11) Успенский соборГде: ул. Лаврская, 9Главный собор Лавры. Восстановл перевод - 11) Успенский соборГде: ул. Лаврская, 9Главный собор Лавры. Восстановл английский как сказать

11) Успенский соборГде: ул. Лаврска

11) Успенский собор
Где: ул. Лаврская, 9
Главный собор Лавры. Восстановлен в 2000 году.
Почти тысячу лет назад на этом месте греческими мастерами был возведен величественный храм, ставший образцом для дальнейшей отечественной архитектуры. Много раз перестроенный, в 1729 г. он приобрел окончательный вид в стиле украинского барокко, но был почти полностью разрушен в 1941-м. В 2000 г. Собор был воссоздан в формах 18 в.

12) Трапезная церковь
Где: ул. Лаврская, 21-К
Своеобразный образец византийского стиля в барокковом ансамбле Лавры
В Трапезной церкви Киево-Печерской Лавры ныне проводят Богослужения с участием предстоятеля УПЦ Московского патриархата митрополита Владимира. Здание, возведенное в конце 19 в., внешне напоминает древние храмы Византии.

13) Музей исторических драгоценностей
Где: ул. Лаврская, 21
Здесь хранится самое известное ювелирное произведение в музеях Украины — скифская Пектораль
Это — самая большая коллекция драгоценностей в Украине. Сегодня ее изображение стало массовым тиражированным символом. В экспозиции музея — украшения времен Киевско-русского государства, украинских мастеров 17 в., собрание еврейских серебрянных культовых предметов, западноевропейское серебро 16—20 вв.

14) Церковь Всех Святых
Где: ул. Лаврская, 21-К
Каменная церковь, построенная в традициях народного деревянного зодчества
Храм построен в 1698 г. за деньги гетмана Ивана Мазепы в стиле украинского барокко. Здание имеет также другое название — церковь над Экономическими воротами, ведь к ней примыкают корпуса монастырской «экономии» — хозяйственного управления. Здесь в монастырь завозили продукты и строительные материалы.

15) Музей микроминиатюр
Где:ул. Лаврская, 21, корпус 5
Выставка микроминиатюр Николая Сядрыстого — популярная экспозиция очень маленьких произведений искусства
Здесь хранят самую маленькую в мире книгу, размер которой — полмиллиметра. А элементы представленных работ в 400 раз тоньше, нежели человеческий волос. Посетители любят рассматривать экспонаты через увеличительное стекло.

16) Крестовоздвиженская церковь
Где: ул. Ивана Мазепы, 21
Характерная украинская церковь начала 18 в., дошедшая до нас почти без изменений
Главное сооружение над Ближними пещерами, соединенное с ними. Особенностью церкви является то, что в ней сохранился пышный деревянный иконостас 1769 г.

17) Пещеры Киево-Печерской Лавры
Где: ул. Ближнепечерская
В рукотворных пещерах под землей хранятся мощи православных святых, слывущие как чудотворные
Лаврские пещеры — это система узких подземных коридоров между подземными храмами и местами, где хранятся святые мощи. Их высота 2—2,5 м, ширина 1—1,5 м. Они были прорыты монахами Лавры. Ближние пещеры находятся на глубине 5—10 м и имеют общую длину 383 м. Дальние пещеры — более глубокие, от 5 до 20 м, но короткие — 293 м.

18) Музей украинского декоративного искусства
Где: ул. Лаврская, 9, корп. 29
Большое и всестороннее собрание народного украинского искусства
Здесь представлены все виды народного искусства: вышивка, ткачество, ковроделие, керамика, резьба и роспись по дереву, художественное стекло, фарфор, писанки, декоративная роспись, иконопись, украинская одежда.

19) Музей Ивана Гончара
Где: ул. Лаврская, 19
Бывшее частное собрание советского времени, посвященное украинской истории и культуре
Музей специализируется на коллекционировании украинских народных картин в знаменитом стиле «Казак Мамай», а также икон, написанных народными мастерами. Также представлены полотенца, рубашки, верхняя одежда, ковры, гончарная посуда, детские игрушки, кафель, писанки, коллекция народных музыкальных инструментов. По научному подлинно воссоздаются традиционные украинские песни, праздники. На мастер-классах показывают, как расписывать писанки, изготовлять куклы-мотанки.

