Системы электронного документооборота (СЭД) произвели подлинную револю перевод - Системы электронного документооборота (СЭД) произвели подлинную револю английский как сказать

Системы электронного документооборо

Системы электронного документооборота (СЭД) произвели подлинную революцию в работе с документами, помогая справиться со все возрастающими потоками информации. СЭД существуют уже два десятка лет, сегодня их количество перевалило за сотню. В Казахстане в этом секторе работает несколько десятков компаний, продвигающих западные продукты и собственные разработки.
СЭД — это специальное ПО, предназначенное для коллективной работы с документами в сетевой среде. Благодаря СЭД документы можно объединять в логические блоки, обеспечивая их архивное хранение и поиск. Базовой единицей является электронный документ. Но это не просто один файл, а совокупность файлов разного типа (составных частей документа), снабженная регистрационной карточкой. Такая карточка — неотъемлемый атрибут СЭД. Она содержит набор реквизитов, таких как название организации, вид документа, отметки о согласованиях и утверждениях, даты, адреса сторон и т. д., и позволяет регистрировать, идентифицировать и находить документ, контролировать исполнительскую дисциплину, отслеживать историю документа и архивировать его. Главная задача СЭД — управление полным жизненным циклом документа, начиная с его создания и заканчивая списанием в архив.
Как правило, СЭД состоит из двух основных блоков: статического (электронный архив) и динамического (документооборот). Первый блок обеспечивает первичную обработку документов (регистрация входящей и исходящей информации, поиск, составление отчетов), а второй — организацию информационных потоков, по которым проходят документы, контроль исполнения, групповую работу над документом и т. п.
Однако помимо базовых функций в современных продуктах в той или иной степени предусмотрено множество других полезных возможностей: потоковый ввод бумажных документов, ведение карточек документов (которые настраиваются в соответствии с требованиями организации), поддержка истории работы с документом (для учета обращений и подготовки отчетов), поиск по атрибутам документа и по его содержанию, разграничение прав доступа, маршрутизация документов по рабочим местам пользователей, интеграция с почтовыми системами, формирование отчетов, а также управление знаниями и деловыми взаимодействиями людей и защита документов с помощью шифрования и электронной подписи.
СЭД — проектные системы. И хотя существуют коробочные версии, содержащие базовый набор функций, для каждого предприятия, как правило, создается свое решение, учитывающее специфику его работы с документами. Главная особенность этих систем заключается в том, что в отличие от программ, ориентированных на автоматизацию конкретных подразделений (бухгалтерия, складской учет, кадры и т. д.), они решают задачи менее очевидные и более комплексные. С этим связана основная проблема этой области — руководители многих предприятий имеют слабое представление о преимуществах и специфике систем документооборота.
Внедрение СЭД затрагивает все уровни управления предприятием и призвано изменить сами способы управления. Руководители часто недооценив
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Electronic document management system (EDMS) made a real revolution in working with documents, helping to cope with the increasing flow of information. SED there for two decades, today their number has exceeded one hundred. In this sector there are several dozen companies promoting Western products and our own development.SED is a special software designed for teamwork with documents in a network environment. Thanks to the SED documents can be combined into logical units, providing them with archiving and search. The basic unit is electronic paper. But it's not just one file and a file of different type (document parts), fitted with a registration card. This card is an indispensable attribute of the SED. It contains a set of details such as company name, type of document, notes about agreements and approvals, dates, addresses, etc., and allows you to register, identify, and locate the document, monitor performance discipline, track the history of a document and archive it. The main task of SED-managing the full life cycle of a document from its inception to decommissioning in the archive.Normally SED is composed of two main blocks: static (digital archive) and dynamic (processing). The first unit provides primary processing of documents (registration of incoming and outgoing information, search, report writing), and the second is the information flows, involving documents, execution control, group work on a document, and so on. However, in addition to the basic functions of modern products in one degree or another has many other useful features: streaming input paper documents, card management documents (which are set in accordance with the requirements of the organizations), document history (for accounting applications and reporting), search for the document and its content, access control, document routing on jobs users, integration with email systems , reporting, as well as knowledge management and business interactions and document protection with encryption and electronic signature.SED — project systems. And while there are boxed versions that contain a basic set of functions for each company, as a rule, a decision that takes into account the specificity of his work with documents. The main feature of these systems is that unlike programs aimed at automating specific departments (accounting, inventory accounting, personnel, etc.), they solve problems less obvious and more complex. Related to this is the main problem of this area — the heads of many companies have little understanding of the advantages and specifics of document management systems.The introduction of SED affects all levels of company management and is intended to change the ways of managing. Managers often misjudging
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Electronic document management systems (DMS) made ​​a real revolution in working with documents, helping to cope with the increasing flow of information. EDS existed for two decades, today their number exceeded one hundred. In Kazakhstan, this sector employs several dozen companies promoting Western products and their own development.
