус наушников Galtree Muse изготовлен из клена – материала, который традиционно используют для создания высококачественных музыкальных инструментов. Направление волокон древесины позволяет звуку распространяться с одинаковой скоростью вдоль и поперек, что и придает ему мелодичность и плотность в низких частотах. Это ценное качество клена делает его идеальным для изготовления дек виолончелей, контрабасов, скрипок, грифов гитар и корпусов барабанов.

О дизайне
Galtree Muse имеют минималистичный дизайн – мы назвали этот стиль древесным пуризмом. В работе с деревом мы стремимся проявить его природную красоту. В случае с кленом она очень элегантна: светлый теплый оттенок, деликатный рисунок и текстура. Кроме того, наушники Galtree Muse имеют нежные амбушюры из кожи, поэтому мягко сидят на голове и полностью изолируют от окружающего шума. Вы сможете наслаждаться музыкой на небольшой громкости и не вредить остроте своего слуха.

Как ухаживать за наушниками
Как и все деревянные изделия, наушники Galtree Muse не стоит подвергать активному воздействию воды. Мелкие брызги или туман не испортят их, но с прогулками под дождем рекомендуем не экспериментировать. Хранить наушники можно в чехле или коробке. В комплекте к ним прилагается специальная петля на кнопке, которая не позволит проводам запутаться.

О трех треугольниках
Так сложилось, что в различных духовных практиках звукам отведена важная роль: их часто используют для гармонизации пространства и души. Размышляя над этим, мы сделали главным выразительным элементом в оформлении наушников символ из трех треугольников – валькнут. Он дает понимание глубинной взаимосвязи и единства трех миров: мира богов, людей и духов. Мы верим, что Galtree Muse сделают вашу любимую музыку чистой и гармоничной благодаря энергетике дерева и этого древнего символа
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Wooden headphones Galtree MuseWe present to you our first model of headphones in the wooden case Galtree Muse. They are designed to maximize the natural sound of your favorite music. When they are created, we diligently worked to balance the bass and giving sound volume, as well as selected wood with outstanding acoustic properties. Speakers: Hi-fiFrequency response: 20-20000 HzImpedance: 32 OhmConnection type: WiredConnector type: Mini-Jack (3.5)Sensitivity: 108 Db About soundAcoustic properties of wood Maple attach headphones Galtree Muse panoramic sound. In addition to the usual separation on the sides of the "left-right", you check also and depth: Maple chassis allows you to hear that some tools are closer and louder sound, and others farther and quieter. This effect makes the sound of a convex and multidimensional that fully embrace the acoustic and classical music loversGaltree Muse have a distinctive deep bass and balanced sound at different volumes. Earphones comply with the requirements of high-quality portable music accessories and work correctly with all mobile devices, and Tablet PCS. About materialThe casing is made of Muse Galtree headphone Maple-material, which is traditionally used to create high-quality musical instruments. The direction of the fibers of the wood allows the sound to spread at the same speed along and across that and gives it a melody and density in low frequencies. This is a valuable quality of Maple makes it ideal for the manufacture of Dec cellos, basses, violins, guitars and drums Corps vultures.About the designGaltree Muse have a minimalistic design-we call this style of wood purizmom. In working with wood, we strive to demonstrate its natural beauty. In the case of Maple it is very elegant light warm shade, delicate pattern and texture. In addition, headphones Galtree Muse have a gentle ear pads of skin, so gently sit on the head and completely isolated from ambient noise. You can enjoy your music on a small level, and do not harm the acuteness of his hearing. How to care for your headphonesLike all wooden products, headphones Galtree Muse is not worth subjecting active water. Fine spray or mist will not spoil them, but walks in the rain, we recommend not to experiment. Headphones can be stored in the pouch or box. Complete special hinge attached to them on the button, which will not allow the wire to get confused.The three trianglesHistorically, in the various spiritual practices sounds has an important role to play: they are often used for harmonization of space and soul. Reflecting on this, we did a major expressive element in the design of the headphone symbol of three triangles-walknut. It gives an understanding of the deep relationship and unity of three worlds: the world of the gods, humans and spirits. We believe that Galtree Muse will make your favorite music pure and harmonious, thanks to the energy of wood and this ancient symbol
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

Wooden headphones Galtree Muse
Here is our first model of headphones in a wooden case Galtree Muse. They are designed for the most natural sound of your favorite music. When creating them we have worked hard to balance the bass and giving sound volume, and select the wood with outstanding acoustic properties.