20) Церковь Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы
Где: ул. Лаврская, 25
Один из самых уютных храмов Лавры
Сегодня храм «закреплен» за Киевской духовной академией и семинарией, которая готовит священнослужителей. Это крайний храм Лавры, был построен в 1696 г. на деньги полковника Константина Мокиевского. За ним проходит монастырская стена. Ранее на этом месте была деревянная церковь.

21) Колокольня на Дальних пещерах
Где: ул. Лаврская, 25
Это сооружение — одна из достопримечательностей Киево-Печерской Лавры
Колокольня, высота которой — более 40 м, построена в середине 18 в. в стиле барокко. Она расположена рядом с церковью Рождества Богородицы и вместе с ней играет ведущую роль в архитектурном ансамбле Дальних пещер.

22) Монумент «Родина-мать»
Где: ул. Запечерная
Одна из самых больших статуй в мире. Стоит на музее, посвященном участию СССР и Украины как его части во Второй мировой войне.
Высота статуи «Родины-матери» от фундамента здания до кончика меча — 102 м (по другим данным — 108). Музей рассказывает об участии Украины во Второй мировой (в советские времена употреблялось официальное название «Великая Отечественная война»). Комплекс является характерным образцом советской монумента
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
11) the assumption CathedralWhere: St. Lavra, 9The main Cathedral of the Lavra. Restored in the year 2000.Almost a thousand years ago this place was erected a majestic masters of the Greek Church, which became a model for continuing domestic architecture. Many times rebuilt, in 1729, he acquired the final appearance in the Ukrainian Baroque style, but was almost completely destroyed in 1941-in 2000, the Cathedral was recreated in forms 18 in.12) refectory ChurchWhere: St. Lavra, 21-toAn original sample of the Byzantine style in the Baroque ensemble of LavraIn the refectory Church of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra church now hold worship services, with the participation of the head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Volodymyr. The building, erected in the late 19 century, resembles the ancient temples of Byzantium.13) Museum of historical treasuresWhere: St. Lavra, 21Here the most famous piece of jewelry is stored in museums of Ukraine — Scythian PectoralThis is the biggest collection of jewelry in Ukraine. Her image today has become a mass tiražirovannym symbol. In the exposition of the Museum — decorating times Kiev-Rus, 17 Ukrainian masters, a collection of Jewish silver religious objects, Western silver 16-20 centuries.14) All Saints ChurchWhere: St. Lavra, 21-toThe stone church, built in the tradition of folk wooden architectureThe temple was built in 1698 for money Hetman Ivan Mazepa in the Ukrainian Baroque style. The building has also another name — the Church over economic gate, because to it adjoin Corps convent "savings" — economic management. Here in the monastery of imported products and building materials.15) Museum of miniaturesWhere: St. Lavra, 21, building 5Exhibition of miniatures by Nicholas Sâdrystogo is a popular exposition of very small works of artHere are stored the smallest book in the world, which is half a millimeter. And elements of the submitted works in 400 times thinner than a human hair. Visitors love to examine exhibits through a magnifying glass.16) ChurchWhere: St. Ivan Mazepa, 21Typical Ukrainian Church began 18, dated to us almost unchangedThe main structure over the Near caves, United with them. A special feature of the Church is that it preserved the lush wooden iconostasis, 1769.17) caves of Kiev-Pechersk LavraWhere: St. BližnepečerskaâIn man-made caves underground relics of Orthodox Saints, as slyvuŝie-Caves of Lavra is a system of narrow underground corridors between underground temples and places where Holy relics. Their height is 2-2, 5 m, width: 1-1, 5 m they were dug by monks of Lavra. Near caves are located at a depth of 5-10 m and have a total length of 383 m Long cave is deeper, from 5 to 20 m, but short-293 m.18) Museum of Ukrainian decorative folk artWhere: St. Lavra, 9, korp. 29A large and comprehensive collection of folk artHere you can find all kinds of folk art: embroidery, weaving, carpet weaving, pottery, carving and painting on wood, decorative glass, porcelain, Easter eggs, decorative painting, icon painting, Ukrainian clothing.19) Ivan Gonchar's MuseumWhere: St. Lavra, 19Former private collection of Soviet time devoted to Ukrainian history and cultureThe Museum specializes in collecting Ukrainian folk paintings in the famous "Cossack Mamay", as well as icons, written by craftsmen. Also represented were the towels, shirts, outerwear, carpets, pottery utensils, children's toys, tile, Easter eggs, collection of folk musical instruments. On scientific truly recreated traditional Ukrainian song, holidays. The master-classes show how to paint Easter eggs to produce dolls-decoupage.20) Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin MaryWhere: St. Lavra, 25One of the coziest Lavra templesToday the temple is "pinned" for the Kiev Theological Academy and Seminary, which trains priests. This is an extreme Temple Monastery, was built in 1696, Colonel Konstantin Mokievskogo money. Behind him, runs the monastery wall. Previously on this site was a wooden church.21) Bell Tower on distant cavesWhere: St. Lavra, 25This building is one of the attractions of Kiev-Pechersk LavraThe Bell Tower, whose height is more than 40 m, built in the middle of 18 century in Baroque style. It is located next to the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin and along with it plays a leading role in the architectural ensemble of distant caves.22) monument "motherland"Where: St. ZapečernaâOne of the biggest statues in the world. Stands at the museum dedicated to the participation of the USSR and Ukraine as his part in the second world war.The statue "motherland" building from the foundations to the tip of the sword-102 m (according to other data-108). The Museum tells about the participation of Ukraine in the second world (in Soviet times, was officially known as the "great patriotic war"). The complex is a typical example of Soviet monument
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
11) Assumption Cathedral
Where: Str. Lavra, 9
main cathedral of the monastery. Restored in 2000.
Almost a thousand years ago at this place Greek masters magnificent temple was built, which became a model for the future of domestic architecture. Many times rebuilt, in 1729 he gained the final appearance in the Ukrainian Baroque style, but was almost completely destroyed in 1941. In 2000, the cathedral was reconstructed in the forms of the 18th century.

