В Англии есть дети, которые не ходят в школу, а выбирают домашнее обуч перевод - В Англии есть дети, которые не ходят в школу, а выбирают домашнее обуч английский как сказать

В Англии есть дети, которые не ходя

В Англии есть дети, которые не ходят в школу, а выбирают домашнее обучение. Большинство родителей таких детей - учителя, но это не так важно, так как они пользуются интернет-школой. Интернет предоставляет возможность получать знания, проверять себя, готовиться к экзаменам. Различные компьютерные программы помогают им повторять материал. В Интернете десятки обучающих курсов, дети могут заняться курсом, который им нравится, и продолжать обучение благодаря новым курсам, предлагаемым университетскими профессорами. Однако многие учителя полагают, что самый большой недостаток такого обучения состоит в том, что дети привыкают к компьютеру и все больше общаются в Сети, играют в компьютерные игры, посылают SMS друзьям, реже встречаются с друзьями, так сказать, лицом к лицу. Ученые обеспокоены тем, что школьники проводят все больше времени за компьютером Но сегодня мы уже не можем обойтись без средств электронной связи
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In England there are children who do not go to school and choose home schooling. Most of the parents of such children-teachers, but it is not so important, as they use the Internet school. The Internet provides an opportunity to gain knowledge, check yourself, prepare for exams. Various computer programs help them repeat material. Dozens of online training courses, children can go on a course that they like, and to continue training with new courses offered by university professors. However, many teachers feel that the biggest drawback of such education is that children become addicted to computer and more chatting online, playing computer games, send SMS to your friends, are found less often with friends, so to say, face to face. Scientists are concerned that high school students spend more time on the computer but today we can no longer do without electronic communication
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In England, there are children who do not attend school, and choose home schooling. Most of the parents of these children - teachers, but it is not as important as they are online school. The Internet provides an opportunity to gain knowledge, to examine ourselves, to prepare for exams. Various computer programs to help them repeat material. On the Internet, dozens of training courses, children can take a course that they like and continue training with new courses offered by university professors. However, many teachers believe that the biggest drawback of this training is that the children get used to the computer and communicate more on the web, play computer games, send SMS to friends, rarely meet with friends, so to speak, face to face. Scientists are concerned that students are spending more time on the computer but today we can not do without the means of electronic communication
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
In England there are children who do not go to school, and have opted for home training. The majority of parents of children - teachers, but this is not so important, as they enjoy internet school.Internet provides the ability to receive knowledge, check themselves and prepare for the exam. Various computer programs help them to repeat material. The Internet dozens of training courses,Children can deal with course, which they like, and to continue training through the new courses, the proposed university professors. However, many teachers believe,That the biggest disadvantage of such education is that children accustomed to the computer, and the more you communicate on the network, play games, send an SMS with your friends, at least meet with friends, so to say,Face-to-face. Scientists are concerned that students will be escorted all more time on the computer but today we couldn't do without electronic means of communications
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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