Speakers: HI-FI

Frequency Response: 20-20000 Hz

Impedance: 32 ohms

Connection: wired

Connector Type: MINI-JACK (3,5)

Sensitivity: 108 dB

Personal sound of
acoustic properties of maple wood attach headphones Galtree Muse panoramic sound. In addition to the usual separation on both sides "left-right", you'll notice also depth: maple body, you can hear, that some tools are closer and louder, and the other - on and quieter.

This effect makes the sound convex and multidimensional, to fully enjoy the connoisseurs of acoustic and classical music Galtree Muse have the distinct deep bass and balanced sound at different volumes. Headphones meet the requirements for high-quality portable music accessory and works with all mobile devices, tablets and PCs.

About Material
headphone housing Galtree Muse is made of maple - a material that are traditionally used to create a high-quality musical instruments. The direction of the wood fibers allows sound travels at the same speed up and down, and that gives it a melody and a density in the low frequencies. This is a valuable quality maple makes it ideal for the manufacture of December cellos, double basses, violins, guitars and vultures corps of drums.

About design
Galtree Muse have a minimalist design - we call this style wood purism. In working with wood, we strive to show its natural beauty. In the case of the maple is very elegant: light warm color, delicate pattern and texture. In addition, Galtree Muse headphones have soft ear cushions made of leather, so gently sit on the head and completely isolated from the ambient noise. You can enjoy music at a low volume and not harm their hearing acuity.

How to care for headphones
Like all wood products, headphones Galtree Muse is not necessary to expose the active influence of water. The fine spray or mist will not spoil them, but with walks in the rain we do not recommend experimenting. Keep the headphones can be in a case or box. Includes attached to them a special loop on the button, which will not allow the wires tangled.

The three triangles
so happened that in the various spiritual practices sound has an important role: they are often used to harmonize the space and the soul. Reflecting on this, we have made a major expressive element in the design of the headphone symbol of three triangles - valknut. It provides an understanding of the deep relationship and unity of the three worlds: the world of the gods, humans and spirits. We believe that Galtree Muse will make your favorite music and harmonious clean energy thanks to the tree and this ancient symbol Includes attached to them a special loop on the button, which will not allow the wires tangled. The three triangles so happened that in the various spiritual practices sound has an important role: they are often used to harmonize the space and the soul. Reflecting on this, we have made a major expressive element in the design of the headphone symbol of three triangles - valknut. It provides an understanding of the deep relationship and unity of the three worlds: the world of the gods, humans and spirits. We believe that Galtree Muse will make your favorite music and harmonious clean energy thanks to the tree and this ancient symbol Includes attached to them a special loop on the button, which will not allow the wires tangled. The three triangles so happened that in the various spiritual practices sound has an important role: they are often used to harmonize the space and the soul. Reflecting on this, we have made a major expressive element in the design of the headphone symbol of three triangles - valknut. It provides an understanding of the deep relationship and unity of the three worlds: the world of the gods, humans and spirits. We believe that Galtree Muse will make your favorite music and harmonious clean energy thanks to the tree and this ancient symbol they are often used to harmonize the space and the soul. Reflecting on this, we have made a major expressive element in the design of the headphone symbol of three triangles - valknut. It provides an understanding of the deep relationship and unity of the three worlds: the world of the gods, humans and spirits. We believe that Galtree Muse will make your favorite music and harmonious clean energy thanks to the tree and this ancient symbol they are often used to harmonize the space and the soul. Reflecting on this, we have made a major expressive element in the design of the headphone symbol of three triangles - valknut. It provides an understanding of the deep relationship and unity of the three worlds: the world of the gods, humans and spirits. We believe that Galtree Muse will make your favorite music and harmonious clean energy thanks to the tree and this ancient symbol
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