EDS - is a special software designed for collaborative work on documents in a network environment. Through SED documents can be combined into logical units, providing them with archive storage and retrieval. The basic unit is an electronic document. But it's not just one file, and a set of files of different types (components of the document), provided with a registration card. This card - an essential attribute of the SED. It contains a set of details such as organization name, document type, the level of coordination and approval, dates, addresses of the parties and so on. D., And allows you to register, identify and locate the document, monitor performance discipline, track the history of a document and archive it. The main task of the SED - managing the full lifecycle of a document, from its creation to the write-off to the archive.
As a rule, the SED consists of two main blocks: static (electronic archive) and dynamic (document). The first block provides the primary processing of documents (registration of incoming and outgoing data, searching, reporting), and the second - the organization of information flows, involving documents, execution control, group work on the document, and so on. N.
However, in addition to the basic functions in modern products in one degree or another, a plurality of other useful features: stream input paper, card management documents (which are adjusted in accordance with the requirements of the organization), supporting work history with the document (for accounting and reporting of applications), search for the document attributes and its content, permissions, document routing of user workstations, integration with e-mail systems, reporting, and knowledge management and business interaction of people and the protection of documents with encryption and electronic signature.
EDS - system design. Although there are boxed version, containing a basic set of functions for each enterprise usually creates its decision, taking into account the specifics of his work with the documents. The main feature of these systems is that, unlike the programs for the automation of specific departments (accounting, inventory control, human resources, and so on. D.), They solve the problem less obvious and more complex. Linked to this is the main problem of this region - the leaders of many companies have little idea about the advantages and the specific document management systems.
The introduction of EDS affects all levels of business management and is designed to change the ways of managing themselves. Managers often underestimated
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The electronic document management system (EDMS) fired a true revolution in the work with documents, helping to cope with the increasing flow of information. EDMS there are already two dozen years,Today their number stood for their rating. In Kazakhstan in this sector is a few tens of companies, pushing western products and their own development.
EDMS - this is a special,Designed for the collective work with documents in a network environment. The EDMS documents can be grouped into logical blocks, ensuring their archival storage and search.Basic unit is an electronic document. But this is not just a single file, a file collection different types (parts of document), packed with registration card.This card is an integral attribute EDMS. It contains a set of credentials, such as the name of the organization, the type of document, the marks on the smooth introduction and allegations, the date, the addresses of the parties, etc. , and allows you to register,To identify and locate a document, monitor quality, to trace the history of document and archive it. The main challenge EDMS - management of the complete document lifecycle,Since its establishment and to decommission the archive.
as a general rule, EDMS consists of two main units: a static (electronic archive) and dynamic (workflow).The first unit provides primary processing of documents (registration incoming and outgoing information, search, reporting), and the second is the information flows, which are documents,Monitoring the implementation of, group work on a document, etc. ).
However, in addition to the system of basic functions in the modern products to a greater or lesser extent provided for a variety of other useful features, including:Streaming input paper-based documents, maintenance cards documents (which are configured in accordance with the requirements of the organization), the support of the work of the history of the document (for the accounting treatment and preparation of the reports).Search by attributes of document and its content, the distinction between rights of access, routing documents for jobs users, integration with the postal systems, generation of reports,As well as knowledge management and business interactions people and protect documents using encryption and electronic signature.
EDMS - project system. And while there are boxed versions,Containing the basic set of functions, for each enterprise, as a rule, is created its decision, taking into account the specific characteristics of the documents. The main feature in these systems is that,That, in contrast to the programs, action-oriented automation specific units (accounting, inventory, personnel, etc. ), they are doing the tasks less obvious and more comprehensive.Related to this is the main problem - the heads of many enterprises have little knowledge about the benefits and the nature systems workflow.
The EDMS affects all levels of management and the enterprise is intended to change how to control themselves. Managers often they waited too long
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