Selling and buying foreign currency for local currency is usually carr перевод - Selling and buying foreign currency for local currency is usually carr английский как сказать

Selling and buying foreign currency

Selling and buying foreign currency for local currency is usually carried out in our country at bureaux ['bjV(q)rqV] de change which are also referred to as exchange bureaux, exchange offices, or sometimes simply exchange.

In foreign countries the trade in money with customers is usually carried out at bureaux de change, at the bank counters or travel agents’ offices.

The exchange rates for various currencies are determined by market forces and they change every day. The exchange rates for currencies sold and bought in bureaux de change, over the bank counters or of travel agents’, are only valid regionally. For amounts in excess of a certain sum sometimes special rate is set.

Here is one of many dialogues that is taking place in a bureau de change in New York:

Customer: could you change dollars into English pounds sterling?

Cashier: Certainly, ser. I’ll just check the exchange rates. How much would you like to change?

Customer: One thousand dollars. And what is the rate of exchange today?

Cashier: One dollar to seventy five pence.

Customer: And what rate can you offer for two thousand dollars?

Cashier: One dollar to ninety pence.

Customer: Oh, the difference is not very big. Change one thousand, please. Here is the money.

Cashier: Thank you. May I have your passport for a moment please? We are always to write down the number of the customer’s passport if we change one thousand dollars or more.

Customer: Here it is. No problem.

Cashier: Here is your passport. How would you like the money, sir?

Customer: Oh, give it to me in hundred pound notes, please.

Cashier: Good. One hundred, two hundred…seventy pounds, seventy five pounds.

Customer: Thank you. Good bye.

Cashier: Good bye, sir.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Selling and buying foreign currency for local currency is usually carried out in our country at bureaux [' bjV (q) rqV] de change which are also referred to as exchange bureaux, exchange offices, or sometimes simply exchange. In foreign countries the trade in money with customers is usually carried out at bureaux de change, at the bank counters or travel agents ' offices. The exchange rates for various currencies are determined by market forces and they change every day. The exchange rates for currencies sold and bought in bureaux de change, over the bank counters or of travel agents ' are only valid regionally. For amounts in excess of a certain sum, sometimes special rate is set. Here is one of many dialogues that is taking place in a bureau de change in New York: Customer: could you change dollars into English pounds sterling? Cashier: Certainly, SER. I'll just check the exchange rates. How much would you like to change? Customer: One thousand dollars. And what is the rate of exchange today? Cashier: One dollar to seventy five pence. Customer: And what rate can you offer for two thousand dollars? Cashier: One dollar to ninety pence. Customer: Oh, the difference is not very big. Change one thousand, please. Here is the money. Cashier: Thank you. May I have your passport for a moment please? We are always to write down the number of the passport customer's if we change one thousand dollars or more. Customer: Here it is. No problem. Cashier: Here is your passport. How would you like the money, sir? Customer: Oh, give it to me in a hundred pound notes, please. Cashier: Good. One hundred, two hundred ... seventy pounds, seventy five pounds. Customer: Thank you. Good bye. Cashier: Good bye, sir.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Selling and buying foreign currency for local currency is usually carried out in our country at bureaux [ 'bjV (q) rqV] de change which are also referred to as exchange bureaux, exchange offices, or sometimes simply exchange.

In foreign countries the trade in money with customers is usually carried out at bureaux de change, at the bank counters or travel agents' offices.

The exchange rates for various currencies are determined by market forces and they change every day. The exchange rates for currencies sold and bought in bureaux de change, over the bank counters or of travel agents', are only valid regionally. For amounts in excess of a certain sum sometimes special rate is set.

Is of one's Here MANY dialogues That is taking PLACE in a bureau de the change in the New York:

the Customer: Could you Into the change dollars English pounds sterling?

Cashier: Certainly, ser. I'll just check the exchange rates. How much would you like to change?

Customer: One thousand dollars. And what is the rate of exchange today ?

Cashier: One dollar to seventy five pence .

Customer: And what rate can you offer for two thousand dollars?

Cashier: One dollar to ninety pence.

Customer: Oh, the difference is not very big. Change one thousand, please. Here is the money.

Cashier: Thank you. May I have your passport for a moment please? We are always to write down the number of the customer's passport if we change one thousand dollars or more.

Customer: Here it is. No problem.

Cashier: Here is your passport. How would you like the money, sir ?

Customer: Oh, give it to me in hundred pound notes, please.

Cashier: Good. One hundred, two hundred ... seventy pounds , seventy five pounds.

Customer: Thank you. Good bye.

Cashier: Good bye, sir.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
selling and buying foreign currency for local currency is usually carried out in our country at offices and bjV (q) rqV) of change, which are also referred to as exchange offices, exchange offices, or sometimes simply foreign countries the trade in money with customers is usually carried out at offices of change at the bank counters or travel agents' offices.the exchange rates for various currencies are determined by market forces and they change every day. the exchange rates for the currencies sold and close in offices of change, and the bank counters or of travel agents', are only valid regionally. for amounts in excess of a certain sum. special rate is is one of many dialogues that is taking place in a bureau de change in new york:customer: could you change dollars into english pounds sterling?cashier: Certainly, ser. i'il just check the exchange rates. how much would you like to change?customer: one thousand dollars. and what is the rate of exchange today?cashier: one dollar to seventy five pence.customer: and what rate can you offer for two thousand dollars?cashier: one dollar to ninety pence.customer: oh, the difference is not very big. change one thousand, please. here is the money.cashier: thank you. may i have your passport for a moment please? we are always to write down the number of the customer 's passport if we change one thousand dollars or more.customer: here it is. no problem.cashier: here is your passport. how would you like the money, sir?customer: oh, give it to me in hundred pound notes, please.cashier: good. one hundred, two hundred...seventy pounds, seventy five pounds.customer: thank you. good bye.cashier: good bye, sir.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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