О́ксфорд (англ. Oxford — «воловий брод», «бычий брод», произносится [ˈ перевод - О́ксфорд (англ. Oxford — «воловий брод», «бычий брод», произносится [ˈ английский как сказать

О́ксфорд (англ. Oxford — «воловий б

О́ксфорд (англ. Oxford — «воловий брод», «бычий брод», произносится [ˈɒksfərd]) — город в Великобритании, столица графства Оксфордшир. Известен благодаря старейшему в англоязычных странах и одному из старейших в Европе высших учебных заведений — Оксфордскому университету. Все ведущие рейтинги учебных заведений Великобритании называют этот университет лучшим в стране; кроме того, он дал миру около 50 Нобелевских лауреатов.
Оксфорд стоит на берегу Темзы. Примечательно, что протекающий через город участок реки длиною в 10 миль принято называть The Isis. В 2008 году население составляло 153 900 человек, из них около 30 000 — студенты университета.
Оксфорд был впервые упомянут в письменном виде в «Англосаксонских хрониках» в 912 году. Тогда на его месте располагался монастырь St Frideswide’s nunnery.
В 1117 году был основан первый в Великобритании Оксфордский университет с целью дать священнослужителям более полное образование. Только при Генрихе II Оксфорд стал настоящим университетским городком.
В 1355 г. в городе произошёл погром в день Святой Схоластики, в результате которого погибло 63 студента, за что город в течение 470 следующих лет выплачивал университету символический штраф.
С расположенных в центре Оксфорда башни Карфакса и колокольни церкви Св. Марии открывается живописный вид на город.
Достопримечательности Оксфорда:
Крайст-Чёрч построен в 1546 году по приказу Генриха VIII. Это самый большой колледж Оксфорда. С момента основания колледжа в его колокол «Старый Том» («Old Tom») звонят каждый вечер 101 раз (по числу монахов-основателей); раньше это возвещало о закрытии ворот и призывало монахов вернуться на территорию колледжа. Часовня колледжа — Оксфордский собор (англ. Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford), самый маленький в Англии.
Колледж Магдалины (англ. Magdalen College, Oxford) основан в 1458 году одним из преподавателей Винчестерского колледжа. По традиции, каждый год 1 мая в 6 часов утрана верхней площадке готической башни этого колледжа хор поёт евхаристический гимн XVII века, послушать который на близлежащей улице собирается большая толпа горожан и туристов.
Из Университетского колледжа был отчислен поэт Шелли за безбожие; ныне ему здесь же воздвигнут памятник. Колледж основан в 1249 году. Корпуса XVII века в стиле ренессанс или поздней готики. Бодлианская библиотека была основана в 1598 году. Это самая крупная библиотека в Оксфорде, в ней 6 миллионов книг. Музей Ашмола основан в 1683 г. Это первый в Англии музей, открытый для посещения. Здесь можно увидеть произведения Леонардо да Винчи, Рафаэля, Микеланджело, Рембрандта и Констебля. В Cast Gallery можно увидеть 250 греческих статуй. Ботанический сад основан в 1621 г. Здесь изучали лекарственные растения, а также растения, имевшие научное значение. Розарий посвящён открывателям и исследователям пенициллина.
Не менее интересным местом для посещения может представиться Крытый рынок («Covered Market»). Он находился в центре города, под открытым небом. Являясь самым опасным с точки зрения санитарии местом, рынок должен был быть уничтожен, но в итоге власти решили, что целесообразнее будет переместить его в здание, что и было сделано в 1774 году. Сейчас там можно купить продукты, разнообразные товары и суверниры, посидеть в кафе.
Среди других известных музеев Оксфорда: Музей истории Оксфорда, Коллекция музыкальных инструментов Бэйта (англ. Bate Collection of Musical Instruments), Университетский музей Оксфорда.
