Hello beautiful Anastasiya,Thank you for taking the time to read my le перевод - Hello beautiful Anastasiya,Thank you for taking the time to read my le английский как сказать

Hello beautiful Anastasiya,Thank yo

Hello beautiful Anastasiya,

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did reading your profile :). I think you have a nice selection of hobbies, also enjoy the cinema, most live performances and I have been looking for someone willing to go to watch a symposium preform would you ever consider it?

Again good call with the detective, crime and love that's a good combination we have two of the three in common can you guess what two? I also enjoy ready biographies on interesting people and sometimes inspirational and astounding stories.

Awesome I'm glad you are confident in the water, I'm not sure if you are used to the surf conditions we have in Australia, do you get much surf in the Ukraine or close by? sorry thats probably a silly question. None the less I spend a lot of time visiting various secluded creeks and lookouts over the water ways if you are into that as well?

Cheeky, is that a challenge haha "withstand your passion" I really like that! not only will I withstand your passion I'll encourage and motivate you to become more passionate over time I can only imagine it would be mutually beneficial for both of us :).

A little more about me I like to think I am a self made man, I have had help and guidance but Ive always had to seek it out and ask for advice. I moved out at 16 and put myself through high school after that I worked and like a party lifestyle going on regular road trips with mates and enjoying the freedom to explore. I started working at a zoo and developed my passion for reptiles that lead me on an adventure overseas spending a year working in the USA specializing in venom abstraction and care of venomous snakes. I have worked and trained with wolves, bears, Panthers, Tigers and bunch more animals. I spent time as a wilderness guide showing people wild Crocodiles and Alligators. I am currently working full time in construction (money is better the reptiles at the moment) while I finish my degree of Medicinal chemistry over the next 5 years part time, after this I will be applying for honors and then a PhD, So you could also say that I am ambitious and have some big dreams. The only thing I am missing is a good woman to stand by my side to indulge in the good times and to help grind through the toughest of times.

Which has brought me to the site I am looking for that one special lady that I cant live without. She will be my better half will make me want to be a better person and to succeed so that we can both share in the rewards. Do you think it could be you?