12) Refectory Church
Where: Str. Lavra, 21-K
peculiar pattern of the Byzantine style in the baroque ensemble of the monastery
in the refectory church of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra now hold services with the participation of the Primate of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate Metropolitan Vladimir. . The building, erected in the late 19th century, resembles the ancient temples of Byzantium.

13) Museum of Historical Treasures
Where: Str. Lavra, 21,
is stored here the most famous jewelry pieces in museums in Ukraine - Scythian Pectoral
This - the largest collection of jewelry in Ukraine. Today, its image has become a symbol of mass replicated. The museum - Decoration Times Kiev-Russian government, the Ukrainian masters 17, a collection of Jewish silver religious objects, West European silver of 16-20 centuries..

14), All Saints Church
Where: Str. Lavra, 21-K
stone church, built in the tradition of Wooden Architecture
The temple was built in 1698 for the money Ivan Mazepa in the Ukrainian Baroque style. The building also has another name - the Church of the economic gateway, because it adjoined the monastery housing "economy" - economic management. Here in the monastery of imported products and building materials.

15) miniatures Museum
Where: Str. Lavra, 21, Building 5
Exhibition of miniatures Syadrystogo Nicholas - a popular exposition of very small works of art
where you store the smallest book in the world, the size of which - half a millimeter. And elements of the works is 400 times thinner than a human hair. Visitors love seen through a magnifying glass exhibits.

16) Holy Cross Church
Where: Str. Ivan Mazepa, 21
typical Ukrainian church from the 18th c., Come down to us almost unchanged
The main structure of the Near Caves, connected with them. A special feature of the church is that it has remained a magnificent wooden iconostasis of 1769

17) Caves of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra
Where: Str. Blizhnepecherskaya
in man-made caves, underground relics of Orthodox saints, slyvuschego a miraculous
Lavra caves - a system of narrow underground corridors between underground temples and places where the holy relics. Their height of 2-2.5 m, width 1-1.5 meters. They were dug by monks of Lavra. Caves are located at a depth of 5-10 meters and have a total length of 383 m Far Caves - the deeper, from 5 to 20 m, but short - 293 m..

