Дорогой Джон! Я очень рада получить ваш искренний ответ! Сейчас уже не перевод - Дорогой Джон! Я очень рада получить ваш искренний ответ! Сейчас уже не английский как сказать

Дорогой Джон! Я очень рада получить

Дорогой Джон!
Я очень рада получить ваш искренний ответ! Сейчас уже несколько раз его читаю! Спасибо тебе что ты нашел время и написал мне!
Мой дорогой, мне сейчас очень приятно писать вам ответ!
Да, я на днях зарегистрировалась на этом сайте с одной целью – создать семью с мужчиной, который с серьезными намерениями, хочу стать для мужчины поддержкой, верной спутницей!
У меня были серьезные отношения совсем не долго, мужчина не знал, что ему надо в этой жизни. Эта история закончилась очень быстро. На душе осталась пустота. Он много меня обманывал, я узнала об этом позже. У него была другая женщина. Боль и разочарование поселилось в моем сердце. Но спустя время я вновь увидела все краски мира, и собравшись с силами поверила в завтрашний день. Сначала это было не просто, но у меня получилось! Я мечтаю дарить любовь настоящему мужчине, который всегда будет поддержкой.
Когда-то я не могла поверить, что любовь существует. Но сейчас все изменилось.
Я не ищу здесь богатство и деньги. Поверьте, это далеко не самое важное в жизни. Главное то, насколько вам комфортно с человеком. А вместе можно добиться в жизни гораздо большего.
Я живу отдельно от родителей. Самостоятельно зарабатываю на жизнь. Но мне очень не хватает мужского сильного плеча. Я верю, что ты мужчина, который способен сделать женщину счастливой! Я очень хочу продолжить наше общение, ты мне очень интересен. Я не хочу растрачивать время на других мужчин, которые не серьезны в своем поиске.
Ты серьезный в своем поиске? Я буду счастлива если твой ответ будет да!
Мой дорогой, я с большим волнением буду ждать вашего письма!
С теплыми чувствами к вам

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Dear John! I am very happy to receive your honest answer! Now I read it several times! Thank you that you found the time and wrote to me!My dear, I am now very happy to write you a reply!Yes, I recently registered on this site with one purpose-to create a family with a man with serious intent to become a male support, faithful companion!I had a serious relationship is not long, the man did not know what he needs to in this life. This story ended very quickly. The soul was left empty. He cheated on me, I found out about it later. He had another woman. Pain and frustration settled in my heart. But after a while I saw all the colors of the world, and having gathered the forces believe in tomorrow. At first it was not easy, but I did it! I dream to give love a real man who will always support. I could not believe that love exists. But now everything has changed. I am not looking for wealth and money. Believe me, this is not the most important thing in life. The important thing is how you feel comfortable with the person. And together you can achieve in life much more. I live separately from their parents. To make a living. But I really miss the male strong shoulder. I believe you are a man who is capable of making a woman happy! I really want to continue our dialogue, you're very interesting. I don't want to waste the time of other men who are not serious in their search.Are you serious in your search? I'll be happy if your answer is Yes!My dear, with great emotion I'll wait for your letter!With warm feelings to you Aliona
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Dear John,
I am very glad to get your sincere response! Already a few times I read it! Thank you that you found time and wrote to me!
My dear, I am now very pleased to write you the answer!
Yes, I recently signed up on this site with one goal - to create a family with a man who with serious intentions, want to be men support faithful companion!
I had a serious relationship is not long, the man did not know what he wants in this life. This story ended very quickly. My heart remained empty. He has deceived me, I found out about it later. He had another woman. Pain and disappointment settled in my heart. But after a while I again saw all the colors of the world, and gathered his strength believe in tomorrow. At first it was not easy, but I did it! My dream is to give love a real man who will always support.
Once I could not believe that love exists. But now everything has changed.
I'm not here looking for wealth and money. Believe me, this is not the most important thing in life. The key is how much you are comfortable with the person. And together, you can accomplish in life much more.
I live separately from their parents. To earn a living. But I really do not have enough strong men's shoulder. I believe that you are a man who is able to make a woman happy! I really want to continue our dialogue, you're very interesting. I do not want to waste time on other men who are not serious in their search.
Are you serious in your search? I'll be happy if your answer is yes,
my dear, I have a great emotion will wait for your letter!
With warm feelings for you

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Dear John!
I am very pleased to receive your sincere response! It is now a few times his reading! Thank you that you found the time and wrote me!
My dear, I am now very pleased to write to you the answer!
yes,I just registered a few days ago on this site with one purpose - to create a family with a man, which with serious intentions, I want to become for men support, would share all Nicholas Roerich's aspirations!
I have been serious relationship is not long enough, a man who did not know that he must be in this life. This history has ended very quickly. The soul is emptiness. He says i have a lot, I learned of this at a later time.It was another woman. The pain and disappointment accommodated in my heart. But after time, I once again saw all paint operations, and meeting with the forces in the glorious tomorrow. First, this was not just,But I made it! I dream give you love this man, who will always support.
When i could not believe that love exists. But now, everything has changed.
I'm not looking for the wealth and money.Believe me, it is far from being the most important thing in life. Most importantly, as far as you are comfortable with the man. As well, however, can be achieved in life so much more.
I live separately from my parents. Self reincarnation to life.But I do not have enough male strong shoulder. I believe that you are a man, who is able to make a woman happy! I very much want to continue our conversation, you tell me it is very interesting.I do not want to waste time on the other men, who are not serious in its search for.
are you serious in his search for? I will be happy if your answer will be yes!
My dear, I have a great deal of emotion I will wait for your letter!
With the warm feelings to you
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