1. Сколько раз в день вы едите? 2. Дама сказала, чтоона никогда ничего перевод - 1. Сколько раз в день вы едите? 2. Дама сказала, чтоона никогда ничего английский как сказать

1. Сколько раз в день вы едите? 2.

1. Сколько раз в день вы едите? 2. Дама сказала, что
она никогда ничего не ест на завтрак. 3. Кого вы
пригласили на обед? 4. Мы основательно позавтракали.
Завтрак состоял из вареных яиц, сандвичей с ветчиной и
овошами, сыра, масла и кофе с молоком. 5. Я не люблю
жареную рыбу. 6. Вы уже обедали? У*нас хорошее кафе на
первом этаже, где качественное обслуживание и приемлемые
цены. 7. Садитесь, пожалуйста, завтракать, я
уже накрыла на стол.
8. Пить чай в 5 часов — традиция в
Англии. Многие пьют чай с молоком или сливками.
9. Американцы не любят готовить, но тщательно следят
за тем, что едят. Они стараются выбирать здоровую пищу,
едят мало мяса и рыбы, но много овощей и фруктов. 10. В
России хлеб очень вкусный, его едят с первым и вторым
блюдом, с колбасой, ветчиной, вареньем. 11. Я уже месяц
на диете. Все это время я не ем тортов, пирогов,
шоколада, пью чай и кофе без сахара. Мне это надоело.
12. Спасибо! Обед был прекрасный. А кто готовил салат?
Он нам очень понравился. Я бы хотела взять рецепт.
13. — Хотите есть? — Нет, спасибо. Я перекусил в студенческой
столовой. 14. Вчера я покупала много
продуктов. Неужели мы уже все съели? 15. Кто сегодня
будет готовить ужин? 16. — Вы пообедаете с нами? — Нет,
спасибо, у меня был перерыв с часу до двух, и я сходил в
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. How many times a day do you eat? 2. Lady said thatShe never eats breakfast. 3. Who are youinvited to dinner? 4. We thoroughly had breakfast.Breakfast consisted of boiled eggs, sandwiches with ham andovošami, cheese, butter and coffee with milk. 5. ya ne lyublyugrilled fish. 6. you've already dined? We have a good Cafe onthe ground floor, where quality service and reasonableprices. 7. Sit down, please, eat breakfast, Ialready covered on the table. 8. Drink tea in the 5:00 tradition inEngland. Many drink tea with milk or cream.9. Americans don't like to Cook, but carefully watchWhat eat. They try to choose healthy foodeat a little meat and fish, but a lot of fruits and vegetables. 10.Russia-bread is very tasty, it is eaten with the first and seconddish with sausage, ham, jam. 11. I have a monthon a diet. All this time I don't eat cakes, pies,chocolate, drink coffee and tea without sugar. I know I have.12. Thank you! Lunch was wonderful. And who prepared the salad?We really liked it. I'd like to hire a recipe.13. — want to have? "No, thank you. I ate lunch in the studentthe dining room. 14. Yesterday I bought a lot ofproducts. Surely we have all eaten? 15. who todaywill cook dinner? 16. — you will dine with us? — No,Thanks, I had a break from an hour to two, and I went inCafé.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. How many times a day do you eat? 2. The lady said that
she never eats nothing for breakfast. 3. Who do you
invite to dinner? 4. We thoroughly breakfast.
Breakfast consisted of boiled eggs, sandwiches with ham and
ovoshami, cheese, butter and coffee with milk. 5. I do not like
fried fish. 6. Have you already had dinner? * We have a good cafe on
the ground floor, where good service and reasonable
prices. 7. Sit down, please, to breakfast, I
have laid the table.
8. Drinking tea at 5 o'clock - the tradition in
England. Many people drink tea with milk or cream.
9. Americans do not like to cook, but carefully monitor
what is eaten. They try to choose healthy foods,
eat little meat and fish, but a lot of vegetables and fruits. 10. The
Russian bread is delicious, it is eaten with a first and a second
dish with sausage, ham, jam. 11. I have a month
on the diet. All this time, I do not eat cakes, pies,
chocolate, drink tea and coffee without sugar. I'm sick of it.
12. Thank you! The dinner was wonderful. Who prepared the salad?
He loved us. I would like to take a prescription.
13. - Would you like to have? - No thanks. I have a meal in the student
dining room. 14. Yesterday, I bought a lot of
products. Do we have all eaten? 15. Who today
will prepare dinner? 16. - You have lunch with us? - No,
thanks, I had a break from one to two, and I went to the
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. how many times a day do you eat? 2. the lady said that "she never eats breakfast. 3. who are you
invited to dinner? 4. we really had.
breakfast consisted of a boiled egg sandwiches with ham and
овошами, cheesebutter and coffee with milk. 5. i don't like - fried fish. 6. have you had lunch? "we have good cafe at
the first floor, where the quality of service and reasonable price". 7. sit down, please, for breakfast, i have already put on the table
8.drinking tea at 5 o'clock - a tradition in
england. a lot of people drink tea with milk or cream.
9. americans do not like to cook, but carefully watching
what they eat. they tend to choose healthy food, "eat a little meat and fishbut a lot of vegetables and fruit. 10. in
the russian bread is delicious, you eat it with the first and second
dish, sausage, ham, jam. 11. i'm a
on the diet. all this time, i don't eat cakes, pies,
chocolate, drink tea and coffee without sugar.i'm sick of it. "12. thank you! the dinner was excellent. and who made the salad?
we liked him very much. i'd like to get a prescription.
13. - do you want to eat? - no, thank you. i eat in the dining hall student
. 14. yesterday, i bought a lot.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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