18), the Museum of Ukrainian Decorative Art
Where: Str. Lavra, 9, Bldg. 29
large and comprehensive collection of folk Ukrainian art
Here are all kinds of folk art: embroidery, weaving, carpet weaving, ceramics, carving and painting on wood, art glass, porcelain, painted eggs, decorative painting, iconography, Ukrainian clothes.

19) Ivan Honchar Museum
Where str. Lavra, 19,
the former private collection of the Soviet era, dedicated to Ukrainian history and culture
museum specializes in collecting Ukrainian folk paintings in the style of the famous "Cossack Mamay", and icons painted by folk artists. Also presented towels, shirts, outerwear, carpets, pottery, toys, flooring, painted eggs, a collection of folk musical instruments. According to scientific genuinely recreated traditional Ukrainian songs, holidays. At the workshops demonstrate how to paint Easter eggs, produce dolls motanki.

20) The Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Where: Str. Lavra, 25,
one of the most comfortable temples Lavra
Today the temple "fixed" for the Kiev Theological Academy and Seminary, which trains priests. This is an extreme Temple Monastery was built in 1696 on the money Colonel Konstantin Mokievsky. Behind it passes the monastery walls. Earlier this place was a wooden church.

21) The bell tower on Caves
Where: Str. Lavra, 25
This building - one of the attractions of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra
Bell tower, whose height - 40 m, built in the mid-18th century. Baroque. It is located next to the Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God, and with it has played a leading role in the architectural ensemble of the Far Caves.

22) monument "The Motherland"
Where: Str. Zapechernaya
One of the biggest statues in the world. It should be at the museum dedicated to the participation of the USSR and the Ukraine as part of the Second World War.
The statue "Motherland" from the foundation to the tip of the sword of the building - 102 meters (according to other sources - 108). The museum tells about the participation of Ukraine in World War II (in Soviet times was used the official name of the "Great Patriotic War"). The complex is a typical example of Soviet monument
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
11) the dormition cathedralwhere: ul. lavra, 9the main cathedral of the lavra. restored in 2000.almost a thousand years ago, the greek craftsmen built a grand temple, which is a model for the future of domestic architecture. a lot of times, in 1729. he has a final appearance in the ukrainian baroque style, but was almost completely destroyed in 1941. in 2000. the cathedral was re established in forms of 18 in.(12) the refectory churchwhere: ul. lavra, 21 - toa sample of the byzantine style in the барокковом ensemblein the refectory church of kiev pechersky laurels now conduct services with the participation of ukrainian greek federation, h. e. the moscow patriarchate of vladimir. the building, erected in the late 19th century, superficially resembles the ancient churches of byzantium.13) the museum of historical treasureswhere: ul. lavra, 21here is the most famous for the work in the museums of ukraine скифская pectoral crossthis is the largest collection of jewellery in ukraine. today, its image has become a mass тиражированным symbol. in the exhibition, museum of the times of kiev russian states, ukrainian masters of the 17th century, the jewish silver ceremonial items, western european silver 16th - 20th centuries.(14) the church of all saintswhere: ul. lavra, 21 - tostone church, built in the tradition of wooden architecturethe temple was built in 1698. hetman ivan mazepa for money in the style of the baroque. it is also another name for the church over economic gate to her hull. the monastery "economy - economic management. here at the monastery bring products and building materials.15) the museum of микроминиатюрwhere: ul. lavra, 21, building 5the микроминиатюр nicholas сядрыстого popular exhibit very little works of arthere are the smallest in the world of the book, the size of which is / 2 millimeter adjustment. and the elements of the works of 400 times thinner than a human hair. visitors like to display through a magnifying glass.16) крестовоздвиженская churchwhere: ul. ivan mazepa, 21the ukrainian church began in the eighteenth century, дошедшая to us almost unchangedthe main structure of fellow creatures caves, united with them. feature of the church is that it has a wooden iconostasis 1769).17), the caves of kiev pechersky laurelswhere: ul. ближнепечерскаяin man-made caves underground stored power of orthodox saints, слывущие as miraculousлаврские cave is a system of narrow underground corridors between the temples and places where a holy relic. their height of 2 to 2.5 m, width of 1 - 1.5 hours. they were прорыты monks laurels. near caves are located at the depth of 5 to 10 m and have a length of 383 metres. long cave is more profound, from 5 to 20 m, but
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