В Оксфорде можно найти известные на весь мир пабы. Среди них особое место занимает открытый в 1650 году паб The Eagle and Child, известный тем, что там проходили встречи литературного кружка «Инклинги» (англ. Inklings), членами которого являлись Дж. Р. Р. Толкин и К. С. Льюис. Кроме того, необходимо отдельно отметить пабы Lamb and Flag (англ. Lamb & Flag (Oxford)), Turf Tavern (англ. Turf Tavern) (который в свою очередь известен тем, что там, в бытность учёбы в Оксфорде, проводил свой досуг Билл Клинтон) и др.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Oxford (Engl. Oxford — "Ford", "cattle Bull Brod, pronounced [ˈ ɒksfərd]) is a town in the United Kingdom, Oxfordshire. The oldest known thanks to in English-speaking countries and one of Europe's oldest institutions of higher education is the University of Oxford. All wheel drive ratings of educational institutions of Great Britain called the University the best in the country; In addition, he gave the world about 50 Nobel laureates.Oxford is situated on the banks of the River Thames. It is noteworthy that flows through the City section of the river 10 miles long commonly referred to as The Isis. In the year 2008 population was 153900 people, of whom approximately 30000 are students of the University.History Oxford was first mentioned in writing in "the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles" in the year 912. Then it was a monastery of St Frideswide's nunnery.In 1117, was founded first in Britain Oxford University clergy to give a more complete education. Only when Henry II Oxford became a real campus.In 1355, occurred in the town of St. Scholastica day massacre, which claimed the lives of 63 student, for that city for 470 years paid the University a symbolic fine.Located in the heart of Oxford to the Tower of Karfaksa and the belfry of the Church of St. Mary offers scenic views of the city.Attractions In Oxford:Christ Church was built in the year 1546 by order of Henry VIII. This is the biggest college in Oxford. Since the founding of the College in its Bell "old" ("Old Tom") is rung 101 times every evening (by number of monks-the founders); previously, this ushered closing the door and called on monks to return to the territory of the College. -Cathedral of Oxford College Chapel (Engl. Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford), the smallest in England.Magdalen College (Engl. Magdalen College, Oxford) was founded in 1458 by one of the teachers of Winchester College. By tradition, every year on May 1 6:00 utrana top floor Gothic Tower of the College choir sings the hymn XVII century Eucharistic, listen to that on the nearby Street going to a large crowd of locals and tourists.University College of the poet Shelley was expelled for impiety; now it here erected monument. The College was founded in the year 1249. The hull of the 17th century in the late Gothic or Renaissance. Bodleian Library was founded in the year 1598. It is the largest library in Oxford in her 6 million books. Ashmolean Museum was founded in 1683, is in England, the Museum opened to the public. Here you can see works by Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, Rembrandt and Constable. In Cast Gallery you can see 250 Greek statues. The Botanical Garden was founded in 1621 g. Here studied medicinal plants, as well as plants that took scientific significance. The Rosary is dedicated to otkryvatelâm and researchers of penicillin.No less interesting place to visit may be covered market ("Covered Market"). He was at the heart of the city, under the open sky. As the most dangerous in terms of sanitation, the market place was supposed to be destroyed, but in the end, the authorities have decided that the most expedient will move it into the building, which was done in the year 1774. Now you can buy a variety of products, goods and suverniry, sit in a cafe.Other notable museums in Oxford: Oxford History Museum, Bate collection of musical instruments (Engl. Bate Collection of Musical Instruments), the University Museum in Oxford.In Oxford you can find the world famous pubs. Among them a special place is opened in year 1650 The Eagle and Child pub, known for the fact that there were meetings of the literary circle "Inklings" (Engl. Inklings), whose members were j. R. r. Tolkien and c. s. Lewis. In addition, you must individually mark pubs Lamb and Flag (Engl. Lamb & Flag (Oxford)), Turf Tavern (Engl. Turf Tavern) (which in turn is known for there, when he was studying at Oxford, spent their leisure time, Bill Clinton), etc.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Oxford (Eng. Oxford - «ox ford", "ford bullish", pronounced [ɒksfərd]) - a city in the UK, the capital of the county of Oxfordshire. It is known for the oldest English-speaking countries and one of Europe's oldest institutions of higher learning - Oxford University. All the leading rankings UK institutions call this the best university in the country; In addition, he has given the world some 50 Nobel laureates.
Oxford is on the banks of the Thames. It is noteworthy that flows through the city section of the river 10 miles long called The Isis. In 2008 the population was 153 900 people, of which about 30 000 - university students.
Oxford was first mentioned in writing in the "Anglo-Saxon Chronicle" in 912. Then in its place was a monastery St Frideswide's nunnery.
In 1117 he founded the first University of Oxford in the UK with the aim to give priests a more complete education. Only when Henry II Oxford was a real campus.
In 1355, in the city there was a pogrom in the day of St. Scholastica, which killed 63 students, for which the city for the next 470 years, the university paid a symbolic fine.
With located in the center of Oxford Carfax tower and the bell tower of the church of St. Mary offers scenic views of the city.
Attractions Oxford
Christ Church was built in 1546 on the orders of Henry VIII. It is the largest college in Oxford. Since the founding of the college in his bell "Old Tom» («Old Tom») call every evening 101 times (the number of monks founders); Previously, it heralded the closure of the gate, and called on monks to return to campus. College Chapel - Oxford Cathedral (Eng. Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford), the smallest in England.
College Magdalene (Eng. Magdalen College, Oxford) was founded in 1458 by one of the teachers of Winchester College. By tradition, every year on May 1 at 6:00 am upper floor Gothic tower of the college choir sings a eucharistic hymn to the XVII century, which is to listen to the nearby street is going to a large crowd of locals and tourists.
