15. Теперь же Анна, в надежде увидать Вронского, пожелала ехать. (Л. Толстой) 16. Левин любил своего брата, но быть с ним вместе всегда было мученье. (Л. Толстой) 17. Левин нахмурился и, не отвечая ей, сел опять за свою работу... (Л. Толстой). 18. Поговорив о своей старой гувернантке, о ее странностях, она [Кити] спросила его о его жизни. (Л. Толстой)19. «Дарья Александровна, — сказал он, краснея до корней волос (to blush up to the roots of one's hair), —я удивляюсь даже, что вы... не чувствуете этого». (Л. Толстой) 20.... она [Долли] не могла не говорить себе, что у нее прелестные дети... и была счастлива ими (in them) и гордилась ими. (Л. Толстой) 21. Он [Левин] сошел вниз, избегая подолгу смотреть на нее... но он видел ее... и не глядя. (Л. Толстой) 22. Она [Анна] плакала о том, что мечта ее об уяснении, определении (to be made clear and definite) своего положения разрушена навсегда. (Л. Толстой)23. Варвара Ивановна говорила, что чуть не убил ее народ за то, что она по-французски заговорила. (Л. Толстой)24. Солдаты ели, не обращая внимания на Пьера. (Л. Толстой)25. Получив приказание (orders), он... поскакал вдоль -линии фронта. (Л. Толстой)26. И Николай... стал рассказывать о возможности в весьма скором времени выкупить (to buy back) Отрадное. (Л. Толстой)27. Сказав с Карлом Ивановичем еще несколько слов о понижении (fall) барометра... папа... послал нас учиться (to our lessons). (Л. Толстой) 28....через несколько минут в доме все пришло в прежнее движение (to resume its former course), как будто никто не знал и не думал о том, что я сижу в темном чулане. (Л. Толстой) 29. Когда привезено было известие о взятии в плен Мюрата и штабные (the members of the staff) поздравляли Кутузова, он улыбнулся. (Л. Толстой)
Результаты (
английский) 1:
15. Now, Anna, hoping to see John wished to go. (L. Tolstoy) 16. Levin loved his brother, but being with him has always been torment. (L. Tolstoy) 17. Levin frowned and without answering it, sat down again for his work. (L. Tolstoy). 18. After talking about his old nanny, its oddities it [Kitty] asked him about his life. (L. Tolstoy) 19. «Darya Alexandrovna, "he said, blushing to the roots of your hair (to blush up to the roots of one's hair), I am surprised that you even ... don't feel that. " (L. Tolstoy) 20 ... She [Dolly] could not tell myself that she had adorable children. and was happy with them (in them) and proud of them. (L. Tolstoy) 21. He [Levin] went down, avoiding the long look at it. but he saw it. and not looking. (L. Tolstoy) 22. She [Anna] crying that her dream of understanding, defining (to be made clear and definite) of its provisions has been destroyed forever. (L. Tolstoy) 23. Varvara Ivanovna said that almost killed her people for what she spoke French. (L. Tolstoy) 24. The soldiers ate, not paying attention to Pierre. (L. Tolstoy) 25. After receiving the order (orders), he ... galloped along-front line. (L. Tolstoy) 26. And Nicholas ... told about the possibility of a buy out quite soon (to buy back) Welcome. (L. Tolstoy) 27. Saying with Karl Ivanovich several more words about lowering (fall) barometer. Dad ... sent us to learn (to our lessons). (L. Tolstoy) 28 ... after a few minutes in the House all came back (to resume its former course) as if nobody knew and didn't think about the fact that I'm sitting in a dark closet. (L. Tolstoy) 29. When brought news of the capture was captured by Murat and staff (the members of the staff) congratulated Kutuzov, he smiled. (L. Tolstoy)
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
15. Now, Anna, in the hope of seeing Vronsky, wished to go. (Tolstoy) 16. Levin loved his brother, but to be with him was always a torture. (Tolstoy) 17. Levin scowled, and without answering her, sat down again for his work ... (Tolstoy). 18. After talking to her old governess, her eccentricities, she [Kitty] asked him about his life. (Tolstoy) 19. "Darya Alexandrovna, - he said, blushing to the roots of the hair (to blush up to the roots of one's hair), -I am surprised even you ... I do not feel it." (Tolstoy) 20 .... she [Dolly] could not tell myself that she lovely children ... and was happy they (in them), and was proud of them. (Tolstoy) 21. He [Levin] went down, long while avoiding looking at her ... but he saw her ... and not looking. (Tolstoy) 22. She [Anne] wept that her dream made clear and definite (to be made clear and definite) its position is destroyed forever. (Tolstoy) 23. Varvara Ivanovna said that nearly killed her people because she spoke French. (Tolstoy) 24. The soldiers were eating, not paying attention to Pierre. (Tolstoy) 25. After receiving orders (orders), he ... galloped along the front-line. (Tolstoy) 26. Nikolai ... began to talk about the possibility in a very short time to redeem (to buy back) gratifying. (Tolstoy) 27. Karl Ivanovich said with a few words about lowering (fall) barometer ... ... Dad sent us to study (to our lessons). (Tolstoy) 28 .... a few minutes in the house all come to the previous movement (to resume its former course), as if no one knew, and did not think that I'm sitting in a dark closet. (Tolstoy) 29. When it was brought the news of the capture of Murat and the staff (the members of the staff) congratulated Kutuzov, he smiled. (Leo Tolstoy)
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
15. now, anna, in the hope of our vronsky, wished to go. (l). fat) 16. levin loved his brother, but together with him was always a heavy burden. (l). fat) 17. levin frowned and not replying to her, sat down again for their work.(l). fat). 18. talking about their old governess, its weirdness, it [back] asked him about his life. (l). fat) 19. "darya alexandrovna, he said, blushing to the roots of the hair to blush up to the roots of one's hair), i wonder evenwhat are you... don't feel it. (l). fat) 20. she [that] couldn't tell yourself that she's lovely children... and i was happy to them (in them) and was so proud of them. (l). fat) 21. he [is] has gone down,avoiding long look at her... but he saw her. and don't look. (l). fat) 22. [anna] crying about what the dream of her understanding, definition (to be made clear and definite their provisions destroyed forever. (l). fat) 23.varvara ivanovna said that nearly killed her people because she is french speaking. (l). fat) 24. the soldiers ate, not paying attention to pierre. (l). fat) 25. having received the order (orders), he...rode along the line to the front. (l). fat) 26. and nikolai... he told about the possibility of very shortly to buy (buy back) welcome. (l). fat) 27.carl ivanovic said a few more words about lowering the barometer (fall). dad... send us to (a)). (l). fat) 28 in a few minutes in the house came in the first movement (to resume its former course)like no one don't know and don't think about what i'm sitting in a dark closet. (l). fat) 29. when came news of the siege was captured мюрата and staff (the members of the staff) congratulated kutuzov, he smiled. (l). fat)
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