Looking for my Love
Richard xx
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hello beautiful Anastasiya,Thank you for taking the time to read my letter, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did reading your profile:). I think you have a nice selection of hobbies, also enjoy the cinema, most live performances and I have been looking for someone willing to go to watch a symposium 01 would you ever consider it?Again, good call with the detective, crime and love that's a good combination we have two of the three in common can you guess what two? I also enjoy ready biographies on interesting people and sometimes inspirational and astounding stories. Awesome, I'm glad you are confident in the water, I'm not sure if you are used to the surf conditions we have in Australia, do you get much surf in the Ukraine or close by? Sorry thats probably a silly question. None the less I spend a lot of time visiting various secluded creeks and lookouts over the water ways if you are into that as well?Cheeky, is that a challenge haha "withstand your passion" I really like that! not only will I withstand your passion I'll encourage and motivate you to become more passionate over time I can only imagine it would be mutually beneficial for both of us:).A little more about me I like to think I am a self made man, I have had help and guidance but Ive always had to seek it out and ask for advice. I moved out at 16 and put myself through high school after that I worked and like a party lifestyle going on regular road trips with mates and there the freedom to explore. I started working at a zoo and developed my passion for reptiles that lead me on an adventure overseas spending a year working in the USA specializing in venom abstraction and care of venomous snakes. I have worked and well-trained with wolves, bears, Panthers, Tigers and bunch more animals. I spent time as a wilderness guide showing people wild Crocodiles and Alligators. I am currently working full time in construction (money is better the reptiles at the moment) while I finish my degree of Medicinal chemistry over the next 5 years part time, after this I will be applying for honors and then a PhD, So you could also say that I am ambitious and have some big dreams. The only thing I am missing is a good woman to stand by my side to indulge in the good times and to help grind through the toughest of times. Which has brought me to the site I am looking for that one special lady that I cant live without. She will be my better half will make me want to be a better person and to succeed so that we can both share in the rewards. Do you think it could be you?Looking for my LoveRichard xx
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Anastasiya's beautiful the Hello, Thank The Following you for taking the time to up my letter-the read, hope you enjoy I of IT as with much as with DID I of reading your profile :). I of of think you have a the nice selection of hobbies, Also enjoy the cinema, are most the live Performances and I of have Been looking for someone Willing to! Go to the watch a Symposium of preform Would you the ever Consider IT? Again good call with the detective, crime and love That's a good combination we have two of the three in common can you guess what two? Also enjoy the ready I of biographies Free on interesting people and sometimes Do an inspirational and an astounding stories. The Awesome I of'm Glad you are confident in the water, I of'm not sure the the if you are USED to the conditions of surf we have in Australia, do you the get much of surf in the Ukraine or close by? sorry thats probably a silly question. I of the less See to None Spend a lot of time a visiting a secluded Various Creeks and lookouts over the water ways the if you are a well as with Into That? Cheeky, That is a challenge haha "withstand your passion" That I of really like! only I of will of not withstand your passion I of'll Encourage and to motivate you to Become more passionate over time I of CAN only imagine the BE IT Would Mutually Beneficial for Both of us :). A little more about me I of like to of think am I of the self made ​​a man, I have had help and guidance but Ive always had to seek it out and ask for advice. I moved out at 16 and put myself through high school after that I worked and like a party lifestyle going on regular road trips with mates and enjoying the freedom to explore. I started working at a zoo and developed my passion for reptiles that lead me on an adventure overseas spending a year working in the USA specializing in venom abstraction and care of venomous snakes. I have worked and trained with wolves, bears, Panthers, Tigers and bunch more animals. I spent time as a wilderness guide showing people wild Crocodiles and Alligators. I am currently working full time in construction (money is better the reptiles at the moment) while I finish my degree of Medicinal chemistry over the next 5 years part time, after this I will be applying for honors and then a PhD, So you could also say that I am ambitious and have some big dreams. Of The only Thing I of am missing is a good woman to the stand by up my side to indulge in the good times and to to help grind through the the Toughest of times. The Which has Brought me to the site I of am looking for That one's special lady That I of cant be the live without. She will be my better half will make me want to be a better person and to succeed so that we can both share in the rewards. IT you of think the Do the BE Could you? Looking for up my Love by Richard xx

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
hello beautiful Anastasiya,thank you for taking the time to read my letter, i hope you enjoy it as much as i was reading your profile:). i think you have a nice selection of hobbies, also enjoy the cinema, most live performances and i have been looking for someone willing to go to watch a symposium preform would you ever consider it?again good call with the detective, crime and love that"s a good one. we have two of the three in common can you guess what it is? i also enjoy excellent biographies on interesting people and sometimes inspirational and russian stories.that i "m glad that you are confident in the water, i" m not sure if you are used to the surf conditions we have in australia, do you get much more in the ukraine or close by? smart was a very rude question. none the less, i spend a lot of time visiting various beautiful creeks and lookouts over the water ways if you are into that as well?Cheeky, is that a challenge haha "withstand your passion" i really like that! not only will i withstand your passion i "ll encourage and motivate you to become more passionate over time i can only imagine it would be an mutually for both of us:).a little more about me i like to think i am a self made man, i have had help and guidance, but ive always had to seek it out and ask for advice. i moved out at 16 and put myself through high school after that i worked and like a party lifestyle going on road trips, and we will be and enjoying the freedom to explore. i started working at a zoo and developed my passion for reptiles that lead me on an adventure overseas spending a year working in the usa specializing in venom abstraction and care of venomous snakes. i have worked and trained with wolves Panthers, tigers, bears, and bunch more animals. i spent time as a prize and showing people wild crocodiles and Alligators. i am currently working full time in construction (money is better the reptiles at the moment) while i finish my degree of Medicinal chemistry over the next 5 years part time, after this i will be applying for honors and then a phd, so you could also say that i am the harbor and have some big dreams. the only thing i am missing is a good woman to stand by my side and featuring their own private in the good times and to help grind through the toughest of times.which has brought me to the site i am looking for that one special lady that i can"t live without. she will be my better half will make me want to be a better person and to succeed so that we can both share in the rewards. do you think it could be you?looking for my loverichard xx
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