From the University College of the poet Shelley was expelled for atheism; now it is also a monument. The college was founded in 1249. Corps XVII century Renaissance or late Gothic. Bodleian Library was founded in 1598. It is the largest library in Oxford, it 6 million books. Ashmolean Museum founded in 1683 is the first in Britain museum open to the public. Here you can see the works of Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, Rembrandt and Constable. The Cast Gallery you can see 250 Greek statues. The Botanical Garden was founded in 1621 where studied medicinal plants, as well as plants that had scientific value. Rosary dedicated researchers and discoverers of penicillin.
No less interesting place to visit can introduce Covered Market («Covered Market»). He was in the center of the city, in the open air. Being the most dangerous in terms of sanitation place, the market had to be destroyed, but in the end the authorities decided that it was preferable to move it to the building, which was done in 1774. Now they can buy food, a variety of goods and suverniry, sit in a cafe.
Other famous museums of Oxford History Museum Oxford collection of musical instruments Batam (Eng. Bate Collection of Musical Instruments), University Museum in Oxford.
At Oxford, you can find well-known to all world pubs. Among them a special place is open in 1650 pub The Eagle and Child, a well-known fact that there were meetings of the literary circle "Inklings" (eng. Inklings), whose members were John. R. R. Tolkien and CS Lewis. In addition, it is necessary to underline Pubs Lamb and Flag (Eng. Lamb & Flag (Oxford)), Turf Tavern (Eng. Turf Tavern) (which in turn is known for being there when he was studying at Oxford, spent their leisure Bill Clinton), and others.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
О́ксфорд (imp. Oxford - "воловии Brod", "bearish Brod", pronounced [ˈɒksfərd.) - the city in the UK, the capital county of Oxfordshire.Known for the oldest in the English-speaking countries and is one of the oldest in Europe higher education institutions - donating the university.All the leading ratings education in Great Britain is referred to as the best university in the country; in addition, he gave peace 50 Nobel laureates.
Oxford is the bank River Thames. It is noteworthy thatThat flowed through the city section of the river for 10 miles was known as the Isis Breast Pump. In 2008, the population was 153,900 people, of whom about 30,000 are students university.
Oxford was first mentioned in writing in the "Madness chronicles" in 912 year. Then in its place convent St Frideswide's nunnery.
In 1117, was based on the first in the UK University of Oxford with a view to give particulars a more complete education. Only when repealed II Oxford became a university town.
in 1355.In the city there was a pogrom in the day of St. proponent, which killed 63 students, for which the city within 470 the following years paid the university symbolic fine.
Located in the center with Oxford belfry tower Карфакса and the church of St. Mary's a beautiful view of the city.
attractions Oxford:
Christ Church built in 1546, on the orders Henry the VIII.This is the largest university college Oxford. Since the founding college in its bell "The old" ( "Old Tom") call each evening 101 times (on the basis of the number monks founding member);Earlier this old tradition of closing the gate and called for monks to return to the territory college. College Chapel, Oxford cathedral (imp. true Manueline art Church Cathedral, Oxford), the smallest in England.
College Sacre Couer (imp. Mаgdаlen College,Oxford) was founded in 1458, one of the teachers college grants probate. By tradition, each year, 1 May to 6 hours утрана top surface gothic tower the college choir sings in the hymn XVII century,Listen to that at the nearby street is about a large crowd new Yorkers and tourists.
from University College was dismissed the poet Shelley for godlessness; now he was here, altar monument. The College is based in 1249.The XVII century in the renaissance style or late gothic. Бодлианская library was founded in 1598 year. This is the largest library in Oxford, it 6 million books. The museum Ашмола founded in 1683.This is the first in England museum, open for a visit. Here you can see works of Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, and Constable. The cast Gallery you can see 250 Greek statues.The botanical garden is based in 1621. Here studied medicinal plants, as well as plants that have scientific value. Offering al fresco dining deals with openers and researchers antibacterial agents.
Not less interesting place to visit it may be an indoor market (the "Covered Market" ). He was in the heart of the city, under the open sky. As the most dangerous in terms of sanitation,The market was to be destroyed, but in the end the authorities decided that it would be better to move it to the building, and that was done in 1774. Now there, you can buy products, a wide variety of goods and суверниры,Sit down in a coffee shop.
among other well-known museums Oxford: The Museum of History Oxford, music instruments Бэита (imp. Bаte collection of CMJ instruments), Oxford University museum.
In Oxford you can find well-known to the whole world pubs. Among these, particular place is open in 1650, pub the eagle and child, a well-known fact that there were meetings literary circle "Инклинги" (engl. inklings),Members of the sponsored by J. R. Dr.. Wanderer s site and the. With the. Lewis. In addition, it is necessary to separately to note samba bands like and Flag (imp. Bands like & Flag (Oxford), Turf see more (imp. Turf See More) (which in turn is known for the fact that there,In Christianity student in Oxford, held their leisure time Bill Clinton